Presenter: Sarah Clayton
About This Video:
Sarah Clayton discusses the difficulties associated with providing 24-hour postural care along with the importance of nighttime care.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Peter Leidy
About This Video:
Peter Leidy sings 3 Days a Week about a person wanting a little more than an outing and a van ride three times a week.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Janis Swindlehurst
About This Video:
Janis Swindlehurst tells a story that demonstrates the need to use the experience and knowledge that parents have acquired.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Diana Kerr
About This Video:
Diana Kerr explains that people with dementia lose the ability to see things in 3D and the consequences that this may have for them.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
John shows us how to respect someone's wants and wishes in a balanced relationship.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Gary Kent
About This Video:
Gary Kent tells a story that illustrates the importance in truly getting to know the person you support rather than relying solely on the plan that has been set up for them.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
This film takes a fun look at some of the interactions that that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities experience in the community.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Nancy Shea
About This Video:
Nancy Shea explains how she changed her approach to holding team meetings by making them more person-centered and using them as a skill building function.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Gina Brelesky
About This Video:
Gina Brelesky explains that sometimes you need to see things from a different perspective to be able to move forward in a situation.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Ally Cox discusses a time when she went into a conversation with a staff member thinking it would be an easy, straightforward task, but turned into a difficult conversation.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Bob Fleischner
About This Video:
Bob Fleischner explains how supported decision making is a global concept being utilized by various countries and cultures.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Irene Tuffrey-Wijne
About This Video:
Irene Tuffrey-Wijne explains that although challenging, providing end of life care can also be a privilege that can lead to feelings of happiness and satisfaction for years to come, knowing that you did the person you support proud.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Jene explains how having a proper funeral, one that the person who has died would have wanted, can help the bereavement process, because it gives family, friends, and support workers the opportunity to say a proper goodbye.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Fionn and Jonathan explain how Fionn’s life is very similar to other people’s his age, but also, how in many ways, his life is better than most.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Gina Brelesky
About This Video:
Gina Brelesky talks about how all people have different perspectives and how this translates into people having a different idea of what a difficult conversation is.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Dave Hewett
About This Video:
Dave Hewitt explains why the word naturalistic is often used to describe intensive interaction.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Malia describes the challenges she faces in her roles as both parent and as a member of Cory's supported decision-making team.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Nancy Shea
About This Video:
Nancy Shea discusses how making a team meeting person-centered is more beneficial for the members instead of only the team leader running the meeting.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Beth Mount
About This Video:
Beth Mount explains that it is often those with the most challenging or profound needs who derive the most benefit from the personal attention that person-centered work brings.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Tyrone Towers talks about his experiences of his own circle to explain what makes a positive and constructive circle of support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: John Raffaele
About This Video:
John Raffaele shares a beautiful story to explain that a support relationship can be rooted in love, providing the head and the heart are in balance. John explains how the staff were able to ensure that a lady they supported had a proper eulogy and burial when it did not look like this would be the case.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Karyn Harvey
About This Video:
Karyn Harvey explains how everyone needs a sense of achievement to feel good about themselves and feel happiness.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Nancy Shea
About This Video:
Nancy Shea explains the importance of making an agenda prior to the team meeting, particularly with the use of technology, helps prepare the team members to have a more productive meeting.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Kate Fulton
About This Video:
Kate Fulton explores that to work alongside people and families in a meaningful and respectful way requires a significant shift in expertise.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: David Pitonyak
About This Video:
This film is taken from the module 'Jumping Into the Chaos of Things.' David Pitonyak explains why it is a natural response for the people we support to form strong feelings towards particular staff members.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Karyn Harvey
About This Video:
Karyn Harvey shares a story about a young man whose post traumas affects his behavior in present day.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 7 minutes
Presenter: Gina Brelesky
About This Video:
Gina Brelesky speaks about her personal experience of working for a supervisor who took time out to encourage her. This helped her in the way she supervises and supports team members that work for her.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Jaymie Estevez speaks about how her team originally was not getting the most out of their meetings. However, the team collaborated and came up with a way to address everyone’s concerns and how to follow up with them.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Nancy Shea
About This Video:
Nancy Shea shares her story of how she was put into a leadership role to help unify a team and build morale. She explains how getting to know each team member individually can help bring positivity to the team meetings.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Nancy Shea
About This Video:
Nancy Shea discusses how the way a challenge is presented to a team can result in them still feeling that they have a sense of control and ready to handle it.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Aimee tells us that though she has Down Syndrome, she loves being alive!
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Steve Dymond
About This Video:
Steve Dymond talks about what friendship means to him and why it is important.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Bernard Carabello
About This Video:
Bernard Carabello talks about the horrific levels of abuse that he and other people endured living at Willowbrook State School.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Isaac explains why support staff should learn with the people they support, by using the Open Future Learning Side by Side Modules.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Karyn Harvey
About This Video:
In this video, Karyn Harvey explains the various types of abuse and its prevalence in the field we work in.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Myles Himmelreich
About This Video:
Myles Himmelreich explains the need to understand and accept what a person who has FASD cannot do.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Nina Tame
About This Video:
Nina Tame shares a story to demonstrate what it means to her when someone asks about accessibility.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Nina Tame
About This Video:
Nina Tame talks about the importance of using the right language when speaking to or about disabled people.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Isaac and Marcus explain why acronyms and disability jargon are not needed.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Michael Kendrick
About This Video:
Michael Kendrick explains a time when a parent acts on her son's wishes in an unconventional, yet successful way.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Margaret Cushen
About This Video:
Margaret Cushen introduces the concept of active support. Active support is a person-centered approach that aims to build the relationship you have with the person you support, by supporting inclusion and control.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Margaret Cushen
About This Video:
Margaret Cushen explains how active support is based around the person's needs.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Julie Beadle-Brown
About This Video:
Julie Beadle-Brown tells a story that highlights the importance of active support and being actively engaged in activities.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Margaret Cushen
About This Video:
Margaret Cushen explains how participating in activities can build our sense of belonging in our community.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Marvin George explains how he helped find a way for an employee to adapt with a company whose needs were changing.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 7 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Rita Arnett explains that you have to adapt to the way you support someone as they age – you can’t expect to change the person, so you need to change yourself or the environment.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
A mother, Malia, explains a time when a very difficult, but necessary, decision had to be made.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Erica Streisslberger explains how important it is for support workers to understand the specific disability of the person they support in order to understand and support them more accurately.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Margaret Cushen
About This Video:
Margaret Cushen talks about what advocacy is not, and also reviews some different conflicts of interest that you may encounter during your work as an advocate.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Torie Robinson
About This Video:
Torie Robinson discusses the recovery period after having a seizure and how to support someone after a seizure.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Irene Tuffrey-Wijne
About This Video:
Irene Tuffrey-Wijne explains that there is no right or wrong way to grieve, but you need to have awareness and make space in your life for this and be kind to others throughout the grieving process.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Gary Kent
About This Video:
Gary Kent explains how in his 40 years of working in the field of disabilities, he is always shocked how often the people we support’s wishes concerning their death and funeral arrangements are overlooked, and not asked about until after it is too late.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Graham Firth
About This Video:
Graham Firth explains why intensive interaction may challenge preconceptions about age appropriateness.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Rita Arnett explains the importance of listening and adapting support to accommodate the changes that aging brings, so they can continue to participate in the things they used to, if they so desire.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Seth Keller explains how the stereotypes of both aging and having a disability have on people.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: David Pitonyak
About This Video:
David Pitonyak explains how difficult behaviors result from unmet needs.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Bob Fleischner
About This Video:
Bob Fleischner explains the importance of staff and support to restrain from imposing their own opinions and advice, but rather, let the person they support make their own decisions with guidance, unless serious harm or danger is at stake.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Yona Lunsky
About This Video:
Yona Lunsky explains how it is okay to take some time to grieve and feel sadness, but it is also important to find ways to recover.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Michael Kendrick
About This Video:
Michael Kendrick explains how what you see is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of people's true potential.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Myles Himmelreich
About This Video:
Myles Himmelreich explains an alternative way to understand the acronym FASD.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Ally Cox explains how to create an optimal environment to have an authentic conversation, and how this can be beneficial.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Joseph Macbeth
About This Video:
Joseph Macbeth and John Raffaele discuss the story of an ethical dilemma that challenged the relationship the support worker had between the person they supported and the organization that employed her.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger tells the story of a lady who enjoyed sewing and how someone came in and taught her that she wasn't who she thought she was.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Marcus explains to us that he is a disability support worker doing the job he loves and should not be considered an “angel” for doing it.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Joseph Macbeth
About This Video:
Joseph Macbeth and John Raffaele talk about the discrepancies that exist within the role of a direct support professional.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger helps us to think about the feelings people may experience towards the expectations of learning in sex education classes, when the very nature of their disability refers to the difficulty they have with learning.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Here, Anthony shares a poem he wrote about friendship.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Yona Lunsky
About This Video:
Yona Lunsky explains that it is our job to help both the person we support to develop a language to understand their own anxieties, while also helping the people around them understand that everyone’s experiences with anxiety are individual and unique.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Karyn Harvey
About This Video:
Karyn Harvey explains how she believes that women with disabilities have been overlooked and unrepresented and they deserve an apology, at the very least, as a starting point for change.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Aimee Althoff talks about some of the key principles that you will want to keep in mind when supporting someone through the process of applying and interviewing for a position.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Harvey Pacht
About This Video:
Harvey Pacht describes the different pieces of paperwork that will be needed to accompany a job application.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Gina Brelesky
About This Video:
Gina Brelesky explains how important it is to provide positive reinforcement to your support staff and how showing appreciation can go a long way.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Amanda Sawyer
About This Video:
Amanda Sawyer explains the importance of support workers to take notes when the person they support is taking medications, so they can share with their doctors that the medications are working or not working, as intended.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Christine Towers explains why making accommodations for the people you support during the ageing process is instrumental to their well-being.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
This video explains why some people who use a wheelchair think about using barbed wire on their handles.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: David Pitonyak
About This Video:
David Pitonyak explains why it is important to ask for permission before you start helping.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt
About This Video:
Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt talks about the importance of asking for permission when meeting with people and families affected by FASD.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Heather Hermans
About This Video:
Heather Hermans explains how important it is for support workers to feel comfortable, confident, and prepared to ask questions during health care professional visits, because if they don’t understand what is happening, how are they going to be able to explain it to the person they are supporting?
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Christine Lilley
About This Video:
Christine Lilley reviews the different aspects of brain development affected by FASD.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Simon Haywood
About This Video:
Simon Haywood discusses where and how he feels Asperger's Syndrome may fit into the autism spectrum.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Simon Haywood
About This Video:
Simon Haywood defines Asperger's Syndrome.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Angela Babcock discusses the steps on how to prevent aspiration.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Angela Babcock tells us a story about how a support workers’ attention to detail helped prevent further health complications, such as aspiration, for the person they were supporting.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Annette Dunnah shares a story about what can go wrong if support workers do not educate themselves on the specifications of a person’s diet. She also shares another story about how close monitoring can save someone from aspiration.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Peter Leidy
About This Video:
Peter Leidy explains that the world is counting on us to make it a better place, and with the help of mindfulness, we can become better people to do this.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger describes some of the assumptions that we make about community and the danger of thinking that community for people with disabilities means a community completely without other people who also have disabilities.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger speaks about the assumptions we make about friendships for the people we support. Dave explains how we have discouraged people with disabilities from being friends with other people who also have disabilities.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Sarah Clayton
About This Video:
Sarah Clayton explains how your body shape is affected by your sleep position and how body functions are also impacted by asymmetry. She goes on to discuss how early intervention is imperative when it comes to postural care.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Judith North
About This Video:
Judith North explains how difficult auditory sensory processing can be for people with Autism.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Simon Haywood
About This Video:
Simon Haywood explains how communication devices can help alleviate confusion or misunderstandings associated with the person's communication difficulty.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Simon Haywood
About This Video:
Simon Haywood reveals the mental health needs of people with autism.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Simon Haywood
About This Video:
Simon Haywood introduces how a diagnosis of autism is typically made.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Judith North
About This Video:
Judith North talks about three key strategies to be applied when working with someone with an autistic spectrum condition.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Simon Haywood
About This Video:
Simon Haywood explores the meaning of autism spectrum.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Judith North
About This Video:
Judith North explains what we mean when we use the term Autism Spectrum Condition as a frame of reference.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Simon Haywood
About This Video:
Simon Haywood talks about the strengths and special interests of people with autism.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Adele Mason describes how it felt to learn about her diagnosis of autism. She also gives an insight into how some of the social and sensory difficulties we have already touched on affect her day-to-day life.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
The people you support deserve autonomy and they should be supported to have that, as demonstrated in this video.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Dave Hewett
About This Video:
Dave Hewitt discusses infant communication development. Observe the fundamentals of communication in action - being actively rehearsed and learnt by the baby within the gentle, but dynamic, interchange.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Beth Mount
About This Video:
Beth Mount explains how person-centered planning was first established.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Irene Tuffrey-Wijne
About This Video:
Irene Tuffrey-Wijne explains the difficulties of delivering bad news and the importance of having a team together to help break bad news to the people you support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Jack Pearpoint
About This Video:
Jack Pearpoint describes the story of a lady who combined her skills, with the support of her circle, to find employment.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Rachel Wright
About This Video:
Rachel Wright explains how medical treatments and specialized care is an important part of caring for an individual with disabilities, but it’s also important to remember that they are a person who wants to enjoy their life as well.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Kathie Snow
About This Video:
Kathie Snow overviews some personal, social, and physical barriers to communication.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Harvey Pacht
About This Video:
Harvey Pacht explains the basic rights that people have.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Gary Kent
About This Video:
Gary Kent explains that a support worker should be a skills builder. They should not be afraid to ask questions to find out the best way to support a person.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Scott Doolan explains how you can be an advocate at doctor’s appointments for the person you are supporting and ways to engage with them.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Gina Brelesky
About This Video:
Gina Brelesky tells us about a past experience that helped her to learn to be open to growing, in order to excel.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Janis Swindlehurst
About This Video:
Janis Swindlehurst talks about her early experiences of being a parent of a child with disabilities.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Myles Himmelreich
About This Video:
Myles Himmelreich explains some background to the behaviors that a person with FASD may exhibit.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Kathie Snow
About This Video:
Kathie Snow explains why behavior is communication.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
This video helps to explain the importance of control.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger explains and provides examples that support the statement 'behind every problem behavior is a skill not yet learned.'
Subjects Covered:
Length: 6 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Isaac and Marcus share why being a disability support worker is cool.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Evelyn Perez talks about her experiences of becoming a parent of a child with disabilities.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Janis Swindlehurst
About This Video:
Janis Swindlehurst tells a story that reflects her experience of being a parent.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 9 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Rita Arnett shares a story about the importance of being an advocate for the person you support when accompanying them to the Doctors.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger tells his own story of being 'claimed.' This poignant and touching story highlights the need for every person to have someone who 'claims' them.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 10 minutes
Presenter: Janis Swindlehurst
About This Video:
Janis Swindlehurst shares her experience of being Danielle's mother.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Gregory Tino explains how to be friends with a non-speaker.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: David Pitonyak
About This Video:
David Pitonyak explains the importance of feeling needed, being able to contribute, and why we should help the people we support use their gifts, capacities, and skills to contribute to the larger whole.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 11 minutes
Presenter: Kate Fulton
About This Video:
Kate Fulton explores the art of being present and explains an example from her own life of when she was not present.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: David Pitonyak
About This Video:
David talks about how our tone of voice often changes when we are talking to the people we support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Dave Hasbury
About This Video:
Dave Hasbury emphasizes the importance of a relationship that makes sense to both you and the person you support, and the need people have to know they can trust and count on you to be there for them.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Kate Fulton
About This Video:
Kate Fulton provides an example that demonstrates how our values and beliefs affect the outcomes and quality of our experiences.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Beth Mount
About This Video:
Beth Mount explains one way of knowing if people truly belong to their community.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Lucy Golder talks about the various benefits and outcomes of intensive interaction.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Bob Fleischner
About This Video:
Bob Fleischner explains how the most important benefit of supported decision making is empowerment because the people we support come to understand that this is a process that allows them to make decisions about their own lives.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Marc Tumeinski
About This Video:
Marc Tumeinski explains the benefits of different valued social roles.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Gary Kent
About This Video:
Gary Kent explains how there is a need for bereavement training for support staff, so they are able help the people they support better, not only through death bereavement, but also through other forms of loss and challenges in their lives.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Karyn Harvey
About This Video:
Karyn Harvey tells us about a woman named Betty who praised people on who they were and not their behavior.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger explains why the reality of rights for the people you support is different from our own. He describes a piece of work that he carried out to help a group of people with developmental disabilities design their own bill of rights.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Karyn Harvey
About This Video:
Karyn Harvey explains how the brain operates when presented with trauma and how the brain changes when overcome by traumatic experiences.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Gina Brelesky
About This Video:
Gina Brelesky reflects on a conversation surrounding blame that could have been handled differently to allow for a better outcome.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger explains how most children develop a sense of body modesty, and how and why the people you support may experience difficulties or no understanding of such privacy or boundaries. As Dave explains, many people attribute 'a lack of inhibitions' as part of the 'disability,' instead of recognizing that we get what we teach.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger explains the need to be thoughtful about the boundaries you create when providing intimate care to ensure that privacy is achieved, in a not so private service.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger asks the question why do we take such great care in protecting our own boundaries, especially in intimate settings, but we do not think of the boundaries of the people we support when providing intimate care?
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger highlights the importance of boundaries and explains why they are important for everyone.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Annette Dunnah explains the importance of having a bowel management plan.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: David Pitonyak
About This Video:
David Pitonyak explains how often changes in people's behavior can be attributed to a breakdown in important relationships.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 6 minutes
Presenter: Sam Sly
About This Video:
Sam Sly talks about the importance of breaking down the task and risk, assessing each element separately.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Patti Scott
About This Video:
Patti Scott tells a story that expresses the importance of using the person's capacities and bringing value.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Christine Towers tells a story of an elderly man who moves to a colder climate and feels cold and alone. She goes on to explain that if his support workers had taken interest and looked at the man’s Life Story Book, they could have gotten insight about his past and used that information to help to make his feel warm and more comfortable in his new environment.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Michael Kendrick
About This Video:
Michael Kendrick tells the story of a man who used his capacities to create a micro enterprise.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Michael Kendrick
About This Video:
Michael Kendricks explains how people should look for the capacities of people and build on them.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: David Pitonyak
About This Video:
David Pitonyak provides some examples about how he builds relationships with people who are going through a difficult time.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Myles Himmelreich
About This Video:
Myles Himmelreich uses some of his own life experiences to highlight the importance of building a trusting relationship with the person you support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Margaret Cushen
About This Video:
Margaret Cushen explains why small interactions in community are so important.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Patti Scott
About This Video:
Patti Scott underlines that making introductions to new opportunities is highly reliant on a trusted relationship between you and the person you support and your ability to keep the focus on them. Patti goes on to tell a story as an example of a thoughtful approach to introducing new interests when the person you support is less certain.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Myles Himmelreich
About This Video:
Myles Himmelreich talks about his own life experiences and how he started mixing with some people who were not a good influence on him. He goes on to explain how he was able to move his life forward and make healthy friendships.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Margaret Cushen
About This Video:
Margaret Cushen describes her own experiences of bumping into people she knows from the past and explains how support workers can help people to build on such chance encounters.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt
About This Video:
Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt explains how she builds trust with the people and families of people with FASD that she works with.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Irene Tuffrey-Wijne
About This Video:
Irene Tuffrey-Wijne describes the importance of building someone’s background knowledge to help prepare them for bad news.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Aimee tells us how it felt to be bullied on social media for having Down Syndrome and explains how she dealt with the situation.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Lynne Seagle
About This Video:
Lynne Seagle explains what is the most important thing for a direct support professional to know before their organization’s mission statement.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Margaret Cushen
About This Video:
Margaret Cushen explores the problem of a neighborhood where 'nothing happens' and provides a positive example of how a woman created her own small contribution to her neighborhood, which built relationships and served to support her own passion.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Simon Duffy
About This Video:
Simon Duffy talks about the importance of the least restrictive practices. Simon reflects on a story that highlights this and the importance of representation and decision making.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Sue explains that although it is difficult to come to terms with the fact that someone you care about is going to die, it is important to try to focus on what their wants and desires are for their death, rather than trying to keep them alive.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Gina Brelesky
About This Video:
Gina Brelesky discusses how using the word “why” can cause people to become defensive, and how to rephrase questions to get a better response.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Simon Duffy
About This Video:
Simon Duffy explores the differences between 'caring' for someone and 'supporting' someone.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Louise Heatley
About This Video:
Louise Heatley explains that when the people you support are coming to the end of their life, the priorities in supporting them change and you might need to change the way you support them, so they can enjoy what time they have left to the fullest.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Fionn explains why you should know a person before accepting a friend request on social media.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Margaret Cushen
About This Video:
Margaret Cushen reviews some of the challenges of active support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Margaret Cushen
About This Video:
Margaret Cushen reviews some of the challenges of building community.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Judith North
About This Video:
Judith North talks about some of the challenges that people with autistic spectrum condition experience when their sensory processing is unreliable.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Graham Firth
About This Video:
Graham Firth introduces some of the potential challenges of applying intensive interaction in your workplace.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Sarah Clayton
About This Video:
Sarah Clayton touches on the importance of utilizing postural care, even if you believe it will have no impact structurally and discusses the importance of comfort.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Lynne Seagle
About This Video:
Lynne Seagle talks about the struggle disability services have with change.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Sarah Clayton
About This Video:
Sarah Clayton discusses the possibility of changing body shapes and outlines the gross motor function scale.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Sue explains that one of the struggles for support workers to cope with during end of life care is the seeing the shift in the person that they have been looking after, and the change in their role from being an enabler to a caregiver.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Rita Arnett tells a story that illustrates how people’s preferences might change as they age and how you can adapt your support accordingly.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: John Raffaele
About This Video:
John Raffaele explains the importance of understanding that documentation has changed from the days when the medical model was the norm. John goes on to describe a better way of documenting.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Gary Kent
About This Video:
Gary Kent explains why our support needs to constantly evolve alongside the lives of the people we support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Marc Tumeinski
About This Video:
Marc Tumeinski explains how SRV proposes that you can help to positively challenge and change how society perceives the people you support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Stuart Mills explains that you should never take things at face value and only rely on a person’s spoken word, but rather look at all the different ways people communicate to understand what they are trying to convey.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Jacqueline Hendra explains how a woman was able to take control of her support budget and was able to get involved in the community, by using her support hours in a more creative way.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Julie Beadle-Brown
About This Video:
Julie Beadle-Brown explains how to help people to maintain choice and control when doing active support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Gary Kent
About This Video:
Gary Kent talks about the importance of choice and control in relation to support budgets.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Julie Beadle-Brown
About This Video:
Julie Beadle-Brown talks about choice, safety, and active support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Heather Simmons
About This Video:
Heather Simmons explores the sharing of power between staff and the people we support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Julie Beadle-Brown
About This Video:
Julie Beadle-Brown explains some things to think about when someone says no when doing active support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Gary Kent
About This Video:
Gary Kent explains how he met a lady and noticed her Christmas list only had support service workers and doctors. He explains how she got more involved in her community and made more friends.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Patti Scott
About This Video:
Patti Scott explains that a circle is just about people having relationships. Patti explains that there are many ways that people may choose to involve others in their life, and it is likely that the person you support already has and uses other people to informally support their life.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Jack Pearpoint
About This Video:
Jack Pearpoint describes what a circle of support is and how it can work. By watching this film, you can begin to understand how a circle can be a remarkable resource to help the person plan, find, and maintain employment.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Patti Scott
About This Video:
Patti Scott explains that the members of a circle of support may ebb and flow in and out as the person's life develops and changes, depending on the role they are providing.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Patti Scott
About This Video:
Patti Scott explains how people can be invited to join a circle of support and highlights the importance of making an invitation that people can relate to.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Clara Berg
About This Video:
Clara Berg tells a story of acceptance.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Nancy Shea
About This Video:
Nancy Shea talks about how following up with agenda items that are spoken about in team meetings are just as important as creating the agenda prior to the meeting.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Beth Mount
About This Video:
Beth Mount explains how person-centered work can change the nature of the relationship between the person being supported and the paid worker.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Karyn Harvey
About This Video:
Karyn Harvey explains the trauma of being born addicted to cocaine.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Judith North
About This Video:
Judith North reflects on what it might feel like to spend a lifetime being seen as impaired.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Rachel Wright
About This Video:
Rachel Wright talks about the different types of technology available to people with profound disabilities and how to choose the aid that is best suited for the person.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Patrice Carroll describes the behaviors that occur as a result of heightened levels of anxiety in people with Prader-Willi Syndrome, which include black and white thinking, physical and verbal aggression, and skin picking.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Louise Heatley
About This Video:
Louise Heatley describes the difficulties in explaining death and its finality to people with disabilities.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Clara Berg
About This Video:
Clara Berg explains the importance of openly and honestly communicating with families.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Janis Swindlehurst
About This Video:
Janis Swindlehurst explains that the relationship you have with families is as good as your communication.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Janis Swindlehurst
About This Video:
Janis Swindlehurst explains how important it is to have open and structured communication with family members.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Rachel Wright
About This Video:
Rachel Wright discusses the ways her son communicates using nonverbal clues.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Alison Corp
About This Video:
Alison Corp shares a story about how a lack of communication caused an avoidable incident.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Kathie Snow
About This Video:
Kathie Snow provides some examples and concepts to consider when we think about when we communicate with the people we support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
This video explains the importance of communication when being intimate and the understanding of when to stop when necessary.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Simon Haywood
About This Video:
Simon Haywood explores how you can think about and structure your communication to develop the quality of the relationship you have with the people you support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Rachel Wright
About This Video:
Rachel Wright tells a personal story about learning to communicate with her son and discusses the importance of paying attention to the small things when it comes to communication.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger explains why he will not let people say that someone is non-verbal. Dave goes on to describe how a language dictionary or passport can help us to understand how people are communicating.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Brad Goldman introduces his manual communication board and electronic Dynavox communication device.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Adele Mason uses her own personal experience to offer advice on how to communicate with someone who has autism, which in turn illustrates the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Simon Duffy
About This Video:
Simon Duffy explains how becoming part of a community can be a messy and complicated process, but one that gives life purpose and meaning.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger uses his own experience to tell a personal story that illustrates how community and friendships bring safety.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 min
Presenter: Jack Pearpoint
About This Video:
Jack Pearpoint talks about the safety community brings and explains why it is not safe to be entirely dependent on paid support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Lynda Kahn
About This Video:
Lynda Kahn offers a definition of what community means to her.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Margaret Cushen
About This Video:
Margaret Cushen talks about community as a place where we belong and a place that adds meaning to our lives.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Beth Mount
About This Video:
Beth Mount uses this animated film to describe how she feels it is important to know as much about the community as we do about the person. Beth also begins to explore the many ways of gaining and recording this information.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Judith North
About This Video:
Judith North uses a story to explain how complicated it can be for people with autism to unravel social meaning.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
This video shows how equal choice in a relationship is important.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Steve Dymond
About This Video:
Steve Dymond talks about the importance of the people you support being able to advocate for themselves, to recognize and report abuse, and what it takes for those people to feel confident enough to be able to do so.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Simon Haywood
About This Video:
Simon Haywood explores why people's confidence and skills may be low, and what you can do to address this.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: John Raffaele
About This Video:
John Raffaele explores the importance of confidentiality when documenting.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Kate Fulton
About This Video:
Kate Fulton and Julie Ann Chapman set the challenge to see things from a different perspective, and more importantly, seek to understand it.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Kate Fulton
About This Video:
Kate Fulton and Julie Ann Chapman explain how conflict is inevitable and how different approaches can ensure that everyone is heard.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Bob Fleischner
About This Video:
Bob Fleischner talks about conflict of interest to be aware of when being a supported decision-making supporter.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Ally Cox discusses how conflicting perspectives can cause an argument and how to best approach the situation to avoid this.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
John shows us how in a balanced relationship, sometimes your own needs are put aside for the needs of someone else.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Monica Stannard explains how certain behaviors communicate feelings and the importance of consistency, by all support workers in dealing with these behaviors, gives reassurance to the person being supported.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Scott Doolan tells us a story about how missing the simple step of monitoring a person’s bowel movements turned from constipation, an easily preventable issue, to an 8-month long trauma for the person being supported.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 6 minutes
Presenter: Nancy Shea
About This Video:
Nancy Shea discusses how letting team members take ownership for the meeting agenda opens it up to creative ideas that the manager may not think of.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Simon Duffy
About This Video:
Simon Duffy expands on the subject of control, and the challenges and difficulties that may restrict people's rights to maintain control over their own lives.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Simon Duffy
About This Video:
Simon Duffy talks about the importance of control. Simon helps us make the correlation between some of the worst cases of abuse and an absence of control.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Gary Kent
About This Video:
Gary Kent tells a story that explains how smaller decisions can have a significant impact on the choice and control that people have over their lives.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Gary Kent
About This Video:
Gary Kent explains how to help people take control of their own support budget. He also explains how important it is to ask questions, teach skills, and give knowledge to support increased control.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Dave Hasbury
About This Video:
Dave Hasbury introduces how self-determination helps change the uneven balance of power many people experience.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Torie Robinson
About This Video:
Torie Robinson discusses the pros and cons of anti-seizure medication, including side-effects.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Jack Pearpoint
About This Video:
Jack Pearpoint expands on the importance of the person deciding who gets invited to a planning meeting, as well as the significance of giving people the time and space to speak for themselves during the meeting.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Christine Towers explains the importance of having conversations about aging with the people you support in order to adapt the way you support them, so they can maintain their independence while still receiving the proper support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Jene explains that although difficult, it is okay sometimes to give people permission to die when they have chronic discomfort, as it is a release for them to be free of the pain they were enduring.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Cory gives his firsthand experience with supported decision making.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger explains the term counterfeit criminality and how it impacts the people we support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 9 minutes
Presenter: Joanna Grace
About This Video:
Joanna Grace explains how you can create a sensory story.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Lynne Seagle
About This Video:
Lynne Seagle talks about her personal experience and feelings when organization’s request to come view how her organization is run. She offers advice but encourages them to create their own stories at their organizations.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Joanna Grace
About This Video:
Joanna Grace discusses the need to reduce processing choices due to the inability to process multiple senses at one time. She explains how people experience one sense at a time, which is often listening, while muting the other sensory experiences around them.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Lisa Meyhew-Edwards explains how vital it is to sit down and go over goals, assess, and customize the support and care that is needed when supporting a more creative approach to support funding.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Jaymie Estevez explains how she had a supervisor who was new to the role and new to the field and came across as being very critical. She discusses how those actions became detrimental to the team.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Beth Mount
About This Video:
Beth Mount explains how support staff can cross traditional professional boundaries and explore how much more of themselves they might want to bring into a relationship.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Clara Berg
About This Video:
Clara Berg uses her own experiences to demonstrate how different cultures understand disability.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 6 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Karleen Haines talks about ways to be prepared for a doctor’s appointment ahead of time to allow the person being supported to be comfortable and properly treated.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
A real reason disability services gave to explain why people can’t stay up late. Human services shouldn’t be a military occupation.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Fredda Rosen
About This Video:
Fredda Rosen defines customized employment and explains what makes it a truly person-centered approach.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Abby Schatten discusses how finding customized employment is not something that is typically advertised on hiring sites.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Aimee Althoff explains exactly how customized employment works.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Abby Schatten explains how customized employment is concentrated on jobs that typically do not exist.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Abby Schatten discusses how being in a customized meeting makes her feel and the joy it can bring to everyone involved because it focuses on the person’s skills.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Aimee Althoff talks about how customized employment can set up a person for success because they are able to negotiate certain needs prior to beginning employment.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Monica Stannard tells the story of the difficulty of explaining to her son, James, that his father has passed away and the inability of James to understand the concept of death and its finality.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Fredda Rosen
About This Video:
Fredda Rosen highlights some of the potential concerns regarding working for an employer for no pay.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
A real reason given to explain why people were not “allowed” to stay up late.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
This video gives helpful hints to make dating a success.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Jene explains that if you can come up with a plan to support someone through the process of dying, it can bring great comfort not only for the person who is dying, but also for the family and support workers involved.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 7 minutes
Presenter: Simon Duffy
About This Video:
Simon Duffy uses a story to highlight the importance of reviewing people's capacity to make decisions.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Annette Dunnah tells us a story about a person who was fearful of drinking water, due to previous aspiration, and ways her team helped her overcome the fear and prevent further complications from dehydration.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Diana Kerr
About This Video:
Diana Kerr defines dementia and introduces the different types of dementia and the affect they may have on different people.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Rita Arnett tells a story that illustrates that although people you support might not be as capable physically of doing what they once could, it is important to get creative and find other ways to keep them engaged in activities they enjoy.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Diana Kerr
About This Video:
Diana Kerr explains why you should and how you can bring joy, love, and relaxation into the life of someone with dementia.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Diana Kerr
About This Video:
Diana Kerr uses the story of Mary to review a range of strategies to help people with dementia who are experiencing a different reality.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 7 minutes
Presenter: John Raffaele
About This Video:
John Raffaele explains why he feels documentation has become demonized and how we can change the way we think about this part of our work.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Shineeca Mcleod explains how doctors can help people with disabilities understand their mental health illness and aid them in coming to the realization that they are still accepted by others, regardless of their mental health issues.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Yona Lunsky
About This Video:
Yona Lunsky explains how we don’t focus enough on the topic of suicide and how there is much more we could do to help people before or when they feel like living their life is not worthwhile anymore.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Sally-Ann Remnant
About This Video:
Sally-Ann Remnant explains the importance of accurately describing what you witness when someone has a seizure.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Sally-Ann Remnant
About This Video:
Sally-Ann Remnant discusses ways to prepare people for medical appointments and procedures to create a positive experience, so they may receive the most accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: David Pitonyak
About This Video:
David Pitonyak explains some different ways that you can help the people you support to develop self-confidence in social situations.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 8 minutes
Presenter: Joanna Grace
About This Video:
Joanna Grace explains how each person develops their senses differently and how everyone understands things on a different level.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Yona Lunsky
About This Video:
Yona Lunsky explains the importance of having someone to discuss how you are feeling in order to make the proper diagnosis, and to be cognizant that all people experience things differently.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Judith North
About This Video:
Judith North describes how a diagnosis of an autistic spectrum condition is made.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: David Pitonyak
About This Video:
David Pitonyak explains how the symptoms of health problems can be misattributed to the person's primary diagnosis.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 min
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Rita Arnett tells a story that reminds us that we need to rule out everything before we assume that new behaviors are just the side effect or result of their disability, because it could be something treatable and fixable that you are missing.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Annette Dunnah explains what diagnostic overshadowing is and how to prevent this from occurring through advocacy.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Ally Cox discusses how each person has a different perspective and how to avoid arguments and have a productive conversation, regardless of a difference of opinion.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Clara Berg
About This Video:
Clara Berg shares some thoughts on how to ensure families and support staff have a successful relationship.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Peter Leidy
About This Video:
Peter Leidy suggests that in some instances we may cause a behavior problem. Peter explores the different standards that are often expected fof the people we support. Peter also asks why we use different words for the people we support than we use in our own lives.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Isaac acts out different types of support workers.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Karyn Harvey
About This Video:
Karyn Harvey explains the different types of traumas and how many small amounts of trauma can have the same effects as one large amount of trauma.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Clara Berg
About This Video:
Clara Berg says that she is not a difficult family, but a family with difficulties.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Janis Swindlehurst
About This Video:
Janis Swindlehurst provides a fascinating answer to the question, 'Are you a difficult family'?
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Bob Fleischner
About This Video:
Bob Fleischner tells a story of a young man who is given the opportunity and dignity to make his own decisions, although being advised otherwise by his supported decision-making team.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Simon Duffy
About This Video:
Simon Duffy introduces the importance of direction in our lives.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Nina Tame
About This Video:
Nina Tame speaks about the social model of disability.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Isaac and Marcus poke fun at how disability workers can be hypocritical.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Isaac and Marcus show us the funny side of disability service providers.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Isaac and Marcus show us why disability services are so funny.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Nina Tame
About This Video:
Nina Tame explains why the word disabled is not a bad word.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Kevin Crooks explains how he sets up a meeting with him, his staff, the job seekers, and the family members after the discovery process, to go over what they have learned and make a list of potential employers.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Richard delivers the message that it not okay to pity, patronize, point, or shout at people with a disability, as it makes them feel stupid and disrespected.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger explains the importance of acting like an adult at work and although you may be angry or frustrated, you need to put your negative feelings and emotions aside when supporting someone.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: John Raffaele
About This Video:
John Raffaele explains the importance of creating accurate documentation.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: John Raffaele
About This Video:
John Raffaele shares a story that demonstrates the importance of accuracy and clarity when completing documentation.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: John Raffaele
About This Video:
John Raffaele explains the importance of handwriting and provides some suggestions to help those who struggle with this part of their role.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: John Raffaele
About This Video:
John Raffaele tells the story of a staff team who through good documentation were able to protect the person they supported from a potentially abusive situation.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: John Raffaele
About This Video:
John Raffaele uses the example of completing bowl charts to explain why documentation needs to be completed sensitively.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: John Raffaele
About This Video:
John Raffaele introduces the concept of partnership documentation and the need for support staff to document with and alongside the people they support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Judith North
About This Video:
Judith North talks about the gift of a diagnosis but highlights that there are many things a diagnosis does not do.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Margaret Cushen
About This Video:
Margaret Cushen explores the difference between doing things with people instead of for them.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Rachel Wright
About This Video:
Rachel Wright discusses the importance of including the person you are providing care for, although it may be easier to “do for.”
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: David Pitonyak
About This Video:
In this film, taken from the module 'Jumping Into the Chaos of Things', David Pitonyak describes the importance of giving someone space when they are going through a difficult time.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Janice Bartley
About This Video:
Janice Bartley talks about her own experiences of people who talk over and around her.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
We created this film to start a conversation about the complicated work of direct support professionals. They often have, literally, people's lives in their watch and often have to contend with rights-restrictive planning. Please do not be offended by this, but let it create a deep look into how we can be EQUAL and SAFE and RESPECTFUL.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Michael Kendrick
About This Video:
Michael Kendrick explains that through supported decision making we can unlock the true potential of people.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger uses the story of Doris to explain how brutally honest we are with the people we support, and how we say things to the people we support that we would never say to our friends, family, and work colleagues.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Patti Scott
About This Video:
Doug Smith, with the help of Patti Scott, talks about his life and how his circle of support has helped him. This film highlights the innate need that we all share to have people in our lives.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Gary Kent
About This Video:
Gary Kent talks about down syndrome and dementia and why it is important to recognize the early stages of the disease.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Patti Scott
About This Video:
Patti Scott describes how drawing or graphic facilitation can support organizations to keep closer to their own plans.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hasbury
About This Video:
Dave Hasbury explains how drawing or graphic facilitation can support creativity to help to enable change.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hasbury
About This Video:
Dave Hasbury explains how drawing or graphic facilitation can help to provide a reference point to the work we do with people.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 6 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hasbury
About This Video:
Dave Hasbury describes how drawing or graphic facilitation supports a public commitment.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hasbury
About This Video:
Dave Hasbury describes an example to demonstrate how drawing or graphic facilitation can be used to start supportive conversations with others.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hasbury
About This Video:
Dave Hasbury explains how drawing or graphic facilitation can support a more creative approach to planning.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hasbury
About This Video:
Dave Hasbury explains how drawing and graphic facilitation helps people to be heard and to see what was heard, and how it was understood.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hasbury
About This Video:
Dave Hasbury explains how visuals are a natural and essential piece of planning.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: David Pitonyak
About This Video:
David Pitonyak uses this animated film to explain that often the people we support are terrified, and we barely seem to notice.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Steve Dymond
About This Video:
Steve Dymond explains what "easy read" information is and describes how it can be used.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Joseph Macbeth
About This Video:
Joseph Macbeth tells the story of Ed and how he was supported to advocate for himself and manage the potential risks, so that he could move into his own home.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Kathie Snow
About This Video:
Kathie Snow tells a story about the importance of following the lead of the person you support and ensuring that you clarify what they are communicating to you, to avoid miscommunications.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 7 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Rachel Pollock explains the research that her organization, Job Path, conducted demonstrating that people supported by the customized approach were more likely to keep their paid positions and need less support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Rita Arnett talks about the changes people experience as they grow older and how we can be mindful of these changes and support people accordingly.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Ian Davies explains that although he never really thought about it before, he realizes now that he is getting older and things like his hearing are changing and he needs more support now than ever.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Fionn and Jonathan explain why someone with Down syndrome might run away. Although this can be scary, their interest in the world and desire to learn new things, without fears and apprehension, should be appreciated.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Fionn tells us how important it is to be careful on the internet and to be cautious about what you share.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Margaret Cushen
About This Video:
Margaret Cushen explains how to embed active support into your workplace.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger talks about how we can help people to embrace their disability and to develop honest, healthy self-esteem.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 6 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Christine Towers shares two stories that illustrate the importance of having a plan in place in case an emergency arises, and also what can go wrong if a plan is not in place.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Jack Pearpoint
About This Video:
Jack Pearpoint tells the story of a man who started his own small business by helping others with their shopping needs. The business gave this man a form of paid work, served his needs to positively occupy his spare time, and, in turn, created a powerful way to network with, and contribute to, the community.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Aimee Althoff discusses how families can be involved in the customized employment process.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Steve Dymond
About This Video:
Steve Dymond talks about how his own work experiences, as co-chair of the Cornwall Learning Disability Partnership Board and Chairman of Cornwall People First, have helped him make friends with many different people.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Aimee Althoff talks about how important employment matchmaking is for both the job seeker and the employer.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Atiba T. Edwards tells us a story of the time when Christian Baptiste was able to help console a parent who was having a bad day.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Rachel Wright
About This Video:
Rachel Wright tells us how someone with complex needs may not be able to communicate to change their environment and discusses the importance of the individual having the ability to make choices.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Richard explains what a good opportunity it is to know when someone is dying, so you can spend time and support them in their final days.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Karyn Harvey
About This Video:
Karyn Harvey explains the importance of engagement in activities for a person's happiness and well-being.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: David Pitonyak
About This Video:
David Pitonyak describes how for some it is almost as if their problem behaviors are designed for others to be able to see them.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Marc Tumeinski
About This Video:
Marc Tumeinski explains in more detail, and by example, some different competencies that are fundamentally important to the maintenance of valued social roles. It is useful to consider that, as Marc explains, not all valued roles require high levels of competency.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Marc Tumeinski
About This Video:
Marc Tumeinski introduces the importance of enhancing the image of the people you support, so that they may be positively perceived.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Rachel Wright
About This Video:
Rachel Wright discusses the importance of recognizing the person and not just seeing a list of tasks.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Maria Hodermarska
About This Video:
Maria Hodermarska explains some of the challenges she faced as a parent entering the world of services.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Angela Babcock explains the importance of knowing what a seizure looks like for the person being supported, and how to monitor and treat them.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Angela Babcock shares a story about how advocacy by a support worker helped save a patient who was originally given an incorrect diagnosis.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Torie Robinson
About This Video:
Torie Robinson discusses constipation and the importance of identifying if constipation is due to medication, anxiety, or another health-related issue, in order to provide a better quality of life for the person.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Torie Robinson
About This Video:
Torie Robinson explains some of the restrictions surrounding employment when having epilepsy and how to manage expectations while focusing on where someone can excel.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Torie Robinson
About This Video:
Torie Robinson details the high rate of mental illness amongst people with epilepsy and the importance of addressing mental health.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Torie Robinson
About This Video:
Torie Robison discusses the importance of quality of life and creating a balance between the frequency of seizures and the side effects of medications.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Sally-Ann Remnant
About This Video:
Sally-Ann Remnant discusses the importance of a written care plan with detailed information, including a description of an individual’s seizures, and the importance of including the length of seizure and recovery details.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Sally-Ann Remnant
About This Video:
Sally-Ann Remnant discusses the importance of knowing the person you support and having knowledge of their medications.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Torie Robinson
About This Video:
Torie Robinson gives a personal overview of the side effects of anti-seizure medications.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Angela Babcock shares a story about knowing the person they support’s story and how it helped improve the quality of life for them.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
People with disabilities are fully human and equally sexual.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Rita Arnett tells a story about a woman who passed away and no one asked the woman what she wanted for her death. Rita explains that these conversations are important to have before it is too late, so you can give the people you support what they wish upon their death.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Rita Arnett tells a story that illustrates the importance of keeping people informed as someone they know suffers from the effects of aging.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Margaret Cushen
About This Video:
Margaret Cushen explains that every moment has potential for active support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Rachel Wright
About This Video:
Rachel Wright explains the importance of not looking at communication as a task to check off a list, but rather making communication an intentional priority throughout the day, for the person you support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Fredda Rosen
About This Video:
Fredda Rosen explains that people with particularly profound or complex disabilities have been written off in the past. However, she suggests that if you know that the person can do one thing, or one task, then you also know that they can work.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Stuart Mills shares examples that illustrate that the stereotype, “Everyone with Down Syndrome is the same,” is simply not true.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Bob Fleischner
About This Video:
This video explains how supported decision making is based on the concept that everyone makes decisions by asking advice, getting opinions, and advice from others. People we support should be granted the same opportunities.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Bob Fleischner
About This Video:
Bob Fleischner tells a story of a woman that, with the help of supported decision making and a lot of time, support, advice, and effort, was able to make her own informed decision regarding her medicine.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Karyn Harvey
About This Video:
Karyn Harvey explains how being excluded can cause trauma and hence, behavior issues.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Fionn and Jonathan explain the importance of exercise and detail the activities that they partake in together to lead a healthy and fit life.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Myles Himmelreich
About This Video:
Myles Himmelreich explains how to promote patience and appropriate expectations when supporting someone with FASD.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Rachel Wright
About This Video:
Rachel Wright discusses the significance of individuals with complex needs experiencing all elements of nature such as rain, wind, heat, etc.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Evelyn Perez explains that after her daughter was abused, it became very difficult to let other people care for her.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Torie Robinson
About This Video:
Torie Robinson gives a personal account of her experience with seizures and discusses the different types of seizures.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 6 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Patricia Morgan explains how support workers can help people with Prader-Willi Syndrome be able to speak to others about their disability without it being the sole focus of the conversation.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Fredda Rosen
About This Video:
Fredda Rosen talks about using the discovery process as a tool to learn about the person when preparing for employment.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Patti Scott
About This Video:
Patti Scott talks about people who have used self-determination to find their own home and manage their own staff team, some of the common misconceptions people have, and the powerful learning that takes place when they can exercise this freedom.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger talks about the importance of discovering what someone finds sensually fulfilling.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 7 minutes
Presenter: Irene Tuffrey-Wijne
About This Video:
Irene Tuffrey-Wijne tells a story that illustrates how it may take many years for people with disabilities to express grief and loss, and possibly decades for profound grief and loss.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Kathie Snow
About This Video:
Kathie Snow tells a story about her own son Benjamin that shows the assumptions that some people make when people are not making eye contact.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Peter Leidy
About This Video:
Peter Leidy introduces Sherry's story that inspired him to write the song, 'F Word.' This song is a humorous song about Sherry speaking her mind and how the staff had to record this word.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 12 minutes
Presenter: Lynda Kahn
About This Video:
Lynda Kahn tells a story that helped her organization reflect on the tendency to over support people and the need to think more about natural support as a way to fade their own paid supports.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Fredda Rosen
About This Video:
Fredda Rosen highlights the important role that families play when planning for employment.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Christine Lilley
About This Video:
Christine Lilley explains why FASD is considered to be an invisible disability.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Marsha Wilson
About This Video:
Marsha Wilson explains how she adjusts her language to better support people who have FASD.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Marsha Wilson
About This Video:
Marsha Wilson tells a story about her son and how he has been successfully supported into employment.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Christine Lilley
About This Video:
Christine Lilley explains a way to understand the executive functioning difficulties that people with FASD experience.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Christine Lilley
About This Video:
Christine Lilley explains how people with FASD struggle with executive functions and abstract thinking.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Myles Himmelreich
About This Video:
Myles Himmelreich speaks about the increased health difficulties that people with FASD experience.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt
About This Video:
Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt speaks about some approaches and strategies to think about when supporting someone with FASD with personal care.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Marsha Wilson
About This Video:
Marsha Wilson talks about some of the secondary disabilities that people with FASD experience. Marsha goes on to explain how we can avoid, or better support, those disabilities.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Myles Himmelreich
About This Video:
Myles Himmelreich speaks about some different sensory difficulties that people with FASD may be experiencing and how they can be better supported.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Myles Himmelreich
About This Video:
Myles Himmelreich speaks more about some of the sensory difficulties that people with FASD and how to better support them.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Marsha Wilson
About This Video:
Marsha Wilson explains the challenges and solutions that people with FASD have and their need regarding sleep.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Marsha Wilson
About This Video:
Marsha Wilson speaks about the stigma she has experienced as a mother of a child who has FASD.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Christine Lilley
About This Video:
Christine Lilley describes the impact that stress has on someone with FASD.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Marsha Wilson
About This Video:
Marsha Wilson explains how building structure into her son's life has brought safety.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt
About This Video:
Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt talks about the importance of avoiding conflict and arguments with a person who has FASD, and how you can do this.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Christine Lilley
About This Video:
Christine Lilley explains why people with FASD are sometimes taken advantage of.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Christine Lilley
About This Video:
Christine Lilley explains how you can investigate and build on the strengths of the person with FASD that you support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Christine Lilley
About This Video:
Christine Lilley explains why confusion can be misinterpreted as lying for people with FASD.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt
About This Video:
Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt explains the need to understand why people who have FASD are consistently inconsistent.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Christine Lilley
About This Video:
Christine Lilley offers a short definition of FASD.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Myles Himmelreich
About This Video:
Myles Himmelreich explains why FASD does not define him.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Christine Lilley
About This Video:
Christine Lilley explains the different ways in which a diagnosis can be important for someone with FASD.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Christine Lilley
About This Video:
Christine Lilley explains why FASD is a spectrum and the different ways that it affects people.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt
About This Video:
Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt speaks about difficulties and strategies to keep people with FASD safe.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Marsha Wilson
About This Video:
Marsha Wilson offers some thoughts on lessons she has learned about FASD.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt
About This Video:
Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt talks about some of the lessons she has learned from supporting people with FASD.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt
About This Video:
Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt speaks about some approaches and strategies to think about when supporting someone with FASD with money and budgeting.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt
About This Video:
Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt tells a story about supporting a woman with FASD and how she was able to better support her and help her to apply a more structured and organized approach to her life.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt
About This Video:
Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt speaks about the patience needed when supporting someone who has FASD.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt
About This Video:
Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt highlights the need for people with FASD to experience safety and security.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Myles Himmelreich
About This Video:
Myles Himmelreich speaks about the stigma and struggles that he has experienced as a person with FASD.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Christine Lilley
About This Video:
Christine Lilley explains some strategies and approaches to support success for someone who has FASD.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt
About This Video:
Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt talks about the importance of and strategies relating to structure for people who have FASD.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Scott Doolan explains the importance of advocacy, especially when it comes to the Fatal Five.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Annette Dunnah tells us how we should know a person’s baseline to prevent any serious complications.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Marcus can’t wait to hear who Isaac’s favorite is!
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: David Pitonyak
About This Video:
David Pitonyak explains how Fay, who was once very lonely, built friendships and relationships in her local community.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 6 minutes
Presenter: David Pitonyak
About This Video:
David Pitonyak tells the story about Fay's isolation.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Diana McCourt
About This Video:
Diana McCourt explains that having lived it, she will always fear that institutions might re-emerge.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Fionn and Jonathan explain how people with Down syndrome have the unique ability to teach others about being human through art.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Kate Fulton
About This Video:
Katie Fulton and Julie Ann Chapman discuss the importance of receiving feedback in order to become more effective.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
This video shows how people with disabilities feel when people tell them they are not ready for intimate relationships.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
This video explains the importance of finding a safe place to be intimate with your partner.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Julie Beadle-Brown
About This Video:
Julie Beadle-Brown explains what to do when things do not work when doing active support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Jack Pearpoint
About This Video:
Jack Pearpoint tells an inspiring story about a man who was experiencing a lot of anger and frustration. This man's story demonstrates the power of a meaningful and purposeful life and the importance of control.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Gary Kent
About This Video:
Gary Kent talks about an exercise that he performed with a team of professionals to explain the importance of finding our place in society.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Marybeth Witkop talks about how it is important to understand what their support staff’s passions are and ways to support them, as their supervisor.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Heather Simmons
About This Video:
Heather Simmons speaks about the usefulness of John O'Brien's five accomplishments.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Cameron Turner describes how a flexible approach to a man’s support budget helped him to learn how to cook independently.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Will Alpass explains how Stuart was able to take charge of his support funding and move it around where he needed it most.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Colleen Hellmann talks about how she begins her team meetings by bringing up the team’s successes before any other topics. She explains how this helps to lift the team’s morale.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Pat explains how focusing on what people can do, rather than what they cannot do, helps people with disabilities to reach their full potential.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Patrice Carroll promises that if you can focus on all the good qualities that people with Prader-Willi Syndrome possess and accept that there will be challenges at times, you will see that this is a phenomenal group of people to support and spend time with
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Sarah Clayton
About This Video:
Sarah Clayton discusses how shape pertains to function and how that needs to be carried over into an individual’s care plan.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Bernard Carabello
About This Video:
Bernard Carabello explains the freedom he now feels, and the control he now has over his life since leaving the institution.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Samantha Hughes talks about what freedom means to her.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Isaac shares with us what a friend means to him. They’re Brilliant!!!
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Gregory Tino shares a poem he wrote about him and his friends and how much they mean to him.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Karyn Harvey
About This Video:
Karyn Harvey explains how meaningful friendships and relationships are directly correlated to people's level of happiness.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Rachel Wright
About This Video:
Rachel Wright talks about the importance of ensuring that people with complex needs spend time with different groups of people such as peers, friends, and family, and not just with the people paid to be there.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Pat explains the importance of maintaining social relationships for her mental health such as lunch dates, shopping trips, and phone conversations, and how not having these social connections can lead to feelings of loneliness and depression.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger explains why we must teach people with disabilities the skills themselves, so they can recognize and report abuse.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Fionn and his dad explain some of the benefits of social media which include having fun!
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Rita Arnett explains that the top four reasons people with disabilities die - constipation, aspiration, seizures, and dehydration- are, in fact, both treatable and preventable.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Evelyn Perez explains what it takes to gain her trust as a parent.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Annette Dunnah explains what gastroesophageal reflux disease is and how to recognize the signs.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Jack Pearpoint
About This Video:
Jack Pearpoint explains how to gather a circle of support and how the story of the person you support can help to engage people to be part of the circle.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Janice Bartley
About This Video:
Janice Bartley shares how she got some upsetting and inappropriate wording out of her file. Warning: Contains Swear Words.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Michael Kendrick
About This Video:
Michael Kendrick talks about how person-centered planning helps to meet each person's individual and unique needs.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
A mother's story of the hardships their family faced when choosing guardianship for her son.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Yona Lunsky
About This Video:
Yona Lunsky explains that we must be open to being creative in finding new approaches to help the people we support who are struggling with their mental health. Helping the people you support understand that there will be setbacks through this journey will help them to cope better when they are struggling.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Ian Davies talks about the importance of friendships as he is getting older and the fear of what would happen if he was ever to lose these important connections in his life.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Maria Hodermarska
About This Video:
Maria Hodermarska tells her own story about getting services for her son, and unexpectedly, a diagnosis.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 13 minutes
Presenter: David Pitonyak
About This Video:
David Pitonyak describes how he got to know Lynda, a lady with complicated support needs.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: David Pitonyak
About This Video:
David Pitonyak explains how he gets to know people.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Harvey Pacht
About This Video:
Harvey Pacht introduces some thoughts about getting to know people.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Doreen Kelly
About This Video:
Doreen Kelly explains how her organization gathers information about the people they support and how they use this information.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
This humorous video shows what happens when you overtly influence people, instead of helping people to be their own person and make their own decisions.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Gary Kent
About This Video:
Gary Kent tells a story about a man who was helped to use his support budget creatively to enable his interest in golf, so that he could play more independently.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Jene explains that although you don’t know exactly how much the person you support understands about the death and dying, we owe it to them to be honest about what is happening and treat them like you would anyone else in that same situation.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: John Raffaele
About This Video:
John Raffaele tells the story of a man who wanted to learn to drive and explains how the support workers good intentions went bad.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Simon Duffy
About This Video:
Simon Duffy talks about the person-centered planning process that was used to help a gentleman named Patrick to leave an institution.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 7 minutes
Presenter: Lynda Kahn
About This Video:
Lynda Kahn talks about what good support means to her. Lynda goes on to suggest we should think about, "If I needed support, how would I like that offered to me?"
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Julie Beadle-Brown
About This Video:
Julie Beadle-Brown explains the term graded assistance and how it works when doing active support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 8 minutes
Presenter: Rachel Wright
About This Video:
Rachel Wright discusses postural care during sleeping and how to make the most of the sleeping posture.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Amanda Sawyer
About This Video:
As a psychiatrist, Amanda Sawyer explains that it is beneficial when a support worker documents all medications taken and how each affects the person taking it, both negatively and positively, so together they can help the person being supported achieve optimal mental health.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Michael Kendrick
About This Video:
Michael Kendrick tells an inspirational story of a dying man's last wishes and how they were answered with the help of supported decision making.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Leighton Jay explains how the team conduct group interviews, in order to find the right fit for Paul.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Beth Mount
About This Video:
Beth Mount used this animated film to explain that our service systems have a history of disconnecting people from the relationships they do have. Beth goes on to highlight the importance of helping people contribute to the community as a means of growing new relationships.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Gina Brelesky
About This Video:
Gina Brelesky explains how a stable and experienced staff team can use their knowledge of people as they grow older.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Gina Brelesky
About This Video:
Gina Brelesky explains the importance of finding ways to gain perspective on the effects of aging in order to understand and support people who are growing older.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Gina Brelesky
About This Video:
Gina Brelesky reminds supervisors that while using the Person-Centered Supervision approach, you do not have to be perfect. Being willing to work together with your support staff can help your team grow together.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Michael Kendrick
About This Video:
Michael Kendrick explains how guardianship could be more successful if it shifted from stopping bad things from happening and began creating new life opportunities.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Peter Leidy
About This Video:
Peter Leidy leads us through a simple guided mindfulness practice.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Cameron Turner explains how a woman was able to be creative with her support funding and reach her goal to be healthier and lose weight.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
This video was created to support “The Stay Up Late Campaign”. What if you weren’t allowed to control your own bedtime? This video illustrates the need for flexible support schedules.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Hands Off It's My Home is a song that highlights the rights people have in their own homes.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
This video highlights the importance of never underestimating your power.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Joseph Macbeth
About This Video:
Joseph Macbeth uses a story about a man who wanted to be part of a Harley Davidson club and community to explain why we should not judge other people's wishes and desires.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Isaac gives us some examples of what the haters say.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Isaac and Marcus share with us what it sounds like when someone says that the “R” word is okay.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Charles Archer
About This Video:
Charles Archer explains the importance of being unafraid to have conversations about race, gender, sexuality, etc. for change to occur in our profession, and society in general.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger and Karyn Harvey explain how the opinions of people that power over others have more meaning than the opinions of people without power.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Lynne Seagle
About This Video:
Lynne Seagle shares a story about a man expressing his personal style and how DSPs should not discourage that.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Christine explains how all behavior is communication and it is important for staff members to realize this and attempt to figure out why the person they are supporting is acting the way they are. We need to think with both our heads and our hearts when supporting people with disabilities.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Yona Lunsky
About This Video:
Utilizing the acronym “HELP” to examine why someone is feeling poorly, Yona Lunsky explains that it is important to consider how one’s ENVIRONMENT, such as outside influences, could be contributing to their mental health difficulties.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Yona Lunsky
About This Video:
Yona Lunsky explains that it can be tricky to figure out if someone is suffering from a mental health issue. Before coming to a diagnosis, Yona encourages people utilize the acronym “HELP”. "HELP” is one way of thinking about all the potential things that might be contributing to why someone is feeling poorly.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Yona Lunsky
About This Video:
Utilizing the acronym “HELP” to examine why someone is feeling poorly, Yona Lunsky explains that it is important to consider how one’s LIFE EVENTS, such as abuse, bullying, loss, and grief, could be contributing to their mental health difficulties.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Yona Lunsky
About This Video:
Utilizing the acronym “HELP” to examine why someone is feeling poorly, Yona Lunsky explains that after reviewing one’s health, experiences, and life events, it’s important to see if a PSYCHIATRIC DISORDER, could be contributing to their mental health difficulties.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Erica Streisslberger states that people struggling with mental health issues should not feel alone and know that it is okay to reach out to others for help, because we are all in this together.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Irene Tuffrey-Wijne
About This Video:
Irene Tuffrey-Wijne explains how it might be good to include someone on your team that is comfortable talking about death and bereavement when breaking bad news to the people you support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Kate Fulton
About This Video:
Kate Fulton and Julie Ann Chapman explain why it is important for a team to have a purpose by learning their “why”.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Colleen Hellmann explains how allowing the team to brainstorm and collaborate on solutions, instead of the manager telling them what to do, helps them become more invested and builds their skills.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Marvin George shares a story about a worker who struggled with anxiety when it came to communication with his supervisor.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 8 minutes
Presenter: Simon Duffy
About This Video:
Simon Duffy tells the story of Nan. This story highlights the importance of making sure people have all the information they need when making decisions, and the fundamental right that people have to make their own decisions in their own time, and in their own way.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Michael Kendrick
About This Video:
Michael Kendrick explains how important it is that direct support staff workers have principles that will guide and support the people they work with.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger explains the importance of me and mine, not me and mine, so people understand that who that who they are is OK.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 7 minutes
Presenter: Gina Brelesky
About This Video:
Gina Brelesky discusses that helping support staff think through their issues, by asking questions, can guide them to find their own solutions. She explains that this Person-Centered Supervision technique can lead to the support worker becoming more invested.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 Minutes
Presenter: Graham Firth
About This Video:
Graham Firth discusses some of the benefits of intensive interaction for staff teams.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Declan Brown describes ways to interact within the team, so that everyone is knowledgeable of changes and the current situations that affect the workplace.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Nina Tame
About This Video:
Nina Tame shares her experience when she goes out with her husband, and people act like he is a hero for being with her.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Isaac and Marcus demonstrate how HIPAA should be taken seriously when it comes to sharing information with others.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Isaac and Marcus show us why it is important to handle a person’s private information with care.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Isaac and Marcus show us how even a simple social media post can still violate HIPAA.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger explains that 'History Makes the Person'. Dave refers to the experiences of people who have lived in institutions and to the traumatic experiences they are likely to have lived through.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 6 minutes
Presenter: Simon Duffy
About This Video:
Simon Duffy tells Michael's story that highlights the role of family and the meaning of home.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Simon Haywood
About This Video:
Simon Haywood describes how you can adjust the environment of a group home, so that it better serves the needs of someone with autism.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Heather Hermans
About This Video:
Heather Hermans explains how when support workers enter other people’s homes and environments, it is important that they leave their personal feelings and issues aside, so that the people they support feel they are in a place where there is trust and can feel safe.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
This video explains why people may struggle to live a full life without the opportunity to try new things.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Isaac gives Marcus a taste of what people sound like when they talk to him as if he doesn’t understand.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Victor Pereira describes the importance of family in helping him get through difficult times such as when he experiences anxiety.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Margaret explains how to keep your social media accounts private from those you don’t know.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Margaret tells us how she uses social media to keep in touch with friends and family.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger discusses the risks that are present in our own systems that often get overlooked in favor of other risks outside of our services.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
This video shows the correct way to ask someone out on a date.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Margaret Cushen
About This Video:
Margaret Cushen explains some strategies that can help people to become better known in their communities.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Victor Pereira explains that if you are a support worker it is important to communicate, listen, and share experiences with the person you support, and to let them know that everything is going to be okay.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
This video shows an inappropriate way to handle rejection.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Harvey Pacht
About This Video:
Harvey Pacht explains some things that will help people to keep a job.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Tim explains how it is important to get to know people in order to find out if a relationship is possible.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
This video shows a better way to approach someone you would like to date.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Irene Tuffrey-Wijne
About This Video:
Irene Tuffrey-Wijne explains that it is okay as a support worker to take time for yourself and get the help that you may need if feelings of your own personal losses arise when supporting someone who is dealing with loss.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger shares his frustration with “hypocrisy of choice”. We take choice away from people with disabilities because we do not want the people we support to make decisions that run counter to our philosophies.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
L'Arche Toronto produced this film to help raise awareness about the individuality of each person. This film helps us to understand that despite any formal diagnosis, the people you support are more like you than not.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 6 minutes
Presenter: Maria Hodermarska
About This Video:
Maria Hodermarska explains why she thinks she is a difficult parent.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Nina Tame
About This Video:
Nina Tame shares how she prefers to be identified as a disabled person, and it is not a bad word.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Myles Himmelreich
About This Video:
Myles Himmelreich explains the importance of seeing the whole person and not thinking someone is broken because they have FASD.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Judith North
About This Video:
Judith North talks about the significance of the impact of managing social difference.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Lynne Seagle
About This Video:
Lynne Seagle tells us a story about a direct support professional who went above and beyond by learning the history of who she was supporting, and how that knowledge made a positive difference.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 10 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger tells a story about a man who follows the rules about privacy and boundaries, but still encountered problems.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger explains that people cannot be who they are if you cannot see their diversity. Diversity is a critical piece of who people are.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Amanda Cresswell tells the story of how she had to be an advocate for herself when she was ill and the importance of people to speak up for themselves, so they can get the right treatment.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
I have Down syndrome of course people are going to get upset if I swear.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Joseph Macbeth
About This Video:
Joseph Macbeth and John Raffaele share their thoughts about support staff who say, "I love my guys." Joseph explains that good support is about a balance of both the head and the heart.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 6 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
This video explains that having a disability does not mean you need to be vulnerable to others. You have the right to say, “No” and mean it.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
A mother explains how her thoughts of guardianship were very different from the reality of guardianship.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger tells the story of a man who wanted a girlfriend. "I used to think that my voice was equally important, if not more so, than the people I supported. In this story I saw this man advocate for himself, speak for himself, and voice his own dreams. It was at this point I understood that I was his ally not his advocate and that only he could advocate for himself. Our job then is to support advocacy, even teach advocacy, but once those are done our primary job is to shut up." - Dave Hingsburger
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Roger Ramsukh
About This Video:
Roger Ramsuhk tells a story about a time when his calm and professional approach helped to promote a positive experience while breaking down racial barriers.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Amanda Cresswell explains how being excluded from bad news caused her to miss opportunities such as quality time with her mother before she was gone. Additionally, if she were informed and therefore prepared for what was going to happen, maybe it would have been easier to cope with.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Fionn and Jonathan tell a story that illustrates the long stemming stereotypes regarding Down syndrome that still exist in the world today.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Peter Leidy
About This Video:
Peter Leidy gives us a few ideas on how to infuse our work lives with kindness, compassion, and generosity.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Annette Dunnah tells us how to recognize ways to manage medical issues by identifying the type of bowel movements a person has.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Nina Tame
About This Video:
Nina Tame explains why you should ask people how they identify their disability.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Nina Tame
About This Video:
Nina Tame shares how she feels about being described as disabled.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Amanda Cresswell explains how being protected and sheltered from her mother’s illness, and ultimate death, led her to have more fear and trauma than if she was informed throughout.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Nancy Shea
About This Video:
Nancy Shea discusses how to help get a struggling team member on board and ways to address the issue constructively.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Scott Doolan discusses how you should get to know the person and their needs prior to attending a doctor’s appointment.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Seth Keller explains that oftentimes it is challenging to distinguish whether physical symptoms that someone is experiencing is an effect of an illness or part of the normal aging process, and why it is important to have information about what the person was like before the symptoms started in order to make an accurate diagnosis.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Marc Tumeinski
About This Video:
Marc Timeinski expands on the importance of enhancing the image and competencies of the person, so that they may be more positively perceived.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Heather Simmons
About This Video:
Heather Simmons uses her own experiences of living with her partner Richard, who is a person with disabilities. In this film, she talks about the imbalance of power between the person that is supported and the supporter.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Leighton Jay explains how conflict within the support team can affect daily life for Paul, in a negative way.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt
About This Video:
Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt tells a story about a person with FASD who was overwhelmed with the impatience and expectations of others.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Scott Doolan discusses the importance of learning about the Fatal Five.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Kathie Snow
About This Video:
Kathie Snow helps to underline the importance of having a communication device.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Steve Dymond
About This Video:
Steve Dymond talks about the importance of, and his own experience of, being paid to work. He then goes on to describe the regrettable experiences of his friend who worked for an employer for over four years for no pay.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Annette Dunnah explains why it is important to be consistent with documentation on bowel movements.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Sam Sly
About This Video:
Sam Sly talks about the importance of working positively with families and the special considerations that need to be made in relation to the difficulties families have often faced.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Aimee Althoff discusses how important it is to try to obtain paid work for a job seeker to ensure they are fully included as an employee.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Rachel Wright
About This Video:
Rachel Wright explains how vital postural care is in supporting an individual with complex disabilities, while recognizing how difficult it can be.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: David Pitonyak
About This Video:
David Pitonyak talks about loneliness and the importance of meaningful and enduring relationships.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Leighton Jay discusses how vital it is to focus on other things besides just the basics. He explains how maximizing fun ensures Paul has a meaningful life.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Patrice Carroll explains that by sometimes looking at the positive attributes instead of the negative behaviors of someone with Prader-Willi Syndrome you can improve the relationship between yourself and the person you are supporting.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Fionn and Jonathan explain that when everyone is included there is a shift in the dynamic when people come together, that truly benefits all involved.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Lisa Mayhew-Edwards discusses some things she has done to make it easier for people to understand their support budget.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Gary Kent
About This Video:
Gary Kent tells a story that reminds us about the importance of allowing people the opportunity to gain independence.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Karleen Haines talks about how you should get to know the person’s needs and try to anticipate potential issues to ensure a person is receiving the best care possible at a doctor’s appointment.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt
About This Video:
Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt talks about some informal safeguards that she helped someone with FASD to develop.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Bob Fleischner
About This Video:
Bob Fleischner explains briefly explains what informed consent is and how it applies to the people we support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Marvin George shares a story of how the job a man was hired for provided friendship, community, and a passion he did not know he had.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Marcus and Isaac play out what it sounds like when people try to make inspiration porn out of disabled people.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: David Pitonyak
About This Video:
David Pitonyak explains why we need to give people choices instead of ultimatums.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 6 minutes
Presenter: Tanya Carnell
About This Video:
Tanya Carnell explores some of the signs and symptoms of institutional abuse.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Dave Hewett
About This Video:
Dave Hewitt explains how intensive Interaction can be a way of relating to others. Dave explains how it enables access to the everyday pleasure and joy of human interaction, connection, relationship, and chit-chat.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
This video shows an example of people with a diverse range of ages and abilities benefiting from and enjoying intensive interaction.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Max with Hayley, his teacher, show it is easy to see the way in which some of the fundamentals of communication are practiced within the flow of the activity. Max is still at an early stage of understanding communication routines and Hayley's relaxed, facilitating style enables him, in his own time, to take part in turn-taking, exchanging vocalizations, using eye contact, and exchanging facial expressions, gradually building his ability to focus and take part.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
A range of practitioners share some of the key practical principles of intensive interaction.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Kate Fulton
About This Video:
Kate Fulton and Julie Ann Chapman talk about how you can’t just put people together and hope to make a team.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Clara Berg
About This Video:
Clara Berg explains some of the devastating interactions she has had with doctors.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Trudy Thorning explains how she uses her support budget to help others.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Patricia Morgan explains that external motivators such as gum and frozen yogurt can be useful in motivating people with Prader-Willi Syndrome, but supporting someone to find an internal motivator helps them to find a sense of pride and has lasting effects and the ability to sustain motivation.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Andrew Boys explains the importance of maintaining open lines of communication with the people who have down syndrome, especially as they get older, as they tend to internalize negative emotions, which can result in challenging behavior.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Bob Fleischner
About This Video:
Bob Fleischner tells the story of Nellie and how even with limited communication capabilities, she was able to express her will and desires with the help of supported decision making.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Diana Kerr
About This Video:
Diana Kerr provides a short introduction to the importance of understanding dementia.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Patti Scott
About This Video:
Patti Scott talks about the significance of a good introduction to forming a positive relationship and tells a story that illustrates how someone repaired a relationship that was not off to a positive start.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Heather Simmons
About This Video:
Heather Simmons uses her own experiences of living with her partner Richard, who is a person with disabilities, to explain the intrusion of support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Nina Tame
About This Video:
Nina Tame tells us about different responses she shares with others when they ask her about her disability.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Gina Brelesky
About This Video:
Gina Brelesky explains how having a manager spend time and invest in their team members, the team members will invest back into the team.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Nina Tame
About This Video:
Nine Tame talks about her personal disability and how it started off as “invisible.”
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Sam Sly
About This Video:
Sam Sly explains that a good support worker is often invisible.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Myles Himmelreich
About This Video:
Myles Himmelreich speaks about the importance of involving and speaking to the people with FASD that you support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Richard explains that it is important to speak to the people you support and help them understand when someone they care about or live with has died, because it is more upsetting when it comes as surprise, and they realize that the person is gone and is not coming back.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Karyn Harvey
About This Video:
Karyn Harvey explains how we can – with a moment, a gesture, a decision – be the ones who will listen. In doing so, we are helping others to not have to use extreme behavior to communicate.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Issac conducts an experiment by switching roles with Marcus and becoming his support worker.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Gary Kent
About This Video:
Gary Kent tells a story that illustrates that people struggle when they do not have control over their own environment, and why it is important for support workers to be aware of this when supporting someone in their own home.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Irene Tuffrey-Wijne
About This Video:
Irene Tuffrey-Wijne explains that although difficult, it is imperative that you break the bad news to the person you support, even if you fear their reaction to it. People will be upset, but it is important to allow them the opportunity to emote.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 6 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger recounts a personal experience that required intimate care and the realization that came from his experience that people should expect care that is compassionate, gentle, and respectful. He talks about how detrimental any care that is given conflicting to this can have on the person being supported.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 13 minutes
Presenter: Joseph Macbeth
About This Video:
Joseph Macbeth tells a story about an elderly diabetic man who was refusing to eat and how the support worker used his relationship to support this man through a difficult time.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Kate Fulton
About This Video:
Kate Fulton and Julie Ann Chapman explain the “triangle” of the team and how to work on each category to make it the best it can be.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Dave Hasbury
About This Video:
Dave Hasbury explains why drawing or graphic facilitation is not about being an artist.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Janice Bartley
About This Video:
Janice Bartley tells an amazingly powerful story about her first real relationship.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 13 minutes
Presenter: Lynne Seagle
About This Video:
Lynne Seagle responds to the question, “Can everyone live in their own home?”
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
A real reason given to explain why people were not “allowed” to stay up late.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Neil Williamson explains to let people know what they can afford and how to take control on how they can use it.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Jack Hughes tells us how he used to never know what he could use his supporting funding for, and was unable to make his own decisions on how to spend it.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Barry gives some examples of changes James was able to make once he overcame the resistance of that change.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Katrina Reese explains how she supported Omer to use his interest and talent for origami to create a work opportunity. Job creation is a customized approach that identifies an opportunity that is not being attended to by the employer.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
John would like a balanced relationship, one that includes both give and take.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Here, Paul Richards shares a story about how joy can be shared, and how easy it is to do it.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Seth Keller explains why we should be careful not to always attribute people’s behaviors to their underlying conditions.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger explains how some of the messages we send through our philosophies to people with disabilities is that it is not okay to be a person with disabilities, and it is not okay to be friends with other people with disabilities. It leaves the person with disabilities feeling that they are not good enough, and this needs to change.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Harvey Pacht
About This Video:
Harvey Pacht describes the give and take, and other skills needed to keep a friend.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Pat explains how keeping active, both physically and mentally, helps to improve her overall mental health.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Margaret Cushen
About This Video:
Margaret Cushen explores the need to keep communication simple.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Jill Bradshaw explains how you can simplify your communications when applying the principles of active support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Chad, the manager of a bookstore in Brooklyn called Book Court, talks about their employee Keith, who was supported to accept a position in the store, and how he feels Keith has benefited from working there.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Disabled people are not here for your entertainment or inspiration.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
This video demonstrates the importance of knocking and showing respect.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger discusses the importance of knowing how a person's disabilities affect them and how this knowledge can be harnessed to help provide the most effective support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Doreen Kelly
About This Video:
Doreen Kelly describes the story of a man who had been abused. The story demonstrates that, despite his disabilities and complex needs, Doreen and her team were able to use their knowledge of him to clearly identify when he had been abused.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 min
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Karleen Haines explains how important it is to know a person’s baseline to be able to notice changes in their behavior.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Louise Heatley explains that losing a loved one can be less terrifying if a doctor takes the time to explain what is occurring during an illness or as death is approaching.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
This video explains that everyone is entitled to his or her sexual orientation and to not let anyone try to take that away from you.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger expands on the concept of helping people have the knowledge and power to stop abuse and what this actually means for the people you support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Gary Kent
About This Video:
Gary Kent tells a story that clarifies the importance of our role that is not to be paid to be a friend, but to facilitate friendships.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 min
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Evelyn Perez tells a story that helps to explain why she finds it very difficult to trust paid support staff with her daughter.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Bob Fleischner
About This Video:
This video explains how society has long believed that the people we support lack the capacity and ability to make their own decisions.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Judith North
About This Video:
Judith North talks about some of the challenges that occur between language and sensory processing difficulties.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Diana Kerr
About This Video:
Diana Kerr explains why people with dementia and an intellectual disability often miss receiving an early diagnosis.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Karleen Haines encourages support workers to lead with their heart instead of just trying to “check a box.”
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Lynne Seagle
About This Video:
Lynne Seagle talks about differences between the non-profit/disability industry and the for-profit industry.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Seth Keller explains that a healthy lifestyle that includes eating well, exercise, and a positive mindset needs to be a priority and why you should be a role model.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger describes the different relationship roles that the people we support must learn about.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger explains how our service system confuses people's ability to learn appropriate body privacy. Dave goes on to explain how we can support a better approach to privacy.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Bernard Carabello
About This Video:
Bernard Carabello talks about leaving the institution and the responsibilities and challenges that he faced after leaving.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Issac is trying to influence his support workers phone ads while he is away.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Fionn is left-handed!
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Sarah Clayton
About This Video:
Sarah Clayton explains why the best position to sleep in is on your back, thinking about your body as a lemon meringue pie.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger explains the significance between intervening and the more respectful approach of teaching.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hasbury
About This Video:
Dave Hasbury tells Lester's story to highlight how drawing or graphic facilitation can help people to articulate themselves while also helping others to better understand the person's dreams.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Nina Tame
About This Video:
Nina Tame shares a story about the first experience she has with someone praying for her.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: David Pitonyak
About This Video:
This film is taken from the module 'Jumping Into the Chaos of Things.' David Pitonyak explains the danger a drowning person poses and how a certain compassionate distance, at a time when a person is upside down and inside out, is appropriate.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Michael Kendrick
About This Video:
Michael Kendrick shares an experience of a man whose previous distress was mitigated through supported decision making.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: David Pitonyak
About This Video:
This film is taken from the module, 'Jumping Into the Chaos of Things.' David Pitonyak explains why a person who is desperate and filled with doubt needs help from people who are not as desperate and doubtful.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Bernard Carabello
About This Video:
Bernard Carabello talks about life at the New York institution, Willowbrook State School, where he lived for 20 years from the age of two.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 min
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Christine Towers explains how a Life Story Book can be a great tool in helping support staff get to know the person they support by learning about their whole lives, joys, and difficulties they have faced, rather than just what they are observing in the present.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Diana Kerr
About This Video:
Dementia Kerr explains the importance of life story work by describing the story of George that demonstrates that we need to know a person's past in order to help them with their present.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 6 minutes
Presenter: Marc Tumeinski
About This Video:
Marc Tumeinski explains the term life-wasting in more detail, and how it can prevent access to the 'good things in life' and the roles that we all value.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
This couple shows how each person in the relationship must be respectful to one another's feelings, concerns, and needs.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger and Karyn Harvey explain that when people feel powerless, they will do anything they can to assert their power over others. Therefore, if we put our energy into teaching people to govern their language and express their pain, we can change the way people use behavior as communication.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Gary Kent
About This Video:
Gary Kent tells a story about an event during which his organization gathered feedback from the people they support. The film highlights the importance of listening to people and responding to what they say.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Beth Mount
About This Video:
Beth Mount offers her own perspective of what listening with heart can bring to the relationship between you and the person you support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Jill Bradshaw explains the concept of little and often as it relates to active support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Paul Richards discusses how the little things you do for people can mean big things for them.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Gary Kent
About This Video:
Gary Kent talks about living in a large group home that his parents operated. Gary goes onto talk about life outside of the home and the unique perspective his life has provided him.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Patrice Carroll explains that people with Prader-Willi Syndrome can live on their own if they have support in place that includes daily visits from support workers and time specific refrigerator locks that open at mealtimes that contain regulated meals.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Patrice Carroll highly recommends that people with Prader-Willi Syndrome live with other individuals with Prader-Willi Syndrome to have a chance to feel like everyone else, develop relationships and friendships, and feel like a part of a community.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Lizzie Emeh shares her story about how although doctors didn’t believe she would survive past the age of three, she was determined to create a life for herself that proved otherwise. Lizzie emphasizes that you should never underestimate people with disabilities.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Beth Mount
About This Video:
Beth Mount talks about her quote "loneliness is the only disability," and explains how some of the most disconnected people in our community are often the most at risk.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger tells a story that highlights the loneliness that many people experience and how it is overlooked.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Lynne Seagle
About This Video:
Lynne Seagle explains how to change a culture in the workplace and where to start.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Erica Streisslberger describes how exercising and hobbies help to distract her from her mental illness and give her a place to focus her mind, rather than worrying about her mental state.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Heather Hermans
About This Video:
Heather Hermans explains how it is important to look beyond a person’s behavior and carefully consider the triggers that might be causing the behavior, to more accurately diagnosis mental health issues.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Gary Kent
About This Video:
Gary Kent reminds us that sometimes we are in such a rush to get things accomplished that we forget about how the people we support will react to the sudden changes that we make.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Diana Kerr
About This Video:
Diana Kerr explains why a loss of interest might be an indicator for the onset of dementia.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Seth Keller explains the importance of finding alternative ways to for people to be engaged when working at a job.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Simon Duffy
About This Video:
Simon Duffy details how a loss of direction can affect people and how we can help them to move their lives forward.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Nina Tame
About This Video:
Nina Tame tells a story about how somebody patronized her.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Nancy Shea
About This Video:
Nancy Shea explains how low morale and negativity affects the people being supported just as much as the team members.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Fionn’s parents are incredibly lucky!
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
A disability support worker finds his vocation. By Mike Bonikowski
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Leighton Jay discusses his expectations of a team and ways to understand them. He also explains that it is a parent’s journey to learn to let go and trust others to come into their life.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Trudy Thorning tells us how she did not like being told how to spend her support budget. When she took control, she was able to use it towards something she enjoys and was able to make new friends.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hasbury
About This Video:
Dave Hasbury explains how people can be supported to maintain control of their own meetings.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Monica Stannard explains that although there may never be a full understanding of the death of a loved one, it is important to maintain an honest approach when delivering bad news, to at least attain acceptance of what has occurred.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Jill Bradshaw explains how you can make the situation speak for itself as it relates to active support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Sally-Ann Remnant
About This Video:
Sally-Ann Remnant gives some advice on how to help desensitize medical procedures and make appointments as comfortable as possible.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Karleen Haines explains the need for people being supported to be involved in their healthcare.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
A mother explains how each individual has the right to lead their own life with some guidance.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Bev Ashman
About This Video:
Bev Ashman explains what makes active support work.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Nina Tame
About This Video:
Nina Tame explains why jokes about her disability are not welcome.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hasbury
About This Video:
Dave Hasbury talks through a range of strategies that can be employed to ensure people control their own meetings.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 8 minutes
Presenter: Gina Brelesky
About This Video:
Gina Brelesky discusses how time is valuable and ensuring that giving the support workers time to prepare for a meeting, shows respect.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Kate Fulton
About This Video:
Kate Fulton and Julie Ann Chapman talk about how it is important for team members to invest in each other outside of just business.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Marvin George shares a story about a person who worked at a theatre and wanted to have some hours adjusted to accommodate time for school and other activities.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Colleen Hellmann explains how the biggest mistake a manager can make is talking more than listening. She elaborates with her own story.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Sarah Clayton
About This Video:
Sarah Clayton explains the effect gravity has on body shape and how a hands on approach provides you with the ability to make people comfortable.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hasbury
About This Video:
Dave Hasbury talks through some strategies that will help manage a conflicting relationship when helping a person to plan.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Fionn and Jonathan discuss the importance of preparation and schedules when it comes to food related activities, in order to avoid temptation and overeating.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Jaymie Estevez discusses how she and her team set a standard on how they will manage the team meetings to ensure it will stay on track.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Margaret Cushen
About This Video:
Margaret Cushen describes some strategies you can use to help the person you support to map your community.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Margaret Cushen
About This Video:
Margaret Cushen continues to explain how you can help the people you support to map their community.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Jack Pearpoint
About This Video:
Jack Pearpoint introduces the person-centered planning tool, Maps. Jack explains how Maps can be used to collect relevant information and then help plan their futures.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Bob Williams poem about a person who lived in an institution and continually tried to run away.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger explains why masturbate is never taught.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Sean Vecchione describes how he matched a job with the skills and abilities of someone he was supporting and how he negotiated this position with the employer.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger explains the meaning of me and mine and the boundaries people should have when helping others to make decisions.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger explains the boundaries of me and mine, and you and yours, and how these are supported by a stronger sense of self.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Lisa Mayhew-Edwards explains it is important to involve the person in the community and not just home activities. She says to help them find goals and hobbies while sticking to the support budget.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Bev Ashman
About This Video:
Bev Ashman explains what meaningful engagement means when doing active support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Ellen Scurry discusses the importance of being discreet and ways to do so when administering medications.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Annette Dunnah explains how to successfully support someone while at the doctor’s office.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Annette Dunnah goes over the “Six Rights” for administering medication and offers a helpful way of remembering all the rights.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Annette Dunnah explains how any time she saw an error in medication administration being made, it was because they did not follow the Six Rights. She shares a story about someone missing the “Right Person” step of the Six Rights, and how it resulted in an error.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Annette Dunnah discusses how a distraction free environment can help prevent medication administration errors.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Annette Dunnah explains different ways medication administration can be adjusted, so people can still participate in activities they love.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Ellen Scurry explains the importance of verifying more than just the person’s name when administering medication.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Annette Dunnah discusses the importance of paying attention to the behavior of the person they support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Ellen Scurry explains the steps that need to be taken, from beginning to end, when taking a person to a doctor’s appointment.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Annette Dunnah explains how important it is to understand the dosage given to the person you support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Ellen Scurry tells her story that demonstrates how easy it is to get distracted while administering medication.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Annette Dunnah tells a story that shows how a supporter’s attention to detail before administering a medication avoided a potential serious adverse effect for the person receiving the medication.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Annette Dunnah discusses how evaluating and reevaluating a person’s medications needs to be done frequently to examine if it is still necessary.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Isaac Steiger and Marcus Reyes demonstrate a scenario that shows why it is important to inform people about the details of the medication they are about to take.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Ellen Scurry explains that oftentimes the person taking the medication is very knowledgeable about what they are supposed to be taking and why it is important to maximize their independence.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Ellen Scurry shares a story about how she and the other staff helped a person they were supporting to be more involved and more independent when it came to their medication administration.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Ellen Scurry tells her a story about a person that she supported who wanted to be more independent when taking her medication.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Annette Dunnah gives us examples of how she was able to promote independence with medication administration for people she supported.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Ellen Scurry explains how there may be an easier way to administer multiple medications.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Isaac Steiger and Marcus Reyes show why you should put yourself in the other person's shoes when administering medication.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Annette Dunnah explains how requesting assistance from a pharmacist is a helpful resource, if not more helpful, than reaching out to a physician to discuss medications.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Annette Dunnah explains how it is important to know all the side effects and precautions that go along with taking a certain medication.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Ellen Scurry shares a story that highlights the importance of understanding what the doctor is trying to accomplish when prescribing a medication.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Ellen Scurry tells a story about how a person being supported was refusing medication and how they discovered the reason was something easily rectified by asking questions.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Annette Dunnah explains how discussing the benefits of medication with the person they support can assist with successful administration, and she shares a medication refusal story.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Annette Dunnah shares a story that shows the importance of asking questions when someone is refusing to take their medication.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Ellen Scurry talks about not taking it personally when a person refuses to take their medication. She explains different reasons why people may be refusing medication and different methods to try.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Ellen Scurry explains how medication security must be taken seriously and why we can never assume people would not take the medication that is not intended for them.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Isaac Steiger and Marcus Reyes demonstrate the correct and incorrect way to let the person they support know when it is time to take their medication.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Annette Dunnah shares a story about a person being supported having a noticeable behavior change after taking a medication. She talks about the need to report changes to avoid a serious side effect.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Annette Dunnah explains the importance of knowing how a medication is supposed to be stored, and the issues it can cause if it isn’t.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Isaac Steiger and Marcus Reyes demonstrate the difference between a positive approach and a negative approach when it is time to administer a medication.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Issac Steiger and Marcus Reyes demonstrate the appropriate way to administer medication to the person they support by “getting to their level”.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Ellen Scurry explains that the person administering a medication should not only read the dosage information, but also the details about side effects. Ellen shares a story related to this.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
In this video, we learn that if you have met one person with an intellectual disability you have met one person with an intellectual disability.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Harvey Pacht
About This Video:
Harvey Pacht explains some things to think about when you are going to meet new people.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Aimee Althoff offers some best practice advice for arranging the first meeting with an employer, and touches on some of the challenges you may encounter.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Joseph Macbeth
About This Video:
Joseph Macbeth tells the story of a man who wanted to meet the Pope. The support worker, in this story, demonstrates the power of thorough planning and research, and a need for dreams.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Diana Kerr
About This Video:
Diana Kerr uses a practical analogy to explain how you can imagine the loss of short-term memory for someone who has dementia.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Diana Kerr
About This Video:
Diana Kerr uses a personal story to explain how memory loss can affect the person with dementia's ability to orient themselves.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Victor Pereira explains that mental health is different than a mental disability because mental health is a condition that there is a treatment versus mental disability that has no cure.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Simon Haywood
About This Video:
Simon Haywood introduces mental health, how a mental health problem is diagnosed, and what the term dual diagnosis means.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Heather Hermans
About This Video:
Heather Hermans describes the importance of understanding how people’s past affects them daily, so we can support them in a way that they feel safe and secure.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Heather Hermans
About This Video:
Heather Hermans describes the advantages and successes experienced when the people supported, and support workers, come together and engage in various group therapies.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Sadie Bazur-Leidy takes us through a META meditation, also known as a loving-kindness meditation.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 6 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Ally Cox discusses how important it is to become aware of your own actions and reflect on how you are perceived by others, in order to create the best working environment for your team.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Peter Leidy
About This Video:
Peter Leidy gives a few examples that illustrate the differences between mindfulness and mindlessness.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger explains that the people you support are not “Yours” and that they are fully capable of speaking and making choices for themselves.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Diana Kerr
About This Video:
Diana Kerr explains the challenges and difficulties that are associated with mirrors for the people we support.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Dave Hingsburger
About This Video:
Dave Hingsburger tells two stories that highlight some common misconceptions about people's sexuality.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 3 minutes
Presenter: Heather Hermans
About This Video:
Heather Hermans tells a story that reminds us that the people we support can have mental illness the same as the typical population, and we need to recognize that they may express it in different ways. It is our job to make sure to understand that, so we don’t mislabel them.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Peter Leidy
About This Video:
Peter Leidy explains that we are only paying attention 53% of the time and we are therefore missing out on what is happening to us, with us, and around us.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Karyn Harvey
About This Video:
Karyn Harvey explains how trauma can cause behaviors that are often misunderstood.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Simon Duffy
About This Video:
Simon Duffy talks about the importance of helping people to control their money.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Gary Kent
About This Video:
Gary Kent tells us to ask where the money is coming from, what is the support budget, and what are the rules for what it can be used for. He states to look for ways to use it on more than just in-person support services.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Jonathan has a conversation with his son Fionn, who has Down syndrome, that illustrates that we are more alike than we are different.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Christine explains how sometimes the people you support may need more support than you can give and that is okay but knowing that it is beyond your scope of support is the best support that you can give.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Bernard Carabello
About This Video:
Bernard Carabello reminds us that the best support staff never forget the human nature of our work.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Aimee Althoff explains how employment can become a community.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Barry and his son James explain that it is very easy to underestimate how much information someone with Down syndrome might be understanding because communication isn’t there.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Diana Kerr
About This Video:
Diana Kerr explains why people with dementia are often drawn to wanting to go home and to be with their mother. Diana goes on to explain some practical strategies.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Lynne Seagle
About This Video:
Lynne Seagle shares a story about a man’s life changing for the better.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 6 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
When Malia's son expresses that he longer needs guardianship, but needs guidance, she turns to the supported decision-making project.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 6 minutes
Presenter: Gary Kent
About This Video:
Gary Kent tells a story that reflects on the understanding that the people we support are sexual beings, capable of being in a relationship, and being fully and completely adult.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Judith North
About This Video:
Judith North explains and gives an example that demonstrates the importance of thinking about every single word when we communicate.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 5 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Jamie has a profound disability. He has very few words. He demonstrates charisma, a sharp sense of humor, and emotional sensitivity.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 8 minutes
Presenter: Heather Simmons
About This Video:
Heather Simmons tells a personal story that demonstrates that we all have an integrity gap, given the right circumstances.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 4 minutes
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
In this video we learn that people have names!
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Lauren Baletsa explains that having Prader-Willi Syndrome and not having support as a young girl led her to overeat and become extremely unhealthy and heavy, but with the right support in place, she is now healthy and happy and supported by people who are encouraging, caring, and positive.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Nina Tame
About This Video:
Nina Tame explains how she tells others she doesn’t want to share her medical information.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Shineeca Mcleod explains what mental health means to her and how she keeps mentally healthy by going to the gym, to the movies, and taking her medications regularly.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 1 minute
Presenter: Other
About This Video:
Brad Goldman explains how he used his skills and interests to establish and operate his own small business. Brad's story helps to reaffirm the fact the everyone can work.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes
Presenter: Harvey Pacht
About This Video:
Harvey Pacht reviews a range of important rights.
Subjects Covered:
Length: 2 minutes