No More Crappy Team Meetings!

Have you attended poorly executed meetings that lack purpose and waste people’s time?

Together we can change disability team meetings for the better!

Our new module “Team Meetings” will turn your meetings into organized, engaging, productive and fun gatherings that contribute to team development and success!

Upon successful completion of this module your team will be able to:

  • Host successful team meetings that are organized, impactful, engaging, productive, and fun.
  • Explain how great team meetings exchange information, discuss progress, and identify challenges and opportunities.
  • Run efficient and productive meetings that have a clear agenda, maximize participation, and build the capacity of team members.
  • Encourage collaboration, idea sharing, healthy conflict, and problem-solving in team meetings.
  • Apply strategies to address disruptive employees and manage difficult personalities, and other issues that can hijack a great team meeting.
  • Effectively follow up on meetings, close the loop on action items, build the capacity of team members, and successfully plan for the next meeting.
  • Explain what makes a brilliant team and how you can help to develop one.

Learn more about all of our modules here.

With Open Future Learning your staff can:

  • Learn values based practices from the most engaging thinkers in the field of developmental disabilities.
  • Learn in groups while using only one seat on your membership.
  • Use our Side by Side modules to learn alongside the people they support.
  • Save money on in person training costs and turnover.

Want to see how this can work for your team? Take a Zoom demo of our site and then have 24 seats to our site for one month. No obligation. No contract of use. No cost. Click here to schedule your demo.

Is this an institution?

If you can’t get up at 3 am and microwave yourself a burrito, you’re living in an institution. The burrito test is used by intellectual and developmental disability advocates to find out if a particular facility is an institution. Watch:

Want to see how Open Future can work for your team? 

Take a Zoom demo and then receive 24 seats to our site for one month. 

No obligation. No contract of use. No cost. Click here to schedule your demo.

Building Brilliant Teams

Help your team to develop purpose, commitment and trust. Help your team to be Brilliant. Brilliant teams help people to lead brilliant lives.

Designed specifically for team leaders the learning outcomes for this module are:

  • Explain what makes a brilliant team and how you can help to develop one.
  • Understand how a team can develop and commit to a purpose.
  • Understand the importance of trust and how you can help your team to build trust.
  • Explain how conflict can help your team to grow.
  • Explore how you can help your team to commit to as well as to be accountable for their actions and the results of their actions.

Learn more about all of our modules here.

With Open Future Learning your staff can:

  • Learn values based practices from the most engaging thinkers in the field of developmental disabilities.
  • Learn in groups while using only one seat on your membership.
  • Use our Side by Side modules to learn alongside the people they support.
  • Save money on in person training costs and turnover.

Want to see how this can work for your team? Take a Zoom demo of our site and then have 24 seats to our site for one month. No obligation. No contract of use. No cost. Click here to schedule your demo.