Staff Learning Modules

Our Staff Learning Modules are designed to benefit anyone who touches the lives of people with intellectual disabilities.

Staff Learning Modules

Our Staff Learning Modules are designed to benefit anyone who touches the lives of people with intellectual disabilities.


Abuse Prevention - Long Version

About this module:

This module offers one of the only dedicated abuse prevention and safeguarding trainings that is truly specialized to the needs of the people we support. This is not a generic human services or health and social care training. Expect passion, values, first-hand examples and stories to underline the importance of keeping people safe.

This module teaches support staff how to recognize and report abuse. It underlines a zero tolerance approach to abuse and clearly explains the role and responsibilities of the support staff person.

We also offer a dedicated review detailing how the support professional can help the people they support to be their own frontline of defense against abuse.

This module adheres to the UK Department of Health's 'No Secrets' policy.

This module includes video presentations from Dave Hingsburger, Simon Duffy, Tanya Carnell, Gary Kent, Roger Crown, Steve Dymond, Sam Sly, Doreen Kelly and Beth Mount.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe what abuse is, and the signs, symptoms, causes, circumstances, patterns, and effects of abuse.

  • Explain how the power and control of systems and professionals can impact your role and the safety of the people you support.
  • Explain the responsibilities of your position as they relate to trust and safety.
  • Explain the importance of knowing the person and their disability.
  • Describe the risks of self-neglect and define who is most at risk.
  • Identify potential abusers.
  • Know how to recognize and report abuse when it is witnessed or reported to you and be able to describe the process that should take place after reporting abuse.
  • Describe how abuse is considered legally, and what the consequences for the abuser may be.
  • Help the people you support to be able to stop abuse and better protect themselves.
  • Describe the conflicts of people's personal freedoms and protection, explain the importance of risk taking and explain the risk assessment and management process.

Module Length: 150 Minutes







Abuse Prevention - Long Version

About this module:

This module offers one of the only dedicated abuse prevention and safeguarding trainings that is truly specialized to the needs of the people we support. This is not a generic human services or health and social care training. Expect passion, values, first-hand examples and stories to underline the importance of keeping people safe.

This module teaches support staff how to recognize and report abuse. It underlines a zero tolerance approach to abuse and clearly explains the role and responsibilities of the support staff person.

We also offer a dedicated review detailing how the support professional can help the people they support to be their own frontline of defense against abuse.

This module adheres to the UK Department of Health's 'No Secrets' policy.

This module includes video presentations from Dave Hingsburger, Simon Duffy, Tanya Carnell, Gary Kent, Roger Crown, Steve Dymond, Sam Sly, Doreen Kelly and Beth Mount.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe what abuse is, and the signs, symptoms, causes, circumstances, patterns, and effects of abuse.

  • Explain how the power and control of systems and professionals can impact your role and the safety of the people you support.
  • Explain the responsibilities of your position as they relate to trust and safety.
  • Explain the importance of knowing the person and their disability.
  • Describe the risks of self-neglect and define who is most at risk.
  • Identify potential abusers.
  • Know how to recognize and report abuse when it is witnessed or reported to you and be able to describe the process that should take place after reporting abuse.
  • Describe how abuse is considered legally, and what the consequences for the abuser may be.
  • Help the people you support to be able to stop abuse and better protect themselves.
  • Describe the conflicts of people's personal freedoms and protection, explain the importance of risk taking and explain the risk assessment and management process.

Module Length: 150 Minutes

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Abuse Prevention - Short Version

About this module:

This module offers one of the only dedicated abuse prevention and safeguarding trainings that is truly specialized to the needs of the people we support. This is not a generic human services or health and social care training. Expect passion, values, first-hand examples, and stories to underline the importance of keeping people safe.

This module teaches support staff how to recognize and report abuse. It underlines a zero tolerance approach to abuse, and clearly explains the role and responsibilities of the support staff person.

We also offer a dedicated review detailing how the support professional can help the people they support to be their own frontline of defense against abuse.

This module includes video presentations from Dave Hingsburger, Tanya Carnell, Roger Crown, and Doreen Kelly.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe what abuse is, along with the signs, symptoms, causes, circumstances, patterns, and effects of abuse.

  • Explain how the power and control of systems and professionals impact your role and the safety of the people you support.
  • Know how to recognize and report abuse when it is witnessed or reported to you, and be able to describe the process that should take place after reporting abuse.
  • Help the people you support to be able to stop and also better protect themselves from abuse.

Module Length: 80 Minutes







Abuse Prevention - Short Version

About this module:

This module offers one of the only dedicated abuse prevention and safeguarding trainings that is truly specialized to the needs of the people we support. This is not a generic human services or health and social care training. Expect passion, values, first-hand examples, and stories to underline the importance of keeping people safe.

This module teaches support staff how to recognize and report abuse. It underlines a zero tolerance approach to abuse, and clearly explains the role and responsibilities of the support staff person.

We also offer a dedicated review detailing how the support professional can help the people they support to be their own frontline of defense against abuse.

This module includes video presentations from Dave Hingsburger, Tanya Carnell, Roger Crown, and Doreen Kelly.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe what abuse is, along with the signs, symptoms, causes, circumstances, patterns, and effects of abuse.

  • Explain how the power and control of systems and professionals impact your role and the safety of the people you support.
  • Know how to recognize and report abuse when it is witnessed or reported to you, and be able to describe the process that should take place after reporting abuse.
  • Help the people you support to be able to stop and also better protect themselves from abuse.

Module Length: 80 Minutes

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Abuse Prevention Long Version - Spanish Version

Prevención del abuso: Protección de Adultos contra el Abuso

About this module:

Este módulo ofrece una de las únicas capacitaciones de prevención y protección contra el abuso que se especializa de verdaad en las necesidades de las personas que apoyamos. No es un servicio de personas genérico o una capacitación de atención social y de la salud. Expresa la pasión, los valores, ejemplos de primera mano e historias, que subrayan la importancia de mantener a las personas a salvo.

Este módulo le enseña al personal de apoyo cómo reconocer y denunciar el abuso. Subraya un enfoque de tolerancia cero al abuso y explica claramente el papel y las responsabilidades del miembro del personal de apoyo.

También ofrecemos una revisión dedicada que detalla cómo el profesional de apoyo puede ayudar a las personas a las que apoya a ser su propia primera línea de defensa contra el abuso.

Este módulo se adhiere a la política 'Sin secretos' del Departamento de Salud del Reino Unido.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones en video de Dave Hingsburger, Simon Duffy, Tanya Carnell, Gary Kent, Roger Crown, Steve Dymond, Sam Sly, Doreen Kelly y Beth Mount.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Describir qué es el abuso, y cuáles son las señales, síntomas, causas, circunstancias, patrones y efectos del abuso.

  • Explicar cómo el poder y control de los sistemas y profesionales pueden afectar tu función y la seguridad de la persona que apoyas.
  • Explicar las responsabilidades de tu puesto en relación con la confianza y la seguridad.
  • Explicar la importancia de conocer a la persona y su discapacidad.
  • Describir los riesgos del autoabandono y definir quién está en mayor riesgo.
  • Identificar a posibles abusadores.
  • Saber cómo reconocer y denunciar un abuso cuando alguien es testigo o alguien te lo informa, y describir el proceso que debe llevarse a cabo después de denunciar un abuso.
  • Describir la perspectiva legal del abuso, y las consecuencias a las que se expone el abusador.
  • Ayudar a las personas que a detener el abuso y protegerse mejor.
  • Describir los conflictos de las libertades personales y la protección de las personas, y explicar la importancia de arriesgar y del proceso de evaluación y gestión de riesgos.

Module Length: 150 Minutes







Abuse Prevention Long Version - Spanish Version

Prevención del abuso: Protección de Adultos contra el Abuso

About this module:

Este módulo ofrece una de las únicas capacitaciones de prevención y protección contra el abuso que se especializa de verdaad en las necesidades de las personas que apoyamos. No es un servicio de personas genérico o una capacitación de atención social y de la salud. Expresa la pasión, los valores, ejemplos de primera mano e historias, que subrayan la importancia de mantener a las personas a salvo.

Este módulo le enseña al personal de apoyo cómo reconocer y denunciar el abuso. Subraya un enfoque de tolerancia cero al abuso y explica claramente el papel y las responsabilidades del miembro del personal de apoyo.

También ofrecemos una revisión dedicada que detalla cómo el profesional de apoyo puede ayudar a las personas a las que apoya a ser su propia primera línea de defensa contra el abuso.

Este módulo se adhiere a la política 'Sin secretos' del Departamento de Salud del Reino Unido.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones en video de Dave Hingsburger, Simon Duffy, Tanya Carnell, Gary Kent, Roger Crown, Steve Dymond, Sam Sly, Doreen Kelly y Beth Mount.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Describir qué es el abuso, y cuáles son las señales, síntomas, causas, circunstancias, patrones y efectos del abuso.

  • Explicar cómo el poder y control de los sistemas y profesionales pueden afectar tu función y la seguridad de la persona que apoyas.
  • Explicar las responsabilidades de tu puesto en relación con la confianza y la seguridad.
  • Explicar la importancia de conocer a la persona y su discapacidad.
  • Describir los riesgos del autoabandono y definir quién está en mayor riesgo.
  • Identificar a posibles abusadores.
  • Saber cómo reconocer y denunciar un abuso cuando alguien es testigo o alguien te lo informa, y describir el proceso que debe llevarse a cabo después de denunciar un abuso.
  • Describir la perspectiva legal del abuso, y las consecuencias a las que se expone el abusador.
  • Ayudar a las personas que a detener el abuso y protegerse mejor.
  • Describir los conflictos de las libertades personales y la protección de las personas, y explicar la importancia de arriesgar y del proceso de evaluación y gestión de riesgos.

Module Length: 150 Minutes

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Active Support

About this module:

Active support is an approach that was developed to help combat the lack of engagement in meaningful activities and relationships experienced by people who receive support. Active support is about doing with, not for or to. Active support helps people to have a more active role in their lives and experience a better quality of life. Every moment has potential!

This module features presentations from Bev Ashman, Julie Beadle-Brown, and Margaret Cushen.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Define what active support is and how it can help people have a better quality of life.

  • Describe the importance of engagement and what it looks like.
  • Understand how every moment has potential.
  • Apply the principles of little and often, taking small steps, and providing support at the right time and place.
  • Describe how you can provide just enough support for people to participate successfully.
  • Explain how active support can be used to maximize choice and control while maintaining people's safety.

Module Length: 130 Minutes







Active Support

About this module:

Active support is an approach that was developed to help combat the lack of engagement in meaningful activities and relationships experienced by people who receive support. Active support is about doing with, not for or to. Active support helps people to have a more active role in their lives and experience a better quality of life. Every moment has potential!

This module features presentations from Bev Ashman, Julie Beadle-Brown, and Margaret Cushen.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Define what active support is and how it can help people have a better quality of life.

  • Describe the importance of engagement and what it looks like.
  • Understand how every moment has potential.
  • Apply the principles of little and often, taking small steps, and providing support at the right time and place.
  • Describe how you can provide just enough support for people to participate successfully.
  • Explain how active support can be used to maximize choice and control while maintaining people's safety.

Module Length: 130 Minutes

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Active Support - Spanish Version

Apoyo activo

About this module:

La asistencia activa es un enfoque que se desarrolló para combatir la falta de participación en actividades con sentido o en relaciones, de las personas que reciben apoyo. La asistencia activa trabaja con las personas, no para o por la persona. La asistencia activa ayuda a las personas a participar más activamente en sus propias vidas y a mejorar la calidad de sus vidas. Cada momento ofrece posibilidades.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones de Bev Ashman, Julie Beadle-Brown y Margaret Cushen.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Definir qué es el Apoyo activo y cómo puede ayudar a las personas a tener una mejor calidad de vida.

  • Describir la importancia del compromiso y en qué consiste.
  • Entender cómo cada momento tiene potencial.
  • Aplicar los principios «de a poco y con frecuencia, dar pequeños pasos y dar apoyo en el momento y el lugar adecuados.
  • Describir cómo ofrecer suficiente apoyo para que las personas participen con éxito.
  • Explicar cómo el apoyo activo se puede usar para aprovechar al máximo las decisiones y controlar la seguridad de la persona a la vez que la mantienes.

Module Length: 130 Minutes







Active Support - Spanish Version

Apoyo activo

About this module:

La asistencia activa es un enfoque que se desarrolló para combatir la falta de participación en actividades con sentido o en relaciones, de las personas que reciben apoyo. La asistencia activa trabaja con las personas, no para o por la persona. La asistencia activa ayuda a las personas a participar más activamente en sus propias vidas y a mejorar la calidad de sus vidas. Cada momento ofrece posibilidades.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones de Bev Ashman, Julie Beadle-Brown y Margaret Cushen.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Definir qué es el Apoyo activo y cómo puede ayudar a las personas a tener una mejor calidad de vida.

  • Describir la importancia del compromiso y en qué consiste.
  • Entender cómo cada momento tiene potencial.
  • Aplicar los principios «de a poco y con frecuencia, dar pequeños pasos y dar apoyo en el momento y el lugar adecuados.
  • Describir cómo ofrecer suficiente apoyo para que las personas participen con éxito.
  • Explicar cómo el apoyo activo se puede usar para aprovechar al máximo las decisiones y controlar la seguridad de la persona a la vez que la mantienes.

Module Length: 130 Minutes

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About this module:

This module combines a straightforward introduction to autism with a broad range of practical strategies and approaches. The short films within the module balance the personal perspectives of people who have autism with the opinions and experiences of a number of leading professionals.

This module includes video presentations from Judith North, Simon Haywood, and Adele Mason.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe autism.

  • Understand why autism is described as a spectrum.
  • Understand what might and might not cause autism and how it is diagnosed.
  • Explain how social communication, language, imagination, sensory processing difficulties, special interests or "obsessions," challenging behavior, and other common difficulties may be experienced.
  • Understand the following ways of supporting people: Strategies to help with communication. Strategies to help people become more connected and included. Strategies for understanding the importance of working through the detail of how someone wants and needs to be supported and making sure that's recorded and followed.

Module Length: 105 Minutes








About this module:

This module combines a straightforward introduction to autism with a broad range of practical strategies and approaches. The short films within the module balance the personal perspectives of people who have autism with the opinions and experiences of a number of leading professionals.

This module includes video presentations from Judith North, Simon Haywood, and Adele Mason.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe autism.

  • Understand why autism is described as a spectrum.
  • Understand what might and might not cause autism and how it is diagnosed.
  • Explain how social communication, language, imagination, sensory processing difficulties, special interests or "obsessions," challenging behavior, and other common difficulties may be experienced.
  • Understand the following ways of supporting people: Strategies to help with communication. Strategies to help people become more connected and included. Strategies for understanding the importance of working through the detail of how someone wants and needs to be supported and making sure that's recorded and followed.

Module Length: 105 Minutes

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Autism - Spanish Version


About this module:

Este módulo combina una introducción sencilla al autismo con una gama amplia de estrategias y enfoques prácticos. Como parte del módulo, este video corto equilibra las perspectivas de los autistas con las opiniones y experiencias de un grupo de líderes profesionales.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones en video de Judith North, Simon Haywood y Adele Mason.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Describir el autismo y el Síndrome de Asperger y conocer los trastornos asociados más comúnmente diagnosticados.

  • Entender por qué el autismo se describe como un espectro.
  • Entender qué podría o no causar autismo y cómo se diagnostica.
  • Explicar cómo se pueden llegar a vivir las dificultades de comunicación social, lenguaje, imaginación, procesamiento sensorial, intereses especiales u «obsesiones», comportamientos desafiantes y otras dificultades comunes.
  • Comprender las siguientes formas de apoyar a las personas.
  • Estrategias para ayudar con la comunicación.
  • Estrategias para ayudar a las personas a estar más conectadas e incluidas.

Module Length: 105 Minutes







Autism - Spanish Version


About this module:

Este módulo combina una introducción sencilla al autismo con una gama amplia de estrategias y enfoques prácticos. Como parte del módulo, este video corto equilibra las perspectivas de los autistas con las opiniones y experiencias de un grupo de líderes profesionales.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones en video de Judith North, Simon Haywood y Adele Mason.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Describir el autismo y el Síndrome de Asperger y conocer los trastornos asociados más comúnmente diagnosticados.

  • Entender por qué el autismo se describe como un espectro.
  • Entender qué podría o no causar autismo y cómo se diagnostica.
  • Explicar cómo se pueden llegar a vivir las dificultades de comunicación social, lenguaje, imaginación, procesamiento sensorial, intereses especiales u «obsesiones», comportamientos desafiantes y otras dificultades comunes.
  • Comprender las siguientes formas de apoyar a las personas.
  • Estrategias para ayudar con la comunicación.
  • Estrategias para ayudar a las personas a estar más conectadas e incluidas.

Module Length: 105 Minutes

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Autism and Sensory Processing

About this module:

This module expands on the learning provided in our module “Autism.” Please complete that module first. Understanding and gaining insight into your processing system takes time and effort. Understanding someone else's requires really careful observation, imagination, and empathy. In this module you will learn how your processing works and in turn we will teach you how to better understand and assist the processing realities of the people you support.

This module features presentations from Judith North and Simon Haywood.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain what processing is.

  • Describe the strengths and limitations of your own processing system and understand why understanding processing and processing difference matters when working with people with autistic spectrum conditions.
  • Gain insight and understanding into the experiences and challenges of people living with processing difference in a world that is insufficiently aware and adapted to accommodate it.
  • Reframe some “challenging behavior” as strategies for managing difficult (sometimes unbearable) processing challenges.
  • Reflect on the life choices made by people who experience processing difference and how these need to be understood and supported.

Module Length: 90 Minutes







Autism and Sensory Processing

About this module:

This module expands on the learning provided in our module “Autism.” Please complete that module first. Understanding and gaining insight into your processing system takes time and effort. Understanding someone else's requires really careful observation, imagination, and empathy. In this module you will learn how your processing works and in turn we will teach you how to better understand and assist the processing realities of the people you support.

This module features presentations from Judith North and Simon Haywood.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain what processing is.

  • Describe the strengths and limitations of your own processing system and understand why understanding processing and processing difference matters when working with people with autistic spectrum conditions.
  • Gain insight and understanding into the experiences and challenges of people living with processing difference in a world that is insufficiently aware and adapted to accommodate it.
  • Reframe some “challenging behavior” as strategies for managing difficult (sometimes unbearable) processing challenges.
  • Reflect on the life choices made by people who experience processing difference and how these need to be understood and supported.

Module Length: 90 Minutes

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Autism and Sensory Processing - Spanish Version

El autismo y el procesamiento sensorial

About this module:

Este módulo amplía lo que aprendimos en el modulo «Autismo». Finaliza primero este módulo. Comprender y obtener más perspectiva sobre tu sistema de procesamiento toma tiempo y esfuerzo. Entender a otra
persona exige observación detenida, imaginación y empatía. En este módulo aprenderás cómo funciona tu procesamiento, y a su vez, te enseñaremos cómo entender mejor y ayudar a comprender las realidades del procesamiento de las personas a las que apoyas.

Este módulo tiene presentaciones de Judith North y Simon Haywood. "

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:


  • Explicar qué es el procesamiento.

  • Describir las virtudes y las limitaciones del propio sistema de procesamiento.
  • Entender por qué el procesamiento y las diferencias de los procesamientos importan cuando trabajas con personas que tienen autismo.
  • Adquirir más perspectiva y comprensión respecto de las experiencias y las dificultades que enfrentan las personas con diferencias de procesamiento en un mundo que no está suficientemente consciente y adaptado para incorporar esta realidad.
  • Ver desde otro punto de vista ciertas «conductas desafiantes» como estrategias para manejar dificultades de procesamiento problemáticas (a veces insoportables).
  • Reflexionar acerca de las elecciones de vida de las personas que viven diferencias de procesamiento y cómo deben ser comprendidas y apoyadas.

Module Length: 90 Minutes







Autism and Sensory Processing - Spanish Version

El autismo y el procesamiento sensorial

About this module:

Este módulo amplía lo que aprendimos en el modulo «Autismo». Finaliza primero este módulo. Comprender y obtener más perspectiva sobre tu sistema de procesamiento toma tiempo y esfuerzo. Entender a otra
persona exige observación detenida, imaginación y empatía. En este módulo aprenderás cómo funciona tu procesamiento, y a su vez, te enseñaremos cómo entender mejor y ayudar a comprender las realidades del procesamiento de las personas a las que apoyas.

Este módulo tiene presentaciones de Judith North y Simon Haywood. "

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:


  • Explicar qué es el procesamiento.

  • Describir las virtudes y las limitaciones del propio sistema de procesamiento.
  • Entender por qué el procesamiento y las diferencias de los procesamientos importan cuando trabajas con personas que tienen autismo.
  • Adquirir más perspectiva y comprensión respecto de las experiencias y las dificultades que enfrentan las personas con diferencias de procesamiento en un mundo que no está suficientemente consciente y adaptado para incorporar esta realidad.
  • Ver desde otro punto de vista ciertas «conductas desafiantes» como estrategias para manejar dificultades de procesamiento problemáticas (a veces insoportables).
  • Reflexionar acerca de las elecciones de vida de las personas que viven diferencias de procesamiento y cómo deben ser comprendidas y apoyadas.

Module Length: 90 Minutes

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About this module:

Forget everything you think you know about boundaries. Dave Hingsburger's insightful words and thought provoking stories will open your mind.

Both you and the people you support need to know about boundaries. But as this module explains, for the people you support, boundaries are the most important social skill.

This module is written by features presentations from Dave Hingsburger.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain what boundaries are and why they are important for both you and the people you support.

  • Understand that boundaries are a learned skill that needs to be taught and know how to teach them.
  • Describe the importance of and difference between public and private places, spaces, and information.
  • Explain why we are not friends and we are not family.
  • Value the bodies of the people you support and know how to enable healthy, professional boundaries regarding touch.
  • Explain why maximum privacy equals maximum dignity.
  • Describe and teach appropriate ways to show affection.

Module Length: 120 Minutes








About this module:

Forget everything you think you know about boundaries. Dave Hingsburger's insightful words and thought provoking stories will open your mind.

Both you and the people you support need to know about boundaries. But as this module explains, for the people you support, boundaries are the most important social skill.

This module is written by features presentations from Dave Hingsburger.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain what boundaries are and why they are important for both you and the people you support.

  • Understand that boundaries are a learned skill that needs to be taught and know how to teach them.
  • Describe the importance of and difference between public and private places, spaces, and information.
  • Explain why we are not friends and we are not family.
  • Value the bodies of the people you support and know how to enable healthy, professional boundaries regarding touch.
  • Explain why maximum privacy equals maximum dignity.
  • Describe and teach appropriate ways to show affection.

Module Length: 120 Minutes

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Boundaries - Spanish Version


About this module:

Olvídense de todo lo que creen que saben sobre los límites. Las palabras esclarecedoras y las historias provocadoras de Dave Hingsburger ofrecen una perspectiva más amplia. Tanto tú como las personas que apoyas necesitan conocer los limites. Pero como lo explica este módulo, para las personas que apoyas los límites representan la más importante habilidad social.

Este módulo está escrito con presentaciones de características de Dave Hingsburger.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Explicar cuáles son los límites y por qué son importantes tanto para ti como para las personas apoyas.

  • Entender los límites constituyen una habilidad aprendida que se debe enseñar, y saber cómo enseñarla.
  • Describir la importancia y la diferencia entre lugares públicos y privados, espacios e información.
  • Explicar por qué no somos amigos y no somos familia.
  • Valorar los cuerpos de las personas que apoyas y saber cómo permitir un límite saludable y profesional relacionado con el contacto físico.
  • Explicar por qué la privacidad máxima equivale a dignidad máxima.
  • Describir y enseñar maneras apropiadas de mostrar afecto

Module Length: 120 Minutes







Boundaries - Spanish Version


About this module:

Olvídense de todo lo que creen que saben sobre los límites. Las palabras esclarecedoras y las historias provocadoras de Dave Hingsburger ofrecen una perspectiva más amplia. Tanto tú como las personas que apoyas necesitan conocer los limites. Pero como lo explica este módulo, para las personas que apoyas los límites representan la más importante habilidad social.

Este módulo está escrito con presentaciones de características de Dave Hingsburger.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Explicar cuáles son los límites y por qué son importantes tanto para ti como para las personas apoyas.

  • Entender los límites constituyen una habilidad aprendida que se debe enseñar, y saber cómo enseñarla.
  • Describir la importancia y la diferencia entre lugares públicos y privados, espacios e información.
  • Explicar por qué no somos amigos y no somos familia.
  • Valorar los cuerpos de las personas que apoyas y saber cómo permitir un límite saludable y profesional relacionado con el contacto físico.
  • Explicar por qué la privacidad máxima equivale a dignidad máxima.
  • Describir y enseñar maneras apropiadas de mostrar afecto

Module Length: 120 Minutes

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Breaking Bad News

About this module:

Nobody likes to break bad news. We worry about how to do it, how someone will respond, and how we will cope with their response. It may seem easiest not to break the news, or to get someone else to do it. Many people even try to pretend that the bad news event hasn’t happened. This module will guide and support you in the process of helping someone to understand bad news.

This module is written by features presentations from Amanda Cresswell, Louise Heatley, Monica Stannard and Irene Tuffrey-Wijne.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe what bad news is and explain the importance of people understanding and being part of the bad news in their lives.

  • Explain the detrimental effects of hiding bad news from people.
  • Use a variety of approaches and strategies to help people with different abilities through the process of preparing for and understanding bad news.
  • Understand the different roles that you, other professionals and people in the person’s support network play in breaking bad news.
  • Understand the different ways that people may understand and express grief.
  • Explain the support that you and other people in the person’s life might need in order to be able to manage feelings of loss and grief.

Module Length: 110 Minutes







Breaking Bad News

About this module:

Nobody likes to break bad news. We worry about how to do it, how someone will respond, and how we will cope with their response. It may seem easiest not to break the news, or to get someone else to do it. Many people even try to pretend that the bad news event hasn’t happened. This module will guide and support you in the process of helping someone to understand bad news.

This module is written by features presentations from Amanda Cresswell, Louise Heatley, Monica Stannard and Irene Tuffrey-Wijne.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe what bad news is and explain the importance of people understanding and being part of the bad news in their lives.

  • Explain the detrimental effects of hiding bad news from people.
  • Use a variety of approaches and strategies to help people with different abilities through the process of preparing for and understanding bad news.
  • Understand the different roles that you, other professionals and people in the person’s support network play in breaking bad news.
  • Understand the different ways that people may understand and express grief.
  • Explain the support that you and other people in the person’s life might need in order to be able to manage feelings of loss and grief.

Module Length: 110 Minutes

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Breaking Bad News - Spanish Version

Dar malas noticias

About this module:

A nadie le gusta dar malas noticias. Nos preocupamos por cómo hacerlo, cómo responderá alguien y cómo afrontaremos su respuesta. Puede parecer más fácil no dar la noticia o pedirle a otra persona que lo haga. Mucha gente incluso intenta fingir que la mala noticia no ha ocurrido. Este módulo lo guiará y apoyará en el proceso de ayudar a alguien a comprender las malas noticias.

Escrito y con presentaciones de Amanda Cresswell, Louise Heatley, Monica Stannard e Irene Tuffrey-Wijne.


Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Describir qué son las malas noticias y explicar la importancia de que la gente comprenda y participe en las malas noticias de su vida.

  • Explicar los efectos perjudiciales de ocultar malas noticias a la gente.
  • Utilizar diversos enfoques y estrategias para ayudar a personas con capacidades diferentes en el proceso de preparación y comprensión de las malas noticias.
  • Comprender los distintos papeles que tú, otros profesionales y las personas de la red de apoyo de la persona desempeñan a la hora de dar la mala noticia.
  • Comprender las distintas formas en que las personas pueden entender y expresar el duelo.
  • Explicar el apoyo que tú y otras personas de su vida pueden necesitar para poder gestionar los sentimientos de pérdida y duelo.

Module Length: 110 Minutes







Breaking Bad News - Spanish Version

Dar malas noticias

About this module:

A nadie le gusta dar malas noticias. Nos preocupamos por cómo hacerlo, cómo responderá alguien y cómo afrontaremos su respuesta. Puede parecer más fácil no dar la noticia o pedirle a otra persona que lo haga. Mucha gente incluso intenta fingir que la mala noticia no ha ocurrido. Este módulo lo guiará y apoyará en el proceso de ayudar a alguien a comprender las malas noticias.

Escrito y con presentaciones de Amanda Cresswell, Louise Heatley, Monica Stannard e Irene Tuffrey-Wijne.


Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Describir qué son las malas noticias y explicar la importancia de que la gente comprenda y participe en las malas noticias de su vida.

  • Explicar los efectos perjudiciales de ocultar malas noticias a la gente.
  • Utilizar diversos enfoques y estrategias para ayudar a personas con capacidades diferentes en el proceso de preparación y comprensión de las malas noticias.
  • Comprender los distintos papeles que tú, otros profesionales y las personas de la red de apoyo de la persona desempeñan a la hora de dar la mala noticia.
  • Comprender las distintas formas en que las personas pueden entender y expresar el duelo.
  • Explicar el apoyo que tú y otras personas de su vida pueden necesitar para poder gestionar los sentimientos de pérdida y duelo.

Module Length: 110 Minutes

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Building Friendships and Community

About this module:

In this module, leading expert Kay Mills frames her personal experiences with stories of people she has worked with to comprehensively explain how we can help people to build friendships and community. Kay begins by defining both friendships and community, and then goes on to explain their value. Finally, she offers a full range of strategies that workers can use to not only build, but also maintain friendships and community.

This module features presentations from a range of leading professionals and self-advocates, including Dave Hingsburger, Lynda Kahn, Margaret Cushen, Steve Dymond, Beth Mount, Dave Hasbury, Patti Scott, and Jack Pearpoint.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain the discrimination, prejudice and institutionalization that people have experienced and how it impacts on their experience of friendships and community.

  • Define and explain the importance of both friendship and community.
  • Describe a range of approaches and strategies that can be applied to help people to find and build friendships and community.
  • Explain the importance of and how people can maintain the friendships they have in their lives.
  • Detail the potential challenges that you may face and explain how you can help the people you support to tackle negative and discriminatory attitudes.

Module Length: 174 Minutes







Building Friendships and Community

About this module:

In this module, leading expert Kay Mills frames her personal experiences with stories of people she has worked with to comprehensively explain how we can help people to build friendships and community. Kay begins by defining both friendships and community, and then goes on to explain their value. Finally, she offers a full range of strategies that workers can use to not only build, but also maintain friendships and community.

This module features presentations from a range of leading professionals and self-advocates, including Dave Hingsburger, Lynda Kahn, Margaret Cushen, Steve Dymond, Beth Mount, Dave Hasbury, Patti Scott, and Jack Pearpoint.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain the discrimination, prejudice and institutionalization that people have experienced and how it impacts on their experience of friendships and community.

  • Define and explain the importance of both friendship and community.
  • Describe a range of approaches and strategies that can be applied to help people to find and build friendships and community.
  • Explain the importance of and how people can maintain the friendships they have in their lives.
  • Detail the potential challenges that you may face and explain how you can help the people you support to tackle negative and discriminatory attitudes.

Module Length: 174 Minutes

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Building Friendships and Community - Spanish Version

Formación de Amistades y Comunidad

About this module:

En este módulo, la experta líder Kay Mills enmarca sus experiencias personales con historias de personas con las que ha trabajado para explicar de manera integral cómo podemos ayudar a las personas a crear relaciones y comunidad. Primeramente Kay define la amistad y la comunidad, y después nos explica el valor que tienen. Por último, nos ofrece una estrategia completa que pueden usar los profesionales de asistencia no solo para crear, sino también conservar las amistades y la comunidad.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Explicar la discriminación, los prejuicios y la institucionalización que han vivido las personas y cómo estos factores impactan la percepción sobre la amistad y la comunidad.

  • Definir y explicar la importancia de la amistad y la comunidad.
  • Describir una gama de enfoques y estrategias que se pueden aplicar para ayudar a las personas a encontrar y crear amistades y comunidad.
  • Explicar la importancia de—y la forma en que las personas pueden—conservar las amistades que establecen en sus vidas.
  • Enumerar con detalle las dificultades que es posible que enfrenten las personas y explicar cómo puedes ayudar a afrontar las actitudes negativas y discriminatorias.

Module Length: 174 Minutes







Building Friendships and Community - Spanish Version

Formación de Amistades y Comunidad

About this module:

En este módulo, la experta líder Kay Mills enmarca sus experiencias personales con historias de personas con las que ha trabajado para explicar de manera integral cómo podemos ayudar a las personas a crear relaciones y comunidad. Primeramente Kay define la amistad y la comunidad, y después nos explica el valor que tienen. Por último, nos ofrece una estrategia completa que pueden usar los profesionales de asistencia no solo para crear, sino también conservar las amistades y la comunidad.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Explicar la discriminación, los prejuicios y la institucionalización que han vivido las personas y cómo estos factores impactan la percepción sobre la amistad y la comunidad.

  • Definir y explicar la importancia de la amistad y la comunidad.
  • Describir una gama de enfoques y estrategias que se pueden aplicar para ayudar a las personas a encontrar y crear amistades y comunidad.
  • Explicar la importancia de—y la forma en que las personas pueden—conservar las amistades que establecen en sus vidas.
  • Enumerar con detalle las dificultades que es posible que enfrenten las personas y explicar cómo puedes ayudar a afrontar las actitudes negativas y discriminatorias.

Module Length: 174 Minutes

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Challenging Behavior

About this module:

The causes of challenging behavior and the needs of people with challenging behavior are often misunderstood. Our insightful and empowering short films, supported by a range of interactive graphics, help clarify many of the most common misunderstandings.

Using a person-centered approach, we offer a number of practical approaches and strategies to help people better understand, prevent, and support challenging behavior.

This module includes video presentations from Gary Kent, Doreen Kelly, Dave Hingsburger, Jack Pearpoint, Beth Mount, Simon Duffy, Marc Tumeinski, and Simon Haywood.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Define challenging behavior.

  • Explain what individual and environmental characteristics cause challenging behavior.
  • Understand the effects of challenging behavior.
  • Describe how communication difficulties can impact behavior.
  • Describe how to implement a range of person-centered tools, strategies, and approaches aimed at preventing or reducing challenging behavior.
  • Explain good listening skills.
  • Understand the importance of knowing the person and their story so you can meet his or her individual needs and wishes.
  • Describe the consequences of loneliness and the importance of friendships, relationships, and valued roles.

Module Length: 225 Minutes







Challenging Behavior

About this module:

The causes of challenging behavior and the needs of people with challenging behavior are often misunderstood. Our insightful and empowering short films, supported by a range of interactive graphics, help clarify many of the most common misunderstandings.

Using a person-centered approach, we offer a number of practical approaches and strategies to help people better understand, prevent, and support challenging behavior.

This module includes video presentations from Gary Kent, Doreen Kelly, Dave Hingsburger, Jack Pearpoint, Beth Mount, Simon Duffy, Marc Tumeinski, and Simon Haywood.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Define challenging behavior.

  • Explain what individual and environmental characteristics cause challenging behavior.
  • Understand the effects of challenging behavior.
  • Describe how communication difficulties can impact behavior.
  • Describe how to implement a range of person-centered tools, strategies, and approaches aimed at preventing or reducing challenging behavior.
  • Explain good listening skills.
  • Understand the importance of knowing the person and their story so you can meet his or her individual needs and wishes.
  • Describe the consequences of loneliness and the importance of friendships, relationships, and valued roles.

Module Length: 225 Minutes

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Challenging Behavior - Spanish Version

Conducta desafiante

About this module:

Por lo general, hay malentendidos acerca de las causas que provocan las conductas desafiantes y las necesidades de las personas con conductas desafiantes. Nuestros videos cortos perspicaces y empoderadores, respaldados con una gama de gráficos interactivos, ayudan a aclarar los malentendidos más comunes.

Usando un enfoque centrado en la persona, ofrecemos una serie de enfoques y estrategias prácticas para ayudar a las personas a comprender, prevenir y apoyar mejor el comportamiento desafiante.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones en video de Gary Kent, Doreen Kelly, Dave Hingsburger, Jack Pearpoint, Beth Mount, Simon Duffy, Marc Tumeinski y Simon Haywood.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Definir qué es una conducta desafiante.

  • Describir las características individuales y ambientales que causan una conducta desafiante.
  • Comprender los efectos de una conducta desafiante.
  • Describir cómo las dificultades de comunicación pueden afectar el comportamiento.
  • Describir cómo implementar una gama de herramientas, estrategias y enfoques centrados en la persona destinados a prevenir o reducir una conducta desafiante.
  • Explicar las habilidades de escucha óptimas.
  • Comprender la importancia de conocer a la persona y su pasado para poder satisfacer sus necesidades y deseos personales.
  • Describir las consecuencias de la soledad y la importancia de las amistades, las relaciones y los roles valorados.

Module Length: 225 Minutes







Challenging Behavior - Spanish Version

Conducta desafiante

About this module:

Por lo general, hay malentendidos acerca de las causas que provocan las conductas desafiantes y las necesidades de las personas con conductas desafiantes. Nuestros videos cortos perspicaces y empoderadores, respaldados con una gama de gráficos interactivos, ayudan a aclarar los malentendidos más comunes.

Usando un enfoque centrado en la persona, ofrecemos una serie de enfoques y estrategias prácticas para ayudar a las personas a comprender, prevenir y apoyar mejor el comportamiento desafiante.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones en video de Gary Kent, Doreen Kelly, Dave Hingsburger, Jack Pearpoint, Beth Mount, Simon Duffy, Marc Tumeinski y Simon Haywood.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Definir qué es una conducta desafiante.

  • Describir las características individuales y ambientales que causan una conducta desafiante.
  • Comprender los efectos de una conducta desafiante.
  • Describir cómo las dificultades de comunicación pueden afectar el comportamiento.
  • Describir cómo implementar una gama de herramientas, estrategias y enfoques centrados en la persona destinados a prevenir o reducir una conducta desafiante.
  • Explicar las habilidades de escucha óptimas.
  • Comprender la importancia de conocer a la persona y su pasado para poder satisfacer sus necesidades y deseos personales.
  • Describir las consecuencias de la soledad y la importancia de las amistades, las relaciones y los roles valorados.

Module Length: 225 Minutes

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Dementia Explained

About this module:

The good news is that the people with intellectual disabilities are living longer, but this also means they are developing all the conditions of older age. It is therefore very important to understand what dementia is, how it affects people with intellectual disabilities, and the support that people need.

This module includes video presentations from Diana Kerr.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain what the term dementia means.

  • Describe the different types of dementia.
  • Understand how dementia affects people with intellectual disabilities.
  • Describe the changes in the brain that a person with dementia experiences and how these changes impact their reality.
  • Identify the early signs of dementia.
  • Explain the importance of diagnosis.

Module Length: 65 Minutes







Dementia Explained

About this module:

The good news is that the people with intellectual disabilities are living longer, but this also means they are developing all the conditions of older age. It is therefore very important to understand what dementia is, how it affects people with intellectual disabilities, and the support that people need.

This module includes video presentations from Diana Kerr.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain what the term dementia means.

  • Describe the different types of dementia.
  • Understand how dementia affects people with intellectual disabilities.
  • Describe the changes in the brain that a person with dementia experiences and how these changes impact their reality.
  • Identify the early signs of dementia.
  • Explain the importance of diagnosis.

Module Length: 65 Minutes

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Dementia Strategies

About this module:

Dementia causes people to lose skills and abilities they once had. What people are not losing, however, are their feelings and emotions. So let's think about how we can make this part of people's life enjoyable and stress free. This module is packed full of easy to use and practical strategies that will help you be able to better support people with dementia. 

This module features presentations from Diana Kerr and scenario-based excerpts provided by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Respond to the reality of the person with dementia with a calming and reassuring approach.

  • Understand the benefits of and know how to best support the development of the individual’s life story.
  • Describe how to most effectively communicate with someone who has dementia.
  • Apply a wide range of practical strategies that will support the environment of a person with dementia.
  • Recognize and manage pain.

Module Length: 95 Minutes







Dementia Strategies

About this module:

Dementia causes people to lose skills and abilities they once had. What people are not losing, however, are their feelings and emotions. So let's think about how we can make this part of people's life enjoyable and stress free. This module is packed full of easy to use and practical strategies that will help you be able to better support people with dementia. 

This module features presentations from Diana Kerr and scenario-based excerpts provided by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Respond to the reality of the person with dementia with a calming and reassuring approach.

  • Understand the benefits of and know how to best support the development of the individual’s life story.
  • Describe how to most effectively communicate with someone who has dementia.
  • Apply a wide range of practical strategies that will support the environment of a person with dementia.
  • Recognize and manage pain.

Module Length: 95 Minutes

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Difficult Families - Spanish Version

Familias Difíciles

About this module:

Este módulo conmemora a las familias y lo que podemos aprender de ellas. Las palabras conmovedoras y reflexivas de las familias que participaron en este módulo te ayudarán a aprender de la experiencia y comprender las perspectivas de las familias con las que trabajas.

Este módulo contiene presentaciones de Maria Hodermarska, Clara Berg, Diana McCourt, Janis Swindlehurst y Evelyn Perez. "

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Entender que no existe una familia difícil.

  • Entender las perspectivas y experiencias de las familias.
  • Explicar el impacto que tiene el estrés en las familias.
  • Entender y ayudar a aliviar las dificultades que las familias enfrentan durante la transición a los servicios.
  • Ayudar a las personas que apoyas cuando hay una enfermedad o muerte en una familia.
  • Mejorar la comunicación con las familias.

Module Length: 110 Minutes







Difficult Families - Spanish Version

Familias Difíciles

About this module:

Este módulo conmemora a las familias y lo que podemos aprender de ellas. Las palabras conmovedoras y reflexivas de las familias que participaron en este módulo te ayudarán a aprender de la experiencia y comprender las perspectivas de las familias con las que trabajas.

Este módulo contiene presentaciones de Maria Hodermarska, Clara Berg, Diana McCourt, Janis Swindlehurst y Evelyn Perez. "

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Entender que no existe una familia difícil.

  • Entender las perspectivas y experiencias de las familias.
  • Explicar el impacto que tiene el estrés en las familias.
  • Entender y ayudar a aliviar las dificultades que las familias enfrentan durante la transición a los servicios.
  • Ayudar a las personas que apoyas cuando hay una enfermedad o muerte en una familia.
  • Mejorar la comunicación con las familias.

Module Length: 110 Minutes

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Difficult Families?

About this module:

This module is a celebration of families and what we can learn from them. The moving and thoughtful words of the families who made this module will help you to learn from the experience and understand the perspectives of the families that you work with.

This module features presentations from Maria Hodermarska, Clara Berg, Diana McCourt, Janis Swindlehurst, and Evelyn Perez.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand that there is no such thing as a difficult family.

  • Understand the perspectives and experiences of families.
  • Explain the impact of stress on families.
  • Understand and help to alleviate the difficulties that families may have as they transition into services.
  • Help the people you support when there is a family illness or death.
  • Improve how you communicate with families.

Module Length: 110 Minutes







Difficult Families?

About this module:

This module is a celebration of families and what we can learn from them. The moving and thoughtful words of the families who made this module will help you to learn from the experience and understand the perspectives of the families that you work with.

This module features presentations from Maria Hodermarska, Clara Berg, Diana McCourt, Janis Swindlehurst, and Evelyn Perez.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand that there is no such thing as a difficult family.

  • Understand the perspectives and experiences of families.
  • Explain the impact of stress on families.
  • Understand and help to alleviate the difficulties that families may have as they transition into services.
  • Help the people you support when there is a family illness or death.
  • Improve how you communicate with families.

Module Length: 110 Minutes

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About this module:

To recognize that every person is unique and to respect each person’s differences define diversity and the mission of this module. Co written by Charles Archer, Karyn Harvey, Roger Ramsukh and Dave Hingsburger this module features four very different perspectives on diversity. These perspectives will in turn explore how you can allow people to define who they are, how they lead their lives, what they need to be safe, and how your support can lead them to reach their potential in all that they do.

This module was written by and features presentations from Charles Archer, Karyn Harvey, Dave Hingsburger, and Roger Ramsukh.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Provide equal support, equal care and equal respect.

  • Understand the difference between your opinions, your beliefs and your responsibilities.
  • Help people to define who they are, how they lead their lives and what they need to be safe.
  • Describe tips and strategies to manage personal attacks and discrimination.
  • Explain what you need to do to be self-reflective and self-aware.

Module Length: 110 Minutes








About this module:

To recognize that every person is unique and to respect each person’s differences define diversity and the mission of this module. Co written by Charles Archer, Karyn Harvey, Roger Ramsukh and Dave Hingsburger this module features four very different perspectives on diversity. These perspectives will in turn explore how you can allow people to define who they are, how they lead their lives, what they need to be safe, and how your support can lead them to reach their potential in all that they do.

This module was written by and features presentations from Charles Archer, Karyn Harvey, Dave Hingsburger, and Roger Ramsukh.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Provide equal support, equal care and equal respect.

  • Understand the difference between your opinions, your beliefs and your responsibilities.
  • Help people to define who they are, how they lead their lives and what they need to be safe.
  • Describe tips and strategies to manage personal attacks and discrimination.
  • Explain what you need to do to be self-reflective and self-aware.

Module Length: 110 Minutes

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Diversity - Spanish version


About this module:

La definición de la diversidad y la misión de este módulo es reconocer que cada persona es única y debemos respetar las diferencias de cada una. Co escrito por Charles Archer, Karyn Harvey, Roger Ramsukh, y Dave Hingsburger este módulo presenta cuatro perspectivas diferentes sobre la diversidad. Estas perspectivas a su vez exploran cómo puedes ayudar a las personas a definir quiénes son, cómo viven sus vidas, qué necesitan para sentirse a salvo y seguras, y cómo tu apoyo puede orientarlas para que alcancen su potencial en todo lo que hacen.

Este módulo fue escrito y presenta presentaciones de Charles Archer, Karyn Harvey, Dave Hingsburger y Roger Ramsukh. "

Después de completar este módulo, podrás:

  • Dar el mismo apoyo, la misma atención y el mismo respeto.

  • Entender las diferencias entre tus opiniones, tus creencias y tus responsabilidades.
  • Ayudar a las personas a definir quienes son, cómo viven sus vidas y lo que necesitan para estar seguros y a salvo. 
  •  Dar consejos y estrategias para el manejo de ataques personales y la discriminación.
  • Explicar lo que debemos hacer para ser autorreflexivos y conscientes de nosotros mismos.

Module Length: 110 Minutes







Diversity - Spanish version


About this module:

La definición de la diversidad y la misión de este módulo es reconocer que cada persona es única y debemos respetar las diferencias de cada una. Co escrito por Charles Archer, Karyn Harvey, Roger Ramsukh, y Dave Hingsburger este módulo presenta cuatro perspectivas diferentes sobre la diversidad. Estas perspectivas a su vez exploran cómo puedes ayudar a las personas a definir quiénes son, cómo viven sus vidas, qué necesitan para sentirse a salvo y seguras, y cómo tu apoyo puede orientarlas para que alcancen su potencial en todo lo que hacen.

Este módulo fue escrito y presenta presentaciones de Charles Archer, Karyn Harvey, Dave Hingsburger y Roger Ramsukh. "

Después de completar este módulo, podrás:

  • Dar el mismo apoyo, la misma atención y el mismo respeto.

  • Entender las diferencias entre tus opiniones, tus creencias y tus responsabilidades.
  • Ayudar a las personas a definir quienes son, cómo viven sus vidas y lo que necesitan para estar seguros y a salvo. 
  •  Dar consejos y estrategias para el manejo de ataques personales y la discriminación.
  • Explicar lo que debemos hacer para ser autorreflexivos y conscientes de nosotros mismos.

Module Length: 110 Minutes

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Do the Write Thing

About this module:

Behind every word we write, there is a person. But paperwork is loathed by almost every support professional in the field of human services. What if we could change the way we document? Join us as we make paperwork become people work.

John Raffaele is passionate about documentation. John starts the module by detailing the basics of creating professionally produced and meaningful documentation. John goes on to introduce the person-centered approach of writing with people instead of for them.

This module includes video presentations from John Raffaele, Janice Bartley, and Kathie Snow.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Appreciate documentation as a competency and a skill.

  • Explain what constitutes unprofessional documentation.
  • Understand the importance of and be able to apply practical strategies to ensure legible, accurate, respectful, concise, confidential, and meaningful documentation.
  • Explain why paperwork is people work.
  • Describe and apply the concept and process of documenting with people, known as partnership documentation.

Module Length: 93 Minutes







Do the Write Thing

About this module:

Behind every word we write, there is a person. But paperwork is loathed by almost every support professional in the field of human services. What if we could change the way we document? Join us as we make paperwork become people work.

John Raffaele is passionate about documentation. John starts the module by detailing the basics of creating professionally produced and meaningful documentation. John goes on to introduce the person-centered approach of writing with people instead of for them.

This module includes video presentations from John Raffaele, Janice Bartley, and Kathie Snow.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Appreciate documentation as a competency and a skill.

  • Explain what constitutes unprofessional documentation.
  • Understand the importance of and be able to apply practical strategies to ensure legible, accurate, respectful, concise, confidential, and meaningful documentation.
  • Explain why paperwork is people work.
  • Describe and apply the concept and process of documenting with people, known as partnership documentation.

Module Length: 93 Minutes

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Do The Write Thing - Spanish Version

Documentación con precisión

About this module:

Detrás de cada palabra que escribimos, hay una persona. Pero casi todos los profesionales de asistencia en el campo de los servicios para personas detestan la documentación. ¿Qué pasaría si pudiéramos transformar
la manera en que documentamos? Ven con nosotros y hagamos que el trabajo de la documentación se vuelva un trabajo de personas.

John Raffaele es un apasionado de la documentación. John comienza el módulo detallando los fundamentos para crear documentación relevante producida con profesionalismo. John después presenta el enfoque
centrado en la persona con el que escribimos con la persona en lugar de por la persona. Este módulo incluye presentaciones de video de John Raffaele, Janice Bartley, y Kathie Snow.

Después de completar este módulo, serán capaces de:

  • Apreciar la documentación como una competencia y una habilidad.

  •  Explicar lo que constituye una documentación no profesional.
  • Entender la importancia de las estrategias prácticas y saber aplicarlas para garantizar la creación de documentación legible, precisa, respetuosa, concisa, confidencial y valiosa.
  •  Explicar por qué el papeleo es para apoyar a las personas.
  • Describir y aplicar el concepto y proceso de documentar con personas, conocido como documentación en alianza.

Module Length: 93 Minutes







Do The Write Thing - Spanish Version

Documentación con precisión

About this module:

Detrás de cada palabra que escribimos, hay una persona. Pero casi todos los profesionales de asistencia en el campo de los servicios para personas detestan la documentación. ¿Qué pasaría si pudiéramos transformar
la manera en que documentamos? Ven con nosotros y hagamos que el trabajo de la documentación se vuelva un trabajo de personas.

John Raffaele es un apasionado de la documentación. John comienza el módulo detallando los fundamentos para crear documentación relevante producida con profesionalismo. John después presenta el enfoque
centrado en la persona con el que escribimos con la persona en lugar de por la persona. Este módulo incluye presentaciones de video de John Raffaele, Janice Bartley, y Kathie Snow.

Después de completar este módulo, serán capaces de:

  • Apreciar la documentación como una competencia y una habilidad.

  •  Explicar lo que constituye una documentación no profesional.
  • Entender la importancia de las estrategias prácticas y saber aplicarlas para garantizar la creación de documentación legible, precisa, respetuosa, concisa, confidencial y valiosa.
  •  Explicar por qué el papeleo es para apoyar a las personas.
  • Describir y aplicar el concepto y proceso de documentar con personas, conocido como documentación en alianza.

Module Length: 93 Minutes

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Down Syndrome

About this module:

What is Down syndrome and what causes it? How are people with Down syndrome like you and how are they different? Why do people with Down syndrome have some very specific health needs and what are they? What are the myths and stereotypes about Down syndrome? How can you best support someone with Down syndrome to live a happy and healthy life? In this module we will answer all these questions and much more!

This module features presentations from Jonathan Angus, Fionn Crombie Angus, James Minshall, Barry Minshall, and Stuart Mills.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand what Down syndrome is and what causes it to occur.

  • Understand the physical, emotional, and learning characteristics that are common in people with Down syndrome.
  • Explain best practices when supporting someone with Down syndrome to learn and process new information.
  • Understand some of the health conditions that are common in people with Down syndrome.
  • Support someone with Down syndrome to live a happy and healthy life through health and wellness management.

Module Length: 81 Minutes







Down Syndrome

About this module:

What is Down syndrome and what causes it? How are people with Down syndrome like you and how are they different? Why do people with Down syndrome have some very specific health needs and what are they? What are the myths and stereotypes about Down syndrome? How can you best support someone with Down syndrome to live a happy and healthy life? In this module we will answer all these questions and much more!

This module features presentations from Jonathan Angus, Fionn Crombie Angus, James Minshall, Barry Minshall, and Stuart Mills.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand what Down syndrome is and what causes it to occur.

  • Understand the physical, emotional, and learning characteristics that are common in people with Down syndrome.
  • Explain best practices when supporting someone with Down syndrome to learn and process new information.
  • Understand some of the health conditions that are common in people with Down syndrome.
  • Support someone with Down syndrome to live a happy and healthy life through health and wellness management.

Module Length: 81 Minutes

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About this module:

Paid employment is simply not given the priority that it deserves. This module aims to inspire change. The module begins by providing some background to the historical and present day barriers to employment, before reviewing in some detail the importance of employment.

The core of this module details the common best practice supports that can be offered to help people to prepare for employment. The remainder of the module then divides its attention between examining both the supported and customized approaches to employment.

This module includes video presentations from Beth Mount, Fredda Rosen, Katrina Reese, Steve Dymond, Sean Vecchione, Rachel Pollock, Jack Pearpoint, Lynda Kahn, Marc Tumeinski, Brad Goldman, and Aimee Althoff.

Learning outcomes for this module 
On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand the importance and purpose of employment.

  • Detail how the discovery and planning processes work and how they can help people to find jobs.
  • Explain the importance of incorporating the support of family members and the person’s circle of support.
  • Describe the potential barriers to paid work.
  • Identify why the people you support experience low expectations.
  • Define both supported and customized employment and describe who they best suit and why.
  • Describe how customized employment matches people's skills and interests with the employers unmet needs.
  • Explain the importance of paid work and when unpaid work can be helpful.
  • Detail the role and responsibilities of the job coach to help find, get and keep work.

Module Length: 150 Minutes








About this module:

Paid employment is simply not given the priority that it deserves. This module aims to inspire change. The module begins by providing some background to the historical and present day barriers to employment, before reviewing in some detail the importance of employment.

The core of this module details the common best practice supports that can be offered to help people to prepare for employment. The remainder of the module then divides its attention between examining both the supported and customized approaches to employment.

This module includes video presentations from Beth Mount, Fredda Rosen, Katrina Reese, Steve Dymond, Sean Vecchione, Rachel Pollock, Jack Pearpoint, Lynda Kahn, Marc Tumeinski, Brad Goldman, and Aimee Althoff.

Learning outcomes for this module 
On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand the importance and purpose of employment.

  • Detail how the discovery and planning processes work and how they can help people to find jobs.
  • Explain the importance of incorporating the support of family members and the person’s circle of support.
  • Describe the potential barriers to paid work.
  • Identify why the people you support experience low expectations.
  • Define both supported and customized employment and describe who they best suit and why.
  • Describe how customized employment matches people's skills and interests with the employers unmet needs.
  • Explain the importance of paid work and when unpaid work can be helpful.
  • Detail the role and responsibilities of the job coach to help find, get and keep work.

Module Length: 150 Minutes

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Employment - Spanish Version


About this module:

Al empleo remunerado simplemente no se le da la prioridad que merece. Este módulo pretende inspirar el cambio. El módulo comienza proporcionando algunos antecedentes sobre los obstáculos históricos y actuales al empleo, antes de repasar con cierto detalle la importancia del empleo.

El núcleo de este módulo detalla las mejores prácticas comunes de apoyo que pueden ofrecerse para ayudar a las personas a prepararse para el empleo. A continuación, el resto del módulo divide su atención entre el examen de los enfoques del empleo apoyados y personalizados.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones en video de Beth Mount, Fredda Rosen, Katrina Reese, Steve Dymond, Sean Vecchione, Rachel Pollock, Jack Pearpoint, Lynda Kahn, Marc Tumeinski, Brad Goldman y Aimee Althoff.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Comprender la importancia y la finalidad del empleo.

  • Detallar cómo funcionan los procesos de descubrimiento y planificación y cómo pueden ayudar a las personas a encontrar trabajo.
  • Explicar la importancia de incorporar el apoyo de los familiares y del círculo de apoyo de la persona.
  • Describir las posibles barreras al trabajo remunerado.
  • Identificar por qué las personas a las que apoyas experimentan bajas expectativas.
  • Definir tanto el empleo asistido como el personalizado y describir a quién se adaptan mejor y por qué.
  • Describir cómo el empleo personalizado hace coincidir las capacidades e intereses de las personas con las necesidades insatisfechas de los empresarios.
  • Explicar la importancia del trabajo remunerado y cuándo puede ser útil el trabajo no remunerado.
  • Detallar el papel y las responsabilidades del preparador laboral para ayudar a encontrar, conseguir y mantener un empleo.

Module Length: 150 Minutes







Employment - Spanish Version


About this module:

Al empleo remunerado simplemente no se le da la prioridad que merece. Este módulo pretende inspirar el cambio. El módulo comienza proporcionando algunos antecedentes sobre los obstáculos históricos y actuales al empleo, antes de repasar con cierto detalle la importancia del empleo.

El núcleo de este módulo detalla las mejores prácticas comunes de apoyo que pueden ofrecerse para ayudar a las personas a prepararse para el empleo. A continuación, el resto del módulo divide su atención entre el examen de los enfoques del empleo apoyados y personalizados.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones en video de Beth Mount, Fredda Rosen, Katrina Reese, Steve Dymond, Sean Vecchione, Rachel Pollock, Jack Pearpoint, Lynda Kahn, Marc Tumeinski, Brad Goldman y Aimee Althoff.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Comprender la importancia y la finalidad del empleo.

  • Detallar cómo funcionan los procesos de descubrimiento y planificación y cómo pueden ayudar a las personas a encontrar trabajo.
  • Explicar la importancia de incorporar el apoyo de los familiares y del círculo de apoyo de la persona.
  • Describir las posibles barreras al trabajo remunerado.
  • Identificar por qué las personas a las que apoyas experimentan bajas expectativas.
  • Definir tanto el empleo asistido como el personalizado y describir a quién se adaptan mejor y por qué.
  • Describir cómo el empleo personalizado hace coincidir las capacidades e intereses de las personas con las necesidades insatisfechas de los empresarios.
  • Explicar la importancia del trabajo remunerado y cuándo puede ser útil el trabajo no remunerado.
  • Detallar el papel y las responsabilidades del preparador laboral para ayudar a encontrar, conseguir y mantener un empleo.

Module Length: 150 Minutes

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End of Life Care

About this module:

End of life care. It's not part of the job description, it's not part of what you are told you are going to do when you become a support worker. 

In this module you will learn what to expect when someone is going to die and what your role is. You can do end of life care and it is a massive privilege!

This module features presentations from Louise Heatley, Sue Marsden, Richard Keagan-Bull, and Jean Willson.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand what End of Life Care is and what your role is when someone reaches the end of their life.

  • Distinguish between supporting someone with how they want to die and how they want to live.
  • Recognize the physical changes associated with terminal illness and the need for End of Life Care Planning.
  • Learn how and what to say when someone you support is dying and needs End of Life Care.
  • Understand the role that cultural and religious ideals play in End of Life Care.
  • Recognize the physical changes that occur when someone is approaching death.
  • Understand the grieving process and how it affects people.
  • Learn new ways to look after yourself and others through bereavement.

Module Length: 140 Minutes







End of Life Care

About this module:

End of life care. It's not part of the job description, it's not part of what you are told you are going to do when you become a support worker. 

In this module you will learn what to expect when someone is going to die and what your role is. You can do end of life care and it is a massive privilege!

This module features presentations from Louise Heatley, Sue Marsden, Richard Keagan-Bull, and Jean Willson.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand what End of Life Care is and what your role is when someone reaches the end of their life.

  • Distinguish between supporting someone with how they want to die and how they want to live.
  • Recognize the physical changes associated with terminal illness and the need for End of Life Care Planning.
  • Learn how and what to say when someone you support is dying and needs End of Life Care.
  • Understand the role that cultural and religious ideals play in End of Life Care.
  • Recognize the physical changes that occur when someone is approaching death.
  • Understand the grieving process and how it affects people.
  • Learn new ways to look after yourself and others through bereavement.

Module Length: 140 Minutes

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About this module:

The presence of an intellectual disability and epilepsy poses unique and significant challenges. With the help of leading thinkers and people with personal experience this module will help you to better understand what epilepsy is, how it affects people and what you can do to best assist those you support.

This module features presentations from Alison Corp, Sally-Ann Remnant and Torie Robinson.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain what epilepsy is and how it affects people.

  • Discuss how to properly manage and treat epilepsy.
  • Understand the different types of seizures that individuals with epilepsy may experience.
  • Recognize the risk factors associated with Epilepsy and what you can do to best manage them.
  • Explain sudden unexpected (or unexplained) death in epilepsy.

Module Length: 122 Minutes








About this module:

The presence of an intellectual disability and epilepsy poses unique and significant challenges. With the help of leading thinkers and people with personal experience this module will help you to better understand what epilepsy is, how it affects people and what you can do to best assist those you support.

This module features presentations from Alison Corp, Sally-Ann Remnant and Torie Robinson.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain what epilepsy is and how it affects people.

  • Discuss how to properly manage and treat epilepsy.
  • Understand the different types of seizures that individuals with epilepsy may experience.
  • Recognize the risk factors associated with Epilepsy and what you can do to best manage them.
  • Explain sudden unexpected (or unexplained) death in epilepsy.

Module Length: 122 Minutes

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FASD Supporting Success!

About this module:

Historically many people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, also known as FASD, have not been understood or properly supported. This module will provide you with information and basic, practical adjustments that can lead to good lives for the people you support who live with FASD.

This module includes presentations from Marsha Wilson, Myles Himmelreich, Christine Lilley, and Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain what Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is and how it affects the brain.

  • Understand the differences and difficulties that people with FASD experience.
  • Describe a wide range of practical approaches and strategies to successfully support people who have FASD.

Module Length: 105 Minutes







FASD Supporting Success!

About this module:

Historically many people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, also known as FASD, have not been understood or properly supported. This module will provide you with information and basic, practical adjustments that can lead to good lives for the people you support who live with FASD.

This module includes presentations from Marsha Wilson, Myles Himmelreich, Christine Lilley, and Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain what Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is and how it affects the brain.

  • Understand the differences and difficulties that people with FASD experience.
  • Describe a wide range of practical approaches and strategies to successfully support people who have FASD.

Module Length: 105 Minutes

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Five More Things You Can Do

About this module:

David Pitonyak is back with another five things you can do to support someone who has behavior that is challenging.

When the person you support is going through a difficult time, friendships, a positive identity, fairness, and fun are commonly neglected. Using a series of memorable short stories, David will help you to learn why these principles are so important and what you can do to develop them.

This module is written by and features presentations from David Pitonyak.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of relationships, contribution, and goal setting.

  • Explain how you can help people develop a positive identity.
  • Describe how you can support relationships based on choice and fairness.
  • Explain the importance of and describe how you can help people have more fun in their lives.
  • Understand the importance of supporting the development of a good relationship with the person’s primary care doctor.

Module Length: 75 Minutes







Five More Things You Can Do

About this module:

David Pitonyak is back with another five things you can do to support someone who has behavior that is challenging.

When the person you support is going through a difficult time, friendships, a positive identity, fairness, and fun are commonly neglected. Using a series of memorable short stories, David will help you to learn why these principles are so important and what you can do to develop them.

This module is written by and features presentations from David Pitonyak.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of relationships, contribution, and goal setting.

  • Explain how you can help people develop a positive identity.
  • Describe how you can support relationships based on choice and fairness.
  • Explain the importance of and describe how you can help people have more fun in their lives.
  • Understand the importance of supporting the development of a good relationship with the person’s primary care doctor.

Module Length: 75 Minutes

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Five More Things You Can Do - Spanish Version

Cinco cosas más que puedes hacer

About this module:

David Pitonyak regresa con otras cinco cosas que puede hacer para apoyar a alguien que tiene un comportamiento desafiante.

Cuando la persona a la que apoyas está pasando por un momento difícil, comúnmente se descuidan las amistades, una identidad positiva, la justicia y la diversión. Mediante una serie de historias breves memorables, David le ayudará a aprender por qué estos principios son tan importantes y qué puede hacer usted para desarrollarlos.

Este módulo está escrito y presenta presentaciones de David Pitonyak.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Comprender la importancia de las relaciones, la contribución y la fijación de objetivos.

  • Explicar cómo puedes ayudar a las personas a desarrollar una identidad positiva.
  • Describir cómo puedes apoyar las relaciones basadas en la elección y la equidad.
  • Explicar la importancia y describir cómo puedes ayudar a la gente a divertirse más en su vida.
  • Comprender la importancia de apoyar el desarrollo de una buena relación con el médico de atención primaria de la persona.

Module Length: 75 Minutes







Five More Things You Can Do - Spanish Version

Cinco cosas más que puedes hacer

About this module:

David Pitonyak regresa con otras cinco cosas que puede hacer para apoyar a alguien que tiene un comportamiento desafiante.

Cuando la persona a la que apoyas está pasando por un momento difícil, comúnmente se descuidan las amistades, una identidad positiva, la justicia y la diversión. Mediante una serie de historias breves memorables, David le ayudará a aprender por qué estos principios son tan importantes y qué puede hacer usted para desarrollarlos.

Este módulo está escrito y presenta presentaciones de David Pitonyak.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Comprender la importancia de las relaciones, la contribución y la fijación de objetivos.

  • Explicar cómo puedes ayudar a las personas a desarrollar una identidad positiva.
  • Describir cómo puedes apoyar las relaciones basadas en la elección y la equidad.
  • Explicar la importancia y describir cómo puedes ayudar a la gente a divertirse más en su vida.
  • Comprender la importancia de apoyar el desarrollo de una buena relación con el médico de atención primaria de la persona.

Module Length: 75 Minutes

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Five Things You Can Do

About this module:

"Five Things You Can Do," is a list of things you can think about and do when you are supporting a person whose behavior is troubling you. This is not a list of "quick fix" strategies for stopping unwanted behavior. It is a list of ideas for uncovering the real things that a person might need so that you can be more supportive.

This module includes video presentations from David Pitonyak and Peter Leidy.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain the importance of getting to know the person.

  • Understand that all behavior is meaningful.
  • Describe the need for people to have a support plan.
  • Consider your own support needs.
  • Explain why we should always assume competence.

Module Length: 60 Minutes







Five Things You Can Do

About this module:

"Five Things You Can Do," is a list of things you can think about and do when you are supporting a person whose behavior is troubling you. This is not a list of "quick fix" strategies for stopping unwanted behavior. It is a list of ideas for uncovering the real things that a person might need so that you can be more supportive.

This module includes video presentations from David Pitonyak and Peter Leidy.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain the importance of getting to know the person.

  • Understand that all behavior is meaningful.
  • Describe the need for people to have a support plan.
  • Consider your own support needs.
  • Explain why we should always assume competence.

Module Length: 60 Minutes

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Five Things You Can Do - Spanish Version

Cinco cosas que puedes hacer

About this module:

"Cinco cosas que puedes hacer" es una lista de cosas en las que puedes pensar y que puedes hacer cuando apoyas a una persona cuyo comportamiento te preocupa. No es una lista de estrategias "rápidas" para detener un comportamiento no deseado. Es una lista de ideas para descubrir las cosas reales que puede necesitar una persona, de modo que puedas prestarle más apoyo.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones en video de David Pitonyak y Peter Leidy.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Explicar la importancia de conocer a la persona.

  • Comprender los mensajes que pueden estar comunicando algunos comportamientos difíciles.
  • Describir la necesidad de que las personas tengan un plan de apoyo.
  • Considerar tus propias necesidades de apoyo.
  • Explicar por qué debemos asumir siempre la competencia.

Module Length: 60 Minutes







Five Things You Can Do - Spanish Version

Cinco cosas que puedes hacer

About this module:

"Cinco cosas que puedes hacer" es una lista de cosas en las que puedes pensar y que puedes hacer cuando apoyas a una persona cuyo comportamiento te preocupa. No es una lista de estrategias "rápidas" para detener un comportamiento no deseado. Es una lista de ideas para descubrir las cosas reales que puede necesitar una persona, de modo que puedas prestarle más apoyo.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones en video de David Pitonyak y Peter Leidy.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Explicar la importancia de conocer a la persona.

  • Comprender los mensajes que pueden estar comunicando algunos comportamientos difíciles.
  • Describir la necesidad de que las personas tengan un plan de apoyo.
  • Considerar tus propias necesidades de apoyo.
  • Explicar por qué debemos asumir siempre la competencia.

Module Length: 60 Minutes

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Growing Older

About this module:

It can be easy to miss the changes that are happening in the life of someone you support as they grow older, and they may find it difficult to tell you. This module will help you to keep in touch with the changes that may be happening, the implications of these changes and what you can do to help people to live a healthy and meaningful life, as they grow older.

This module was written by Christine Towers and features presentations from Christine Towers, Ian Davies, Rita Arnett, Gina Brelesky, Seth Keller, and Gary Kent.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand the changes the people you support may experience as they grow older, and how this may affect them.

  • Understand how you can support people to age well through staying healthy, keeping friendships and connections, and adapting their lifestyle.
  • Help people to cope with challenges and difficulties they may face, particularly as they become frailer and lose some independence.
  • Support people at the end of their lives.

Module Length: 145 Minutes







Growing Older

About this module:

It can be easy to miss the changes that are happening in the life of someone you support as they grow older, and they may find it difficult to tell you. This module will help you to keep in touch with the changes that may be happening, the implications of these changes and what you can do to help people to live a healthy and meaningful life, as they grow older.

This module was written by Christine Towers and features presentations from Christine Towers, Ian Davies, Rita Arnett, Gina Brelesky, Seth Keller, and Gary Kent.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand the changes the people you support may experience as they grow older, and how this may affect them.

  • Understand how you can support people to age well through staying healthy, keeping friendships and connections, and adapting their lifestyle.
  • Help people to cope with challenges and difficulties they may face, particularly as they become frailer and lose some independence.
  • Support people at the end of their lives.

Module Length: 145 Minutes

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Health and Safety

About this module:

Warning. Slightly inspirational health and safety training! The words 'inspirational' and 'health and safety' may not sit easily together. But not many Health and Safety training courses feature contributions from leading thinkers like Dave Hingsburger, David Pitonyak Dave Hasbury, and John Raffaele.

This module will help to meet your regulatory requirements and because it is 100% dedicated to our field of work, it might just change the way you think about health and safety training.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand the roles and responsibilities relating to health and safety in the workplace for yourself and others.

  • Help the people you support to understand and be responsible for their own and other people's health and safety.
  • Describe the purpose of risk assessments and be able to conduct a basic assessment of risk.
  • Demonstrate best moving and positioning practices.
  • Appropriately respond to and manage accidents, sudden illnesses, and stress.
  • Follow agreed ways of working regarding medication and healthcare tasks.
  • Prevent the spread of infection, promote fire safety, and follow proper security measures in the work setting.
  • Promote the well-being of the people you support regarding food safety, nutrition, and hydration.

Module Length: 90 Minutes







Health and Safety

About this module:

Warning. Slightly inspirational health and safety training! The words 'inspirational' and 'health and safety' may not sit easily together. But not many Health and Safety training courses feature contributions from leading thinkers like Dave Hingsburger, David Pitonyak Dave Hasbury, and John Raffaele.

This module will help to meet your regulatory requirements and because it is 100% dedicated to our field of work, it might just change the way you think about health and safety training.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand the roles and responsibilities relating to health and safety in the workplace for yourself and others.

  • Help the people you support to understand and be responsible for their own and other people's health and safety.
  • Describe the purpose of risk assessments and be able to conduct a basic assessment of risk.
  • Demonstrate best moving and positioning practices.
  • Appropriately respond to and manage accidents, sudden illnesses, and stress.
  • Follow agreed ways of working regarding medication and healthcare tasks.
  • Prevent the spread of infection, promote fire safety, and follow proper security measures in the work setting.
  • Promote the well-being of the people you support regarding food safety, nutrition, and hydration.

Module Length: 90 Minutes

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Health and Safety - Spanish Version

Salud y Seguridad

About this module:

Alerta. Capacitación ligeramente inspiradora sobre la salud y la seguridad. Es posible que no sea fácil entrelazar las palabras «inspiradora» y «salud y seguridad». Pero a la vez no hay muchos cursos de capacitación sobre Salud y seguridad que cuenten con los aportes de pensadores destacados como Dave Hingsburger, David Pitonyak Dave Hasbury, y John Raffaele.

Este módulo lo ayudará a cumplir con sus requisitos reglamentarios y, debido a que está 100 % dedicado a nuestro campo de trabajo, podría cambiar su forma de pensar acerca de la capacitación en salud y seguridad.

Al completar con éxito este módulo, podrá:

  • Entender los roles y responsabilidades relacionados con la salud y la seguridad en el lugar de trabajo para protegerte a ti y a los demás.

  • Ayudar a las personas que apoyas a entender y responsabilizarse de su propia salud y seguridad y la de los demás.
  • Describir el propósito de las evaluaciones de riesgo y conducir una evaluación de riesgo básica.
  • Seguir prácticas eficientes de movimiento y posicionamiento.
  • Responder adecuadamente a los accidentes, las enfermedades repentinas y el estrés, y gestionarlos.
  • Seguir las maneras de trabajar acordadas de acuerdo a los medicamentos y las tareas del cuidado de la salud.
  • Entender la forma apropiada de manejar las sustancias peligrosas.

Module Length: 90 Minutes







Health and Safety - Spanish Version

Salud y Seguridad

About this module:

Alerta. Capacitación ligeramente inspiradora sobre la salud y la seguridad. Es posible que no sea fácil entrelazar las palabras «inspiradora» y «salud y seguridad». Pero a la vez no hay muchos cursos de capacitación sobre Salud y seguridad que cuenten con los aportes de pensadores destacados como Dave Hingsburger, David Pitonyak Dave Hasbury, y John Raffaele.

Este módulo lo ayudará a cumplir con sus requisitos reglamentarios y, debido a que está 100 % dedicado a nuestro campo de trabajo, podría cambiar su forma de pensar acerca de la capacitación en salud y seguridad.

Al completar con éxito este módulo, podrá:

  • Entender los roles y responsabilidades relacionados con la salud y la seguridad en el lugar de trabajo para protegerte a ti y a los demás.

  • Ayudar a las personas que apoyas a entender y responsabilizarse de su propia salud y seguridad y la de los demás.
  • Describir el propósito de las evaluaciones de riesgo y conducir una evaluación de riesgo básica.
  • Seguir prácticas eficientes de movimiento y posicionamiento.
  • Responder adecuadamente a los accidentes, las enfermedades repentinas y el estrés, y gestionarlos.
  • Seguir las maneras de trabajar acordadas de acuerdo a los medicamentos y las tareas del cuidado de la salud.
  • Entender la forma apropiada de manejar las sustancias peligrosas.

Module Length: 90 Minutes

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Infection Control and Bloodborne Pathogens

About this module:

Written by Robin Dewy, this module has been created so you can understand the ways in which you may, through your work, become exposed to infectious diseases and how you can protect yourself. Importantly we also explore how you can teach the people you support how to protect themselves from getting or spreading infectious diseases. *Please note this module cannot be used for CE credits.

This module was written by Robin Dewy and features presentations from Robin Dewey, Dillan Horton, and Glynnis Tejano.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain what pathogens and bacteria are and how exposure can affect people.

  • Understand the ways in which you may, through your work, become exposed to infectious diseases and how you can protect yourself.
  • Explain how you can teach the people you support how to protect themselves from getting or spreading infectious diseases.

Module Length: 70 Minutes







Infection Control and Bloodborne Pathogens

About this module:

Written by Robin Dewy, this module has been created so you can understand the ways in which you may, through your work, become exposed to infectious diseases and how you can protect yourself. Importantly we also explore how you can teach the people you support how to protect themselves from getting or spreading infectious diseases. *Please note this module cannot be used for CE credits.

This module was written by Robin Dewy and features presentations from Robin Dewey, Dillan Horton, and Glynnis Tejano.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain what pathogens and bacteria are and how exposure can affect people.

  • Understand the ways in which you may, through your work, become exposed to infectious diseases and how you can protect yourself.
  • Explain how you can teach the people you support how to protect themselves from getting or spreading infectious diseases.

Module Length: 70 Minutes

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Infection Control and Bloodborne Pathogens - Spanish Version

Control de Infecciones y Patógenos Transmitidos por la Sangre

About this module:

Bienvenido al módulo: Control de infecciones y patógenos transmitidos por la sangre

Este módulo fue escrito por Robin Dewy y presenta presentaciones de Robin Dewey, Dillan Horton y Glynnis Tejano.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Explicar qué son los patógenos y las bacterias y cómo la exposición puede afectar a las personas.

  • Entender las formas en que puedes, a través de tu trabajo, exponerte a enfermedades infecciosas y cómo puedes protegerte.
  • Explicar cómo puedes enseñar a las personas que apoyas cómo protegerse de contraer y propagar enfermedades infecciosas.

Module Length: 70 Minutes







Infection Control and Bloodborne Pathogens - Spanish Version

Control de Infecciones y Patógenos Transmitidos por la Sangre

About this module:

Bienvenido al módulo: Control de infecciones y patógenos transmitidos por la sangre

Este módulo fue escrito por Robin Dewy y presenta presentaciones de Robin Dewey, Dillan Horton y Glynnis Tejano.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Explicar qué son los patógenos y las bacterias y cómo la exposición puede afectar a las personas.

  • Entender las formas en que puedes, a través de tu trabajo, exponerte a enfermedades infecciosas y cómo puedes protegerte.
  • Explicar cómo puedes enseñar a las personas que apoyas cómo protegerse de contraer y propagar enfermedades infecciosas.

Module Length: 70 Minutes

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Intensive Interaction

About this module:

Intensive Interaction is an approach for teaching communication skills to people with autism, severe intellectual disabilities and profound and multiple intellectual disabilities.

For these people who are still at early levels of development as communicators, Intensive Interaction progresses their abilities to interact, connect, and communicate with the people around them.

This module has been written by Dave Hewett and Graham Firth. This module features presentations from a range of leading professionals, including Dave Hewett, Graham Firth, Jan Gordon, and Ditte Rose Andersen.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain what Intensive Interaction is, whom it is for, and how it can help people.

  • Understand the fundamentals of communication and how Intensive Interaction can support their development.
  • Discuss the best practice approaches to providing quality Intensive Interaction interventions.
  • Explain how and why to record Intensive Interaction.
  • Describe how Intensive Interaction supports the needs of people who have autism.
  • Explain the organizational support you will need to implement Intensive Interaction with the people you support.
  • Answer concerns that others may have about age appropriateness and physical contact associated with Intensive Interaction practice.

Module Length: 128 Minutes







Intensive Interaction

About this module:

Intensive Interaction is an approach for teaching communication skills to people with autism, severe intellectual disabilities and profound and multiple intellectual disabilities.

For these people who are still at early levels of development as communicators, Intensive Interaction progresses their abilities to interact, connect, and communicate with the people around them.

This module has been written by Dave Hewett and Graham Firth. This module features presentations from a range of leading professionals, including Dave Hewett, Graham Firth, Jan Gordon, and Ditte Rose Andersen.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain what Intensive Interaction is, whom it is for, and how it can help people.

  • Understand the fundamentals of communication and how Intensive Interaction can support their development.
  • Discuss the best practice approaches to providing quality Intensive Interaction interventions.
  • Explain how and why to record Intensive Interaction.
  • Describe how Intensive Interaction supports the needs of people who have autism.
  • Explain the organizational support you will need to implement Intensive Interaction with the people you support.
  • Answer concerns that others may have about age appropriateness and physical contact associated with Intensive Interaction practice.

Module Length: 128 Minutes

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Intensive Interaction - Spanish Version

Interacción Intensiva

About this module:

La Interacción Intensiva es un enfoque para enseñar habilidades de comunicación a personas con autismo, discapacidad intelectual grave y discapacidad intelectual profunda y múltiple.

Para estas personas, que aún se encuentran en los primeros niveles de desarrollo como comunicadores, la Interacción Intensiva hace progresar sus capacidades para interactuar, conectar y comunicarse con las personas que les rodean.

Este módulo ha sido escrito por Dave Hewett y Graham Firth e incluye presentaciones de diversos profesionales destacados, como Dave Hewett, Graham Firth, Jan Gordon y Ditte Rose Andersen.

Al finalizar con éxito este módulo, serás capaz de:

  • Explicar qué es la Interacción Intensiva, a quién va dirigida y cómo puede ayudar a las personas.

  • Comprender los fundamentos de la comunicación y cómo la Interacción Intensiva puede apoyar su desarrollo.
  • Discutir los enfoques de mejores prácticas para proporcionar intervenciones de Interacción Intensiva de calidad.
  • Explicar cómo y por qué registrar la Interacción Intensiva.
  • Describe cómo la Interacción Intensiva apoya las necesidades de las personas con autismo.
  • Explica el apoyo organizativo que necesitarás para poner en práctica la Interacción Intensiva con las personas a las que apoyas.
  • Responder a las preocupaciones que otros puedan tener sobre la adecuación a la edad y el contacto físico asociados a la práctica de Interacción Intensiva.

Module Length: 128 Minutes







Intensive Interaction - Spanish Version

Interacción Intensiva

About this module:

La Interacción Intensiva es un enfoque para enseñar habilidades de comunicación a personas con autismo, discapacidad intelectual grave y discapacidad intelectual profunda y múltiple.

Para estas personas, que aún se encuentran en los primeros niveles de desarrollo como comunicadores, la Interacción Intensiva hace progresar sus capacidades para interactuar, conectar y comunicarse con las personas que les rodean.

Este módulo ha sido escrito por Dave Hewett y Graham Firth e incluye presentaciones de diversos profesionales destacados, como Dave Hewett, Graham Firth, Jan Gordon y Ditte Rose Andersen.

Al finalizar con éxito este módulo, serás capaz de:

  • Explicar qué es la Interacción Intensiva, a quién va dirigida y cómo puede ayudar a las personas.

  • Comprender los fundamentos de la comunicación y cómo la Interacción Intensiva puede apoyar su desarrollo.
  • Discutir los enfoques de mejores prácticas para proporcionar intervenciones de Interacción Intensiva de calidad.
  • Explicar cómo y por qué registrar la Interacción Intensiva.
  • Describe cómo la Interacción Intensiva apoya las necesidades de las personas con autismo.
  • Explica el apoyo organizativo que necesitarás para poner en práctica la Interacción Intensiva con las personas a las que apoyas.
  • Responder a las preocupaciones que otros puedan tener sobre la adecuación a la edad y el contacto físico asociados a la práctica de Interacción Intensiva.

Module Length: 128 Minutes

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Introduction to Your Role

About this module:

This module offers a succinct introduction to the role of the support staff person, and therefore is a great starting place for new employees and people who are new to the field.

This module includes video presentations from Lynda Kahn, Gary Kent, Sam Sly, Dave Hingsburger, David Hasbury, Simon Haywood, Marc Tumeinski, Beth Mount, Bernard Carabello, Simon Duffy, and Margaret Cushen.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Define and describe a developmental disability and its causes.

  • Describe other commonly associated conditions.
  • Explain how a developmental disability can impact the person's life.
  • Describe a range of experiences that impact the person's life including segregation, congregation, negative perception and treatment, social devaluation, loneliness, poor health, poverty, and abuse.
  • Explain the importance of the person's history and the involvement of their family.
  • Define John O'Brien's five valued experiences and explain how they can support a good and meaningful life.
  • Using the Code of Ethics developed by the National Alliance of Direct Support Professionals you will be able to explain the purpose of the following concepts and how they refer to your role:
  • Person-centered support
  • Promoting physical and emotional well-being
  • Integrity and responsibility
  • Confidentiality
  • Respect
  • Justice, fairness and equity
  • Relationships
  • Self determination

Module Length: 162 Minutes







Introduction to Your Role

About this module:

This module offers a succinct introduction to the role of the support staff person, and therefore is a great starting place for new employees and people who are new to the field.

This module includes video presentations from Lynda Kahn, Gary Kent, Sam Sly, Dave Hingsburger, David Hasbury, Simon Haywood, Marc Tumeinski, Beth Mount, Bernard Carabello, Simon Duffy, and Margaret Cushen.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Define and describe a developmental disability and its causes.

  • Describe other commonly associated conditions.
  • Explain how a developmental disability can impact the person's life.
  • Describe a range of experiences that impact the person's life including segregation, congregation, negative perception and treatment, social devaluation, loneliness, poor health, poverty, and abuse.
  • Explain the importance of the person's history and the involvement of their family.
  • Define John O'Brien's five valued experiences and explain how they can support a good and meaningful life.
  • Using the Code of Ethics developed by the National Alliance of Direct Support Professionals you will be able to explain the purpose of the following concepts and how they refer to your role:
  • Person-centered support
  • Promoting physical and emotional well-being
  • Integrity and responsibility
  • Confidentiality
  • Respect
  • Justice, fairness and equity
  • Relationships
  • Self determination

Module Length: 162 Minutes

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Introduction to Your Role - Spanish Version

Introducción a tu Función

About this module:

Este módulo describe brevemente una introducción a la función del personal de profesionales de asistencia, y por lo tanto es un muy buen punto de partida para nuevos empleados y para personas que son nuevas en el sector.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones en video de Lynda Kahn, Gary Kent, Sam Sly, Dave Hingsburger, David Hasbury, Simon Haywood, Marc Tumeinski, Beth Mount, Bernard Carabello, Simon Duffy y Margaret Cushen.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Describir qué es el abuso, y cuáles son las señales, síntomas, causas, circunstancias, patrones y efectos del abuso.

  • Explicar cómo el poder y control de los sistemas y profesionales pueden afectar tu función y la seguridad de la persona que apoyas.
  • Explicar las responsabilidades de tu puesto en relación con la confianza y la seguridad.
  • Explicar la importancia de conocer a la persona y su discapacidad.
  • Describir los riesgos del autoabandono y definir quién está en mayor riesgo.
  • Identificar a posibles abusadores.
  • Saber cómo reconocer y denunciar un abuso cuando alguien es testigo o alguien te lo informa, y describir el proceso que debe llevarse a cabo después de denunciar un abuso.





Module Length: 162 Minutes







Introduction to Your Role - Spanish Version

Introducción a tu Función

About this module:

Este módulo describe brevemente una introducción a la función del personal de profesionales de asistencia, y por lo tanto es un muy buen punto de partida para nuevos empleados y para personas que son nuevas en el sector.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones en video de Lynda Kahn, Gary Kent, Sam Sly, Dave Hingsburger, David Hasbury, Simon Haywood, Marc Tumeinski, Beth Mount, Bernard Carabello, Simon Duffy y Margaret Cushen.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Describir qué es el abuso, y cuáles son las señales, síntomas, causas, circunstancias, patrones y efectos del abuso.

  • Explicar cómo el poder y control de los sistemas y profesionales pueden afectar tu función y la seguridad de la persona que apoyas.
  • Explicar las responsabilidades de tu puesto en relación con la confianza y la seguridad.
  • Explicar la importancia de conocer a la persona y su discapacidad.
  • Describir los riesgos del autoabandono y definir quién está en mayor riesgo.
  • Identificar a posibles abusadores.
  • Saber cómo reconocer y denunciar un abuso cuando alguien es testigo o alguien te lo informa, y describir el proceso que debe llevarse a cabo después de denunciar un abuso.





Module Length: 162 Minutes

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Jumping Into the Chaos of Things

About this module:

David Pitonyak has a way of understanding and communicating the needs of people with challenging behavior that is profoundly straightforward. This module offers a unique compilation of tips gleaned from David's library of adventure books (most particularly, Sebastian Junger's The Perfect Storm). Often people with challenging behavior are overboard, drowning, terrified, and we barely seem to notice.

This module explains the ways in which people can change physiologically and psychologically in the face of threat and helps us to understand why remaining calm and clear of purpose is critical to the well-being of a person in crisis.

This module features presentations from David Pitonyak, Beth Mount, and Doreen Kelly.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand the ways in which we change physiologically and psychologically in the face of threat.

  • Understand why remaining calm and clear of purpose is critical to the well-being of a person in crisis.
  • Contribute to a crisis support plan based on the unique needs of the individual served.
  • Understand the importance of a support plan for the person's supporters based on their unique needs.

Module Length: 93 Minutes







Jumping Into the Chaos of Things

About this module:

David Pitonyak has a way of understanding and communicating the needs of people with challenging behavior that is profoundly straightforward. This module offers a unique compilation of tips gleaned from David's library of adventure books (most particularly, Sebastian Junger's The Perfect Storm). Often people with challenging behavior are overboard, drowning, terrified, and we barely seem to notice.

This module explains the ways in which people can change physiologically and psychologically in the face of threat and helps us to understand why remaining calm and clear of purpose is critical to the well-being of a person in crisis.

This module features presentations from David Pitonyak, Beth Mount, and Doreen Kelly.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand the ways in which we change physiologically and psychologically in the face of threat.

  • Understand why remaining calm and clear of purpose is critical to the well-being of a person in crisis.
  • Contribute to a crisis support plan based on the unique needs of the individual served.
  • Understand the importance of a support plan for the person's supporters based on their unique needs.

Module Length: 93 Minutes

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Jumping Into the Chaos of Things - Spanish Version

Saltar al caos de las cosas

About this module:

David Pitonyak tiene una manera profundamente simple de comprender y comunicar las necesidades de las personas con comportamientos desafiantes. Este módulo ofrece una recopilación única de consejos extraídos de la biblioteca de libros de aventuras de David (en particular, La Tormenta Perfecta de Sebastian Junger). Las personas con comportamientos desafiantes se desbordan, se ahogan, a menudo están aterrorizadas y apenas parecemos darnos cuenta.

Este módulo explica las formas en que las personas pueden cambiar fisiológica y psicológicamente ante una amenaza y nos ayuda a comprender por qué mantener la calma y tener un propósito claro es fundamental para el bienestar de una persona en crisis.

Este módulo presenta presentaciones de David Pitonyak, Beth Mount y Doreen Kelly.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Comprender las formas en que cambiamos fisiológica y psicológicamente ante una amenaza.

  • Comprender por qué mantener la calma y tener un propósito claro es fundamental para el bienestar de una persona en crisis.
  • Contribuir a un plan de apoyo en caso de crisis basado en las necesidades únicas de la persona atendida.
  • Comprender la importancia de un plan de apoyo para los seguidores de la persona basado en sus necesidades únicas.

Module Length: 93 Minutes







Jumping Into the Chaos of Things - Spanish Version

Saltar al caos de las cosas

About this module:

David Pitonyak tiene una manera profundamente simple de comprender y comunicar las necesidades de las personas con comportamientos desafiantes. Este módulo ofrece una recopilación única de consejos extraídos de la biblioteca de libros de aventuras de David (en particular, La Tormenta Perfecta de Sebastian Junger). Las personas con comportamientos desafiantes se desbordan, se ahogan, a menudo están aterrorizadas y apenas parecemos darnos cuenta.

Este módulo explica las formas en que las personas pueden cambiar fisiológica y psicológicamente ante una amenaza y nos ayuda a comprender por qué mantener la calma y tener un propósito claro es fundamental para el bienestar de una persona en crisis.

Este módulo presenta presentaciones de David Pitonyak, Beth Mount y Doreen Kelly.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Comprender las formas en que cambiamos fisiológica y psicológicamente ante una amenaza.

  • Comprender por qué mantener la calma y tener un propósito claro es fundamental para el bienestar de una persona en crisis.
  • Contribuir a un plan de apoyo en caso de crisis basado en las necesidades únicas de la persona atendida.
  • Comprender la importancia de un plan de apoyo para los seguidores de la persona basado en sus necesidades únicas.

Module Length: 93 Minutes

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Management & Leadership Training - Building Brilliant Teams

About this module:

Help your team to develop purpose, commitment and trust. Help your team to be Brilliant. Brilliant teams help people to lead brilliant lives. There is no better reason to complete this module.

This module includes video presentations from Kate Fulton, Julie Ann Chapman, Leighton Jay, Paul Jay, and Declan Brown.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain what makes a brilliant team and how you can help to develop one.

  • Understand how a team can develop and commit to a purpose.
  • Understand the importance of trust and how you can help your team to build trust.
  • Explain how conflict can help your team to grow.
  • Explore how you can help your team to commit to as well as to be accountable for their actions and the results of their actions.

Module Length: 103 Minutes







Management & Leadership Training - Building Brilliant Teams

About this module:

Help your team to develop purpose, commitment and trust. Help your team to be Brilliant. Brilliant teams help people to lead brilliant lives. There is no better reason to complete this module.

This module includes video presentations from Kate Fulton, Julie Ann Chapman, Leighton Jay, Paul Jay, and Declan Brown.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain what makes a brilliant team and how you can help to develop one.

  • Understand how a team can develop and commit to a purpose.
  • Understand the importance of trust and how you can help your team to build trust.
  • Explain how conflict can help your team to grow.
  • Explore how you can help your team to commit to as well as to be accountable for their actions and the results of their actions.

Module Length: 103 Minutes

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Management & Leadership Training - Difficult Conversations

About this module:

Difficult conversations are fundamental to a leader's role. This module will help you to more easily understand each person's perspective and more successfully navigate even the toughest of difficult conversations!

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Identify four types of difficult conversations and how best to navigate through them.

  •  More easily navigate difficult conversations you may need to have.
  • Understand the alternative perspectives at play during a difficult conversation.
  • Explain how to separate intent from impact when dealing with difficult conversations.
  • Discuss how you now hold a greater awareness of your mindset.  
  • Understand the “And” Stance and how to embrace both sides of a story.  

Module Length: 102 Minutes







Management & Leadership Training - Difficult Conversations

About this module:

Difficult conversations are fundamental to a leader's role. This module will help you to more easily understand each person's perspective and more successfully navigate even the toughest of difficult conversations!

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Identify four types of difficult conversations and how best to navigate through them.

  •  More easily navigate difficult conversations you may need to have.
  • Understand the alternative perspectives at play during a difficult conversation.
  • Explain how to separate intent from impact when dealing with difficult conversations.
  • Discuss how you now hold a greater awareness of your mindset.  
  • Understand the “And” Stance and how to embrace both sides of a story.  

Module Length: 102 Minutes

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Management & Leadership Training - Managing Emotions

About this module:

Great leaders are emotionally intelligent. This module will help you to better appreciate how you understand, harness and manage your emotions so that you can have more productive and fulfilling work relationships.


On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand what emotional intelligence is and why it is so vital to being successful in your role.

  •  Discus the four main areas of emotional intelligence.
  • Explain what your triggers are as well as strategies to deal with these triggers.
  • Understand how to be more self-aware and how to build manage your sense of self.
  •  Explain strategies that will help you to manage your emotions and behavior to be able to more effectively perform your duties. 
  •  Maintain good, productive, and fulfilling relationships.

Module Length: 74 Minutes







Management & Leadership Training - Managing Emotions

About this module:

Great leaders are emotionally intelligent. This module will help you to better appreciate how you understand, harness and manage your emotions so that you can have more productive and fulfilling work relationships.


On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand what emotional intelligence is and why it is so vital to being successful in your role.

  •  Discus the four main areas of emotional intelligence.
  • Explain what your triggers are as well as strategies to deal with these triggers.
  • Understand how to be more self-aware and how to build manage your sense of self.
  •  Explain strategies that will help you to manage your emotions and behavior to be able to more effectively perform your duties. 
  •  Maintain good, productive, and fulfilling relationships.

Module Length: 74 Minutes

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Management & Leadership Training - Person-Centered Supervision

About this module:

Many of us know and understand the importance of being person-centered with the people we support. However, being person-centered should not begin and end with the lives of those we assist. This module will help your organization to become a truly person-centered company. 

Person-centered supervision puts your team members at the center of the conversation. This approach builds a foundation of shared trust, respect, and perspective-taking and supports an environment of performance achievement and well-being.

When team members know that you and the organization care about them and their development, they will want to remain a part of that organization. This module provides leaders with an opportunity to truly get to know your team members as people, not just employees.

Providers that use this approach report: Strengthened service quality and person-centered service delivery practices. More engaged team members. More productive team members working in line with strategic objectives. Reduced staffing costs in relation to turnover and personal leave.

This module features presentations from Gina Brelesky, Nancy Shea, and MaryBeth Witkop.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe what person-centered supervision is and why it is important. 

  • Know how to set up and conduct a person-centered supervision session. 
  • Explain how to prepare your staff and yourself before a meeting. 
  • Understand how to get the best out of your staff and yourself during a meeting. 
  • Evaluate the meeting and understand the importance of follow-up.

Module Length: 84 Minutes







Management & Leadership Training - Person-Centered Supervision

About this module:

Many of us know and understand the importance of being person-centered with the people we support. However, being person-centered should not begin and end with the lives of those we assist. This module will help your organization to become a truly person-centered company. 

Person-centered supervision puts your team members at the center of the conversation. This approach builds a foundation of shared trust, respect, and perspective-taking and supports an environment of performance achievement and well-being.

When team members know that you and the organization care about them and their development, they will want to remain a part of that organization. This module provides leaders with an opportunity to truly get to know your team members as people, not just employees.

Providers that use this approach report: Strengthened service quality and person-centered service delivery practices. More engaged team members. More productive team members working in line with strategic objectives. Reduced staffing costs in relation to turnover and personal leave.

This module features presentations from Gina Brelesky, Nancy Shea, and MaryBeth Witkop.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe what person-centered supervision is and why it is important. 

  • Know how to set up and conduct a person-centered supervision session. 
  • Explain how to prepare your staff and yourself before a meeting. 
  • Understand how to get the best out of your staff and yourself during a meeting. 
  • Evaluate the meeting and understand the importance of follow-up.

Module Length: 84 Minutes

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Management & Leadership Training - Team Meetings

About this module:

This module focuses on the effective preparation, execution, and follow-up of team meetings. It highlights the importance of turning meetings into organized, engaging, and productive gatherings that contribute to team development and success.

This module features presentations from Nancy Shea, Colleen Hellmann, and Jaymie Estevez.


On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand how to host successful team meetings that are organized, impactful, engaging, productive, and fun.

  • Explain how great team meetings exchange information, discuss progress, and identify challenges and opportunities.
  • Run efficient and productive meetings that have a clear agenda, maximize participation, and build the capacity of team members.
  • Encourage collaboration, idea sharing, healthy conflict, and problem-solving in team meetings.
  • Apply strategies to address disruptive employees and manage difficult personalities, and other issues that can hijack a great team meeting.
  • Effectively follow up on meetings, close the loop on action items, build the capacity of team members, and successfully plan for the next meeting.

Module Length: 110 Minutes







Management & Leadership Training - Team Meetings

About this module:

This module focuses on the effective preparation, execution, and follow-up of team meetings. It highlights the importance of turning meetings into organized, engaging, and productive gatherings that contribute to team development and success.

This module features presentations from Nancy Shea, Colleen Hellmann, and Jaymie Estevez.


On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand how to host successful team meetings that are organized, impactful, engaging, productive, and fun.

  • Explain how great team meetings exchange information, discuss progress, and identify challenges and opportunities.
  • Run efficient and productive meetings that have a clear agenda, maximize participation, and build the capacity of team members.
  • Encourage collaboration, idea sharing, healthy conflict, and problem-solving in team meetings.
  • Apply strategies to address disruptive employees and manage difficult personalities, and other issues that can hijack a great team meeting.
  • Effectively follow up on meetings, close the loop on action items, build the capacity of team members, and successfully plan for the next meeting.

Module Length: 110 Minutes

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Me and Mine

About this module:

Dave Hingsburger will change the way you think about your work and the way that you support people. 'Me and Mine' explores the importance of self and the need to help the people you support to develop a stronger sense of self.

Why do the people you support try to please you? How do you control these people? How can you help people to build and defend their sense of self? All of these questions and many more will be explored and answered in this enlightening and groundbreaking module.

This module features presentations from Dave Hingsburger, John Raffaele, and Joseph Macbeth.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain why 'me and mine' is the most important boundary.

  • Understand the importance of self and the difficulties and challenges that the people you support may have in developing a strong sense of self.
  • Understand the power that your role provides to you, and the potential implications of that power.
  • Describe how easily "self" can be violated.
  • Implement practical everyday approaches that will help the people you support to develop an authentic voice and a stronger sense of self.

Module Length: 93 Minutes







Me and Mine

About this module:

Dave Hingsburger will change the way you think about your work and the way that you support people. 'Me and Mine' explores the importance of self and the need to help the people you support to develop a stronger sense of self.

Why do the people you support try to please you? How do you control these people? How can you help people to build and defend their sense of self? All of these questions and many more will be explored and answered in this enlightening and groundbreaking module.

This module features presentations from Dave Hingsburger, John Raffaele, and Joseph Macbeth.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain why 'me and mine' is the most important boundary.

  • Understand the importance of self and the difficulties and challenges that the people you support may have in developing a strong sense of self.
  • Understand the power that your role provides to you, and the potential implications of that power.
  • Describe how easily "self" can be violated.
  • Implement practical everyday approaches that will help the people you support to develop an authentic voice and a stronger sense of self.

Module Length: 93 Minutes

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Medication Administration

About this module:

Great medication administration is much more than helping someone to physically take their medication. This module explains how you safely verify, store, document, track, observe, and monitor medication. But more than that, this module emphasizes a holistic approach that considers how you communicate with various healthcare providers, educate people so they better understand their medications, and foster the well-being and independence of people you assist.

This module features presentations from Ellen Scurry, and Annette Dunnah.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Safely verify, store, document, track, observe, and monitor the administration of medication.

  • Explain the different forms of medication and how they can be administered.
  • Understand and follow the “Six Rights” for safe medication administration.
  • Apply a systematic approach to medication administration that is efficient and reduces the risk of errors.
  • Advocate for and with people at appointments and facilitate successful communication with other professionals.
  • Understand and apply strategies to address the reasons behind a person's refusal to take medication.
  • Describe the importance of continuous review of medications and how they are administered.

Module Length: 80 Minutes







Medication Administration

About this module:

Great medication administration is much more than helping someone to physically take their medication. This module explains how you safely verify, store, document, track, observe, and monitor medication. But more than that, this module emphasizes a holistic approach that considers how you communicate with various healthcare providers, educate people so they better understand their medications, and foster the well-being and independence of people you assist.

This module features presentations from Ellen Scurry, and Annette Dunnah.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Safely verify, store, document, track, observe, and monitor the administration of medication.

  • Explain the different forms of medication and how they can be administered.
  • Understand and follow the “Six Rights” for safe medication administration.
  • Apply a systematic approach to medication administration that is efficient and reduces the risk of errors.
  • Advocate for and with people at appointments and facilitate successful communication with other professionals.
  • Understand and apply strategies to address the reasons behind a person's refusal to take medication.
  • Describe the importance of continuous review of medications and how they are administered.

Module Length: 80 Minutes

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Mental Health

About this module:

Mental health is health. Capturing the experience and perspectives of leading professionals and advocates this module offers a comprehensive insight into mental health. Written by Yona Lunsky this module explores mental health, mental illness and what supporters can do to protect and promote the mental health of the people they assist.

This module was written by Yona Lunsky and features presentations from Yona Lunsky, Shineeca Mcleod, Victor Pereira, Erica Streisslberger, Amanda Sawyer, Heather Hermans, Christine Burke, Patricia Charlesworth and Richard Lawrence.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand what mental health means and the factors that contribute to good mental health.

  • Identify the most common forms of psychiatric disorders.
  • Apply various tools and approaches to help determine what might be contributing to a mental health difficulty.
  • Understand the different treatment options for someone who has a mental health difficulty.
  • Help people to develop better ways to cope with difficult situations and emotions.
  • Protect and promote the mental health of both you and the people you support.

Module Length: 120 Minutes







Mental Health

About this module:

Mental health is health. Capturing the experience and perspectives of leading professionals and advocates this module offers a comprehensive insight into mental health. Written by Yona Lunsky this module explores mental health, mental illness and what supporters can do to protect and promote the mental health of the people they assist.

This module was written by Yona Lunsky and features presentations from Yona Lunsky, Shineeca Mcleod, Victor Pereira, Erica Streisslberger, Amanda Sawyer, Heather Hermans, Christine Burke, Patricia Charlesworth and Richard Lawrence.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand what mental health means and the factors that contribute to good mental health.

  • Identify the most common forms of psychiatric disorders.
  • Apply various tools and approaches to help determine what might be contributing to a mental health difficulty.
  • Understand the different treatment options for someone who has a mental health difficulty.
  • Help people to develop better ways to cope with difficult situations and emotions.
  • Protect and promote the mental health of both you and the people you support.

Module Length: 120 Minutes

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Mindfulness, Self-Awareness, and Self-Care

About this module:

This module will teach you that it’s possible to truly be present in the moment. You will learn to respond rather than react, to have more control of your emotions than they have of you, to access kindness and compassion, and treat others – even those you find difficult – with respect. How you take care of yourself affects not only your well-being, but also the well-being of others in your life, like the people you support and your coworkers. For this reason, “Self-Care” – the primary focus of this module – is about so much more than self! 

This module is written by and features presentations by Peter Leidy.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand the importance and purpose of self-care. 

  • Understand how taking care of yourself benefits not only you but also those around you.
  • Practice various mindfulness practices and understand their importance in living a life filled with acceptance, love and compassion.
  • Appreciate how practicing mindfulness can positively impact your workplace environment and he lives of the people you support.

Module Length: 100 Minutes







Mindfulness, Self-Awareness, and Self-Care

About this module:

This module will teach you that it’s possible to truly be present in the moment. You will learn to respond rather than react, to have more control of your emotions than they have of you, to access kindness and compassion, and treat others – even those you find difficult – with respect. How you take care of yourself affects not only your well-being, but also the well-being of others in your life, like the people you support and your coworkers. For this reason, “Self-Care” – the primary focus of this module – is about so much more than self! 

This module is written by and features presentations by Peter Leidy.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand the importance and purpose of self-care. 

  • Understand how taking care of yourself benefits not only you but also those around you.
  • Practice various mindfulness practices and understand their importance in living a life filled with acceptance, love and compassion.
  • Appreciate how practicing mindfulness can positively impact your workplace environment and he lives of the people you support.

Module Length: 100 Minutes

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Mindfulness, Self-Awareness, and Self-Care - Spanish Version

Mindfulness, autoconciencia y autocuidado

About this module:

Este módulo te enseñará que es posible estar realmente presente en el momento. Aprenderás a responder en lugar de reaccionar, a tener más control sobre tus emociones que ellas sobre ti, a acceder a la amabilidad y la compasión, y a tratar a los demás -incluso a los que te resultan difíciles- con respeto. La forma en que te cuidas no sólo afecta a tu bienestar, sino también al de los demás en tu vida, como las personas a las que apoyas y tus compañeros de trabajo. Por esta razón, el "Autocuidado" -el tema principal de este módulo- trata de mucho más que de uno mismo.

Este módulo está escrito por Peter Leidy y cuenta con presentaciones suyas.

 Al finalizar con éxito este módulo, serás capaz de:


  • Comprender la importancia y la finalidad del autocuidado.

  • Comprender cómo cuidarte no sólo te beneficia a ti, sino también a los que te rodean.
  • Practicar diversas prácticas de mindfulness o atención plena y comprender su importancia para vivir una vida llena de aceptación, amor y compasión.
  • Apreciar cómo la práctica de la atención plena puede influir positivamente en el entorno de tu lugar de trabajo y en la vida de las personas a las que apoyas.

Module Length: 100 Minutes







Mindfulness, Self-Awareness, and Self-Care - Spanish Version

Mindfulness, autoconciencia y autocuidado

About this module:

Este módulo te enseñará que es posible estar realmente presente en el momento. Aprenderás a responder en lugar de reaccionar, a tener más control sobre tus emociones que ellas sobre ti, a acceder a la amabilidad y la compasión, y a tratar a los demás -incluso a los que te resultan difíciles- con respeto. La forma en que te cuidas no sólo afecta a tu bienestar, sino también al de los demás en tu vida, como las personas a las que apoyas y tus compañeros de trabajo. Por esta razón, el "Autocuidado" -el tema principal de este módulo- trata de mucho más que de uno mismo.

Este módulo está escrito por Peter Leidy y cuenta con presentaciones suyas.

 Al finalizar con éxito este módulo, serás capaz de:


  • Comprender la importancia y la finalidad del autocuidado.

  • Comprender cómo cuidarte no sólo te beneficia a ti, sino también a los que te rodean.
  • Practicar diversas prácticas de mindfulness o atención plena y comprender su importancia para vivir una vida llena de aceptación, amor y compasión.
  • Apreciar cómo la práctica de la atención plena puede influir positivamente en el entorno de tu lugar de trabajo y en la vida de las personas a las que apoyas.

Module Length: 100 Minutes

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Person-Centered Approaches, Thinking, and Planning

About this module:

With a series of short video presentations from the likes of Beth Mount, Jack Pearpoint, Patti Scott, Simon Duffy, and others, this module offers a stunningly unique opportunity to listen to, and learn from, some of the most forward thinking professionals in our field today. This module inspires the user while clearly examining the detail and purpose of person-centered practice.

This module includes video presentations from Tyrone Towers, Doug Smith, Patti Scott, Beth Mount, Doreen Kelly, Jack Pearpoint, Gary Kent, Sam Sly, Simon Duffy and David Hasbury.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Define what person-centered approaches, thinking, and planning mean.

  • Define the Medical and Social models of disability.
  • Explain the difference between a system-centered and a person-centered approach.
  • Clarify the key principles associated with person-centered practice.
  • Apply a range of person-centered thinking tools to your practice.
  • Explain the benefits of a "circle of support" and how it may be assembled.
  • Understand the key principles and common misconceptions that relate to person-centered planning.
  • Define a range of planning tools and explain their potential benefits.
  • Describe what makes an effective person-centered planning meeting, how best to support the person, and how they can control their own meeting.
  • Explain the importance of reflecting and reviewing your work.

Module Length: 186 Minutes







Person-Centered Approaches, Thinking, and Planning

About this module:

With a series of short video presentations from the likes of Beth Mount, Jack Pearpoint, Patti Scott, Simon Duffy, and others, this module offers a stunningly unique opportunity to listen to, and learn from, some of the most forward thinking professionals in our field today. This module inspires the user while clearly examining the detail and purpose of person-centered practice.

This module includes video presentations from Tyrone Towers, Doug Smith, Patti Scott, Beth Mount, Doreen Kelly, Jack Pearpoint, Gary Kent, Sam Sly, Simon Duffy and David Hasbury.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Define what person-centered approaches, thinking, and planning mean.

  • Define the Medical and Social models of disability.
  • Explain the difference between a system-centered and a person-centered approach.
  • Clarify the key principles associated with person-centered practice.
  • Apply a range of person-centered thinking tools to your practice.
  • Explain the benefits of a "circle of support" and how it may be assembled.
  • Understand the key principles and common misconceptions that relate to person-centered planning.
  • Define a range of planning tools and explain their potential benefits.
  • Describe what makes an effective person-centered planning meeting, how best to support the person, and how they can control their own meeting.
  • Explain the importance of reflecting and reviewing your work.

Module Length: 186 Minutes

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Person-Centered Approaches, Thinking, and Planning - Spanish Version

Enfoques Centrados en la Persona, Ideas y Planificación

About this module:

Con una serie de breves presentaciones en video de artistas como Beth Mount, Jack Pearpoint, Patti Scott, Simon Duffy y otros, este módulo ofrece una oportunidad asombrosamente única para escuchar y aprender de algunos de los profesionales más progresistas de nuestro campo hoy. Este módulo inspira al usuario mientras examina claramente los detalles y el propósito de la práctica centrada en la persona.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones en video de Tyrone Towers, Doug Smith, Patti Scott, Beth Mount, Doreen Kelly, Jack Pearpoint, Gary Kent, Sam Sly, Simon Duffy y David Hasbury.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Definir lo que significa un enfoque centrado en la persona, las ideas y la plafinicación necesarias.

  • Definir los modelos médicos y sociales de la discapacidad.
  • Explique la diferencia entre un enfoque centrado en el sistema y uno centrado en las personas.
  • Aclarar los principios claves asociados con las prácticas centras en las personas.
  • Aplicar en tu práctica una gama de herramientas de pensamientos centrados en las personas.
  • Explicar los beneficios de un círculo de amigos y cómo se puede congregar.
  • Entender los principios y los conceptos erróneos comunes que se relacionan con la planificación centrada en la persona.
  • Definir una gama de herramientas de planificación y explicar sus posibles beneficios.
  • Describir una reunión de planificación centrada en las personas eficiente, la mejor forma de apoyar a las personas y cómo ellas pueden controlar sus propias reuniones.
  • Explicar la importancia de revisar el trabajo y reflexionar al respecto.

Module Length: 186 Minutes







Person-Centered Approaches, Thinking, and Planning - Spanish Version

Enfoques Centrados en la Persona, Ideas y Planificación

About this module:

Con una serie de breves presentaciones en video de artistas como Beth Mount, Jack Pearpoint, Patti Scott, Simon Duffy y otros, este módulo ofrece una oportunidad asombrosamente única para escuchar y aprender de algunos de los profesionales más progresistas de nuestro campo hoy. Este módulo inspira al usuario mientras examina claramente los detalles y el propósito de la práctica centrada en la persona.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones en video de Tyrone Towers, Doug Smith, Patti Scott, Beth Mount, Doreen Kelly, Jack Pearpoint, Gary Kent, Sam Sly, Simon Duffy y David Hasbury.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Definir lo que significa un enfoque centrado en la persona, las ideas y la plafinicación necesarias.

  • Definir los modelos médicos y sociales de la discapacidad.
  • Explique la diferencia entre un enfoque centrado en el sistema y uno centrado en las personas.
  • Aclarar los principios claves asociados con las prácticas centras en las personas.
  • Aplicar en tu práctica una gama de herramientas de pensamientos centrados en las personas.
  • Explicar los beneficios de un círculo de amigos y cómo se puede congregar.
  • Entender los principios y los conceptos erróneos comunes que se relacionan con la planificación centrada en la persona.
  • Definir una gama de herramientas de planificación y explicar sus posibles beneficios.
  • Describir una reunión de planificación centrada en las personas eficiente, la mejor forma de apoyar a las personas y cómo ellas pueden controlar sus propias reuniones.
  • Explicar la importancia de revisar el trabajo y reflexionar al respecto.

Module Length: 186 Minutes

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Person-Centered, A Guide to Being

About this module:

Being person-centered helps you to learn about and understand the uniqueness of each person that you support. Being person-centered helps people to take control of their lives and make their own choices. By using practical approaches, explanations, strategies, and tools this module will help you to be person-centered.

This module includes presentations from Beth Mount, Doreen Kelly, Jack Pearpoint, Simon Duffy, and David Hasbury.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand the meaning of person-centered practice and describe the key principles.

  • Explain person-centered approaches, thinking, and planning.
  • Describe and apply a range of person-centered thinking tools to support your work.

Module Length: 80 Minutes







Person-Centered, A Guide to Being

About this module:

Being person-centered helps you to learn about and understand the uniqueness of each person that you support. Being person-centered helps people to take control of their lives and make their own choices. By using practical approaches, explanations, strategies, and tools this module will help you to be person-centered.

This module includes presentations from Beth Mount, Doreen Kelly, Jack Pearpoint, Simon Duffy, and David Hasbury.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand the meaning of person-centered practice and describe the key principles.

  • Explain person-centered approaches, thinking, and planning.
  • Describe and apply a range of person-centered thinking tools to support your work.

Module Length: 80 Minutes

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Personal and Intimate Care

About this module:

If you provide personal and intimate care to people, it is essential that you complete this module so you can answer these questions:

Why does it matter which way the toilet paper is positioned in the holder? How can people who do not use words to communicate make choices and be in control of the care they receive? How can a routine protect people with profound disabilities from potential abusers?

This module is written by and features presentations from Dave Hingsburger.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand the difference between personal and intimate care.

  • Provide assistance from the perspective of the person you support that is sensitive, calm, respectful, private and patient.
  • Help people to be able to make choices and be in control, even when they do not communicate by using words.
  • Understand what parallel talk is and how it can be used to seek permission.
  • Create and build on the boundaries between you and the person you support.
  • Explain how to create and the purpose of a protocol for personal care.

Module Length: 100 Minutes







Personal and Intimate Care

About this module:

If you provide personal and intimate care to people, it is essential that you complete this module so you can answer these questions:

Why does it matter which way the toilet paper is positioned in the holder? How can people who do not use words to communicate make choices and be in control of the care they receive? How can a routine protect people with profound disabilities from potential abusers?

This module is written by and features presentations from Dave Hingsburger.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand the difference between personal and intimate care.

  • Provide assistance from the perspective of the person you support that is sensitive, calm, respectful, private and patient.
  • Help people to be able to make choices and be in control, even when they do not communicate by using words.
  • Understand what parallel talk is and how it can be used to seek permission.
  • Create and build on the boundaries between you and the person you support.
  • Explain how to create and the purpose of a protocol for personal care.

Module Length: 100 Minutes

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Personal and Intimate Care - Spanish Version

Cuidado Personal e Intimo

About this module:

Si das atención y asistencia personal e íntima a personas, es esencial que completes este módulo para poder responder estas preguntas: ¿Por qué importa en qué dirección se coloca el papel higiénico en el soporte? ¿Cómo pueden las personas que no usan palabras comunicarse, elegir y controlar la atención que reciben? ¿Cómo puede una rutina proteger de abusos a personas con discapacidades serias?

Este módulo está escrito y presenta presentaciones de Dave Hingsburger.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Comprender la diferencia entre cuidado personal e íntimo.

  • Proporcionar asistencia desde la perspectiva de la persona que usted apoya que es sensible, tranquila, respetuosa, privada y paciente.
  • Ayudar a las personas a tomar decisiones y estar en control, incluso cuando no se comunican mediante el uso de palabras.
  • Entender qué es la conversación paralela y cómo puede usarse para buscar permiso.
  • Crear y construir los límites entre usted y la persona a la que apoya.
  • Explicar cómo crear y el propósito de un protocolo para el cuidado personal.

Module Length: 100 Minutes







Personal and Intimate Care - Spanish Version

Cuidado Personal e Intimo

About this module:

Si das atención y asistencia personal e íntima a personas, es esencial que completes este módulo para poder responder estas preguntas: ¿Por qué importa en qué dirección se coloca el papel higiénico en el soporte? ¿Cómo pueden las personas que no usan palabras comunicarse, elegir y controlar la atención que reciben? ¿Cómo puede una rutina proteger de abusos a personas con discapacidades serias?

Este módulo está escrito y presenta presentaciones de Dave Hingsburger.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Comprender la diferencia entre cuidado personal e íntimo.

  • Proporcionar asistencia desde la perspectiva de la persona que usted apoya que es sensible, tranquila, respetuosa, privada y paciente.
  • Ayudar a las personas a tomar decisiones y estar en control, incluso cuando no se comunican mediante el uso de palabras.
  • Entender qué es la conversación paralela y cómo puede usarse para buscar permiso.
  • Crear y construir los límites entre usted y la persona a la que apoya.
  • Explicar cómo crear y el propósito de un protocolo para el cuidado personal.

Module Length: 100 Minutes

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Prader-Willi Syndrome

About this module:

This module will provide you with extensive information about Prader-Willi syndrome and to give you strategies to effectively support people who have Prader-Willi syndrome.

This module features presentations from Patrice Carroll, Lauren Baletsa, Patricia Morgan, Gina Sheehan, and Kristen Fichtner.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain what Prader-Willi syndrome is and how it affects people.

  • Understand how to best support the nutritional needs of someone who has Prader-Willi syndrome.
  • Describe the difficulties people may have with their emotions and behavior and outline the strategies you can apply to best support people.
  • Explain how you can support people to safely and positively be contributing members of their community.
  • Describe how you can best communicate with your team and with the people you support.

Module Length: 110 Minutes







Prader-Willi Syndrome

About this module:

This module will provide you with extensive information about Prader-Willi syndrome and to give you strategies to effectively support people who have Prader-Willi syndrome.

This module features presentations from Patrice Carroll, Lauren Baletsa, Patricia Morgan, Gina Sheehan, and Kristen Fichtner.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain what Prader-Willi syndrome is and how it affects people.

  • Understand how to best support the nutritional needs of someone who has Prader-Willi syndrome.
  • Describe the difficulties people may have with their emotions and behavior and outline the strategies you can apply to best support people.
  • Explain how you can support people to safely and positively be contributing members of their community.
  • Describe how you can best communicate with your team and with the people you support.

Module Length: 110 Minutes

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Prader-Willi Syndrome - Spanish Version

Síndrome de Prader-Willi

About this module:

Este módulo te proporcionará amplia información sobre el síndrome de Prader-Willi y te dará estrategias para apoyar eficazmente a las personas que lo padecen.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones de Patrice Carroll, Lauren Baletsa, Patricia Morgan, Gina Sheehan y Kristen Fichtner.

Al finalizar con éxito este módulo, serás capaz de:

  • Explicar qué es el síndrome de Prader-Willi y cómo afecta a las personas.

  • Comprender la mejor forma de apoyar las necesidades nutricionales de una persona con síndrome de Prader-Willi.
  • Describir las dificultades que pueden tener las personas con sus emociones y su comportamiento y esbozar las estrategias que puedes aplicar para apoyar mejor a las personas.
  • Explicar cómo puedes apoyar a las personas para que contribuyan de forma segura y positiva a su comunidad.
  • Describir cómo puedes comunicarte mejor con tu equipo y con las personas a las que apoyas.

Module Length: 110 Minutes







Prader-Willi Syndrome - Spanish Version

Síndrome de Prader-Willi

About this module:

Este módulo te proporcionará amplia información sobre el síndrome de Prader-Willi y te dará estrategias para apoyar eficazmente a las personas que lo padecen.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones de Patrice Carroll, Lauren Baletsa, Patricia Morgan, Gina Sheehan y Kristen Fichtner.

Al finalizar con éxito este módulo, serás capaz de:

  • Explicar qué es el síndrome de Prader-Willi y cómo afecta a las personas.

  • Comprender la mejor forma de apoyar las necesidades nutricionales de una persona con síndrome de Prader-Willi.
  • Describir las dificultades que pueden tener las personas con sus emociones y su comportamiento y esbozar las estrategias que puedes aplicar para apoyar mejor a las personas.
  • Explicar cómo puedes apoyar a las personas para que contribuyan de forma segura y positiva a su comunidad.
  • Describir cómo puedes comunicarte mejor con tu equipo y con las personas a las que apoyas.

Module Length: 110 Minutes

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Profound and Complex Disabilities

About this module:

The needs of people with profound and complex disabilities are often neglected. This module changes that. Built in collaboration with leading experts, it uses personal experiences, storytelling and practical and straightforward advice to bring a special focus to people's needs, so that you can directly impact the quality of their lives.

This module features presentations from Rachel Wright, Sarah Clayton and Joanna Grace.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Better understand the needs of people with profound and complex disabilities.

  • Understand that communication isn't a stand-alone activity but embedded in all parts of life.
  • Describe how to support people to have power and control, so they can be active participants in their life, not just recipients of tasks.
  • Broadly explain how to best support the postural care needs of people with profound disabilities.
  • Understand and explore people's sensory needs.
  • Explain some of the most common medical needs of people with profound and complex disabilities.
  • See the whole person and see how people's needs are more like yours than they are different.

Module Length: 158 Minutes







Profound and Complex Disabilities

About this module:

The needs of people with profound and complex disabilities are often neglected. This module changes that. Built in collaboration with leading experts, it uses personal experiences, storytelling and practical and straightforward advice to bring a special focus to people's needs, so that you can directly impact the quality of their lives.

This module features presentations from Rachel Wright, Sarah Clayton and Joanna Grace.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Better understand the needs of people with profound and complex disabilities.

  • Understand that communication isn't a stand-alone activity but embedded in all parts of life.
  • Describe how to support people to have power and control, so they can be active participants in their life, not just recipients of tasks.
  • Broadly explain how to best support the postural care needs of people with profound disabilities.
  • Understand and explore people's sensory needs.
  • Explain some of the most common medical needs of people with profound and complex disabilities.
  • See the whole person and see how people's needs are more like yours than they are different.

Module Length: 158 Minutes

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About this module:

In this module, the author Simon Duffy uses his expansive knowledge to explain what self-determination means. A combination of graphics and short films combine with Simon's easy read writing style to highlight the importance of control and the understanding that everyone can take control of their own lives.

This module includes video presentations from Simon Duffy, Lynda Kahn, Steve Dymond, Dave Hingsburger, Sam Sly, Jack Pearpoint, Patti Scott, Dave Hasbury, and Bernard Carabello.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Define why being in control is important to everyone.

  • Explain how everyone can be in control, even when people have significant disabilities.
  • Explain how to help people take control of their own lives.
  • Understand how to work in partnership with others to maximize self-determination.
  • Describe how people can stay in control and still be safe.
  • Explain how the best support helps people be full citizens.

Module Length: 140 Minutes








About this module:

In this module, the author Simon Duffy uses his expansive knowledge to explain what self-determination means. A combination of graphics and short films combine with Simon's easy read writing style to highlight the importance of control and the understanding that everyone can take control of their own lives.

This module includes video presentations from Simon Duffy, Lynda Kahn, Steve Dymond, Dave Hingsburger, Sam Sly, Jack Pearpoint, Patti Scott, Dave Hasbury, and Bernard Carabello.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Define why being in control is important to everyone.

  • Explain how everyone can be in control, even when people have significant disabilities.
  • Explain how to help people take control of their own lives.
  • Understand how to work in partnership with others to maximize self-determination.
  • Describe how people can stay in control and still be safe.
  • Explain how the best support helps people be full citizens.

Module Length: 140 Minutes

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Self-Determination - Spanish Version


About this module:

En este módulo, el autor Simon Duffy utiliza sus amplios conocimientos para explicar qué significa la autodeterminación. Una combinación de gráficos y cortometrajes se combinan con el estilo de escritura de fácil lectura de Simon para destacar la importancia del control y la comprensión de que todo el mundo puede tomar las riendas de su propia vida.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones en video de Simon Duffy, Lynda Kahn, Steve Dymond, Dave Hingsburger, Sam Sly, Jack Pearpoint, Patti Scott, Dave Hasbury y Bernard Carabello.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Definir por qué tener el control es importante para todos.

  • Explicar cómo todo el mundo puede tener el control, incluso cuando las personas tienen discapacidades importantes.
  • Explicar cómo ayudar a las personas a tomar el control de sus propias vidas.
  • Comprender cómo trabajar en colaboración con otros para maximizar la autodeterminación.
  • Describir cómo las personas pueden mantener el control y seguir estando seguras.
  • Explicar cómo el mejor apoyo ayuda a las personas a ser ciudadanos de pleno derecho.

Module Length: 140 Minutes







Self-Determination - Spanish Version


About this module:

En este módulo, el autor Simon Duffy utiliza sus amplios conocimientos para explicar qué significa la autodeterminación. Una combinación de gráficos y cortometrajes se combinan con el estilo de escritura de fácil lectura de Simon para destacar la importancia del control y la comprensión de que todo el mundo puede tomar las riendas de su propia vida.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones en video de Simon Duffy, Lynda Kahn, Steve Dymond, Dave Hingsburger, Sam Sly, Jack Pearpoint, Patti Scott, Dave Hasbury y Bernard Carabello.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Definir por qué tener el control es importante para todos.

  • Explicar cómo todo el mundo puede tener el control, incluso cuando las personas tienen discapacidades importantes.
  • Explicar cómo ayudar a las personas a tomar el control de sus propias vidas.
  • Comprender cómo trabajar en colaboración con otros para maximizar la autodeterminación.
  • Describir cómo las personas pueden mantener el control y seguir estando seguras.
  • Explicar cómo el mejor apoyo ayuda a las personas a ser ciudadanos de pleno derecho.

Module Length: 140 Minutes

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Sexuality and Relationships

About this module:

This module is written by, and also features a range of short films with internationally acclaimed author and lecturer Dave Hingsburger.

Dave uses a light and refreshing conversational style to introduce learners to sexuality and relationships.

This module includes video presentations from Dave Hingsburger and Gary Kent.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain how the sexuality of the people we support has been denied, punished, oppressed and abused throughout history.

  • Explain some of the most common stereotypes that are attached to the people we support and their sexuality
  • Understand the importance of being able to reflect on your own attitudes and practices.
  • Understand that every person is a sexual being and that both sexuality and intellectual disability are naturally occurring.
  • Define the ten skills of likeability, and the importance of friendships.
  • Explain the three basic skills that are necessary to have in place before embarking on any sex education curriculum.
  • Explain the purpose of sex education and some of the associated myths.
  • Understand how to most effectively support and apply a sex education curriculum.
  • Understand how to support the sexuality of people with more significant disabilities and know when and how to intervene.
  • Understand and explain the importance of good policy.

Module Length: 150 Minutes







Sexuality and Relationships

About this module:

This module is written by, and also features a range of short films with internationally acclaimed author and lecturer Dave Hingsburger.

Dave uses a light and refreshing conversational style to introduce learners to sexuality and relationships.

This module includes video presentations from Dave Hingsburger and Gary Kent.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain how the sexuality of the people we support has been denied, punished, oppressed and abused throughout history.

  • Explain some of the most common stereotypes that are attached to the people we support and their sexuality
  • Understand the importance of being able to reflect on your own attitudes and practices.
  • Understand that every person is a sexual being and that both sexuality and intellectual disability are naturally occurring.
  • Define the ten skills of likeability, and the importance of friendships.
  • Explain the three basic skills that are necessary to have in place before embarking on any sex education curriculum.
  • Explain the purpose of sex education and some of the associated myths.
  • Understand how to most effectively support and apply a sex education curriculum.
  • Understand how to support the sexuality of people with more significant disabilities and know when and how to intervene.
  • Understand and explain the importance of good policy.

Module Length: 150 Minutes

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Sexuality and Relationships - Spanish Version

Sexualidad y relaciones

About this module:

Este módulo está escrito por Dave Hingsburger, autor y conferenciante aclamado internacionalmente, y también incluye una serie de cortometrajes. Dave utiliza un estilo conversacional fresco y ligero para introducir a los alumnos en la sexualidad y las relaciones.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones de Dave Hingsburger y Gary Kent.

Al finalizar con éxito este módulo, serás capaz de:

  • Explicar cómo se ha negado, castigado, oprimido y abusado de la sexualidad de las personas a las que apoyamos a lo largo de la historia.

  • Explicar algunos de los estereotipos más comunes que se asocian a las personas a las que apoyamos y a su sexualidad.
  • Comprender la importancia de ser capaz de reflexionar sobre tus propias actitudes y prácticas.
  • Comprender que toda persona es un ser sexual y que tanto la sexualidad como la discapacidad intelectual se dan de forma natural.
  • Definir las diez habilidades de la simpatía y la importancia de las amistades.
  • Explicar las tres habilidades básicas que las personas a las que apoyamos deben tener antes de embarcarse en cualquier programa de educación sexual.
  • Explicar la finalidad de la educación sexual y algunos de los mitos asociados.
  • Comprender la forma más eficaz de apoyar y aplicar un plan de estudios de educación sexual.
  • Comprender cómo apoyar la sexualidad de las personas con discapacidades más importantes y saber cuándo y cómo intervenir.
  • Comprender y explicar la importancia de unas buenas políticas.

Module Length: 150 Minutes







Sexuality and Relationships - Spanish Version

Sexualidad y relaciones

About this module:

Este módulo está escrito por Dave Hingsburger, autor y conferenciante aclamado internacionalmente, y también incluye una serie de cortometrajes. Dave utiliza un estilo conversacional fresco y ligero para introducir a los alumnos en la sexualidad y las relaciones.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones de Dave Hingsburger y Gary Kent.

Al finalizar con éxito este módulo, serás capaz de:

  • Explicar cómo se ha negado, castigado, oprimido y abusado de la sexualidad de las personas a las que apoyamos a lo largo de la historia.

  • Explicar algunos de los estereotipos más comunes que se asocian a las personas a las que apoyamos y a su sexualidad.
  • Comprender la importancia de ser capaz de reflexionar sobre tus propias actitudes y prácticas.
  • Comprender que toda persona es un ser sexual y que tanto la sexualidad como la discapacidad intelectual se dan de forma natural.
  • Definir las diez habilidades de la simpatía y la importancia de las amistades.
  • Explicar las tres habilidades básicas que las personas a las que apoyamos deben tener antes de embarcarse en cualquier programa de educación sexual.
  • Explicar la finalidad de la educación sexual y algunos de los mitos asociados.
  • Comprender la forma más eficaz de apoyar y aplicar un plan de estudios de educación sexual.
  • Comprender cómo apoyar la sexualidad de las personas con discapacidades más importantes y saber cuándo y cómo intervenir.
  • Comprender y explicar la importancia de unas buenas políticas.

Module Length: 150 Minutes

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Supported Decision Making - Spanish Version

Toma de decisiones asistida

About this module:

Las personas a las que apoyas pueden y deben tomar decisiones. Este módulo te ayudará a aprender cómo.

La relación que tienes con las personas a las que apoyas es íntima. Con el tiempo, desarrollan la confianza, el respeto y la comprensión. Este módulo te ayudará a comprender cómo puedes ayudar a las personas a reclamar su voz para que puedan expresar sus opiniones y tomar sus decisiones.

Este módulo fue escrito y contiene presentaciones de Michael Kendrick, Malia Carlotto y Bob Fleischner.

Al completar con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Comprender las diferentes formas en que las personas toman decisiones.

  • Describir la toma de decisiones asistida y cómo funciona.
  • Explicar el apoyo que las personas necesitarán para tomar sus propias decisiones.

Module Length: 95 Minutes







Supported Decision Making - Spanish Version

Toma de decisiones asistida

About this module:

Las personas a las que apoyas pueden y deben tomar decisiones. Este módulo te ayudará a aprender cómo.

La relación que tienes con las personas a las que apoyas es íntima. Con el tiempo, desarrollan la confianza, el respeto y la comprensión. Este módulo te ayudará a comprender cómo puedes ayudar a las personas a reclamar su voz para que puedan expresar sus opiniones y tomar sus decisiones.

Este módulo fue escrito y contiene presentaciones de Michael Kendrick, Malia Carlotto y Bob Fleischner.

Al completar con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Comprender las diferentes formas en que las personas toman decisiones.

  • Describir la toma de decisiones asistida y cómo funciona.
  • Explicar el apoyo que las personas necesitarán para tomar sus propias decisiones.

Module Length: 95 Minutes

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Supported Decision-Making

About this module:

The people you support can and should make decisions. This module will help you to learn how.

The relationship you have with the people you support is an intimate one. Over time you develop trust, respect and understanding. This module will help you to understand how you can support people to claim their voice so they can express their opinions, and make their choices.

This module includes video presentations from Michael Kendrick, Malia Carlotto, and Bob Fleischner.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand the different ways that people make decisions.

  • Describe supported decision-making and how it works.
  • Explain the support people will need to make their own decisions.

Module Length: 95 Minutes







Supported Decision-Making

About this module:

The people you support can and should make decisions. This module will help you to learn how.

The relationship you have with the people you support is an intimate one. Over time you develop trust, respect and understanding. This module will help you to understand how you can support people to claim their voice so they can express their opinions, and make their choices.

This module includes video presentations from Michael Kendrick, Malia Carlotto, and Bob Fleischner.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand the different ways that people make decisions.

  • Describe supported decision-making and how it works.
  • Explain the support people will need to make their own decisions.

Module Length: 95 Minutes

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Supporting and Understanding Communication

About this module:

Communication is the most complex human skill. It is the way we understand the world, express ourselves as individuals, make choices, develop relationships, build trust and control our lives. In this module, the renowned speech and language specialist, Sue Thurman, provides a comprehensive and straightforward introduction to the subject.

This module features presentations from a range of leading professionals and self-advocates, including Dave Hingsburger, Lynda Kahn, Kathie Snow, Jack Pearpoint, Simon Haywood, Brad Goldman, Steve Dymond, and Margaret Cushen.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Define communication.

  • Describe the personal, social, and physical barriers to communication and the potential impact of these barriers.
  • Explain the importance of communication.
  • Understand the different ways people can communicate, including without words and your role in using the different forms of communication.
  • Describe in detail a wide variety of approaches that use alternative and augmentative communication.
  • Define how you can use your role to support good communication.

Module Length: 150 Minutes







Supporting and Understanding Communication

About this module:

Communication is the most complex human skill. It is the way we understand the world, express ourselves as individuals, make choices, develop relationships, build trust and control our lives. In this module, the renowned speech and language specialist, Sue Thurman, provides a comprehensive and straightforward introduction to the subject.

This module features presentations from a range of leading professionals and self-advocates, including Dave Hingsburger, Lynda Kahn, Kathie Snow, Jack Pearpoint, Simon Haywood, Brad Goldman, Steve Dymond, and Margaret Cushen.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Define communication.

  • Describe the personal, social, and physical barriers to communication and the potential impact of these barriers.
  • Explain the importance of communication.
  • Understand the different ways people can communicate, including without words and your role in using the different forms of communication.
  • Describe in detail a wide variety of approaches that use alternative and augmentative communication.
  • Define how you can use your role to support good communication.

Module Length: 150 Minutes

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Supporting and Understanding Communication - Spanish Version

Apoyo y Comprensión de la Comunicación

About this module:

La comunicación es la habilidad humana más compleja. Es el medio a través del cual entendemos el mundo, nos expresamos individualmente, tomamos decisiones, desarrollamos relaciones y fortalecemos la confianza personal y el control de nuestras vidas. En este módulo, la renombrada especialista del habla y el lenguaje, Sue Thurman, nos da una completa y sencilla introducción.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones de una variedad de destacados profesionales y autogestores, incluidos Dave Hingsburger, Lynda Kahn, Kathie Snow, Jack Pearpoint, Simon Haywood, Brad Goldman, Steve Dymond y Margaret Cushen.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Definir la comunicación.

  • Describir las barreras personales, sociales y físicas de comunicación y el impacto potencial de estas barreras.
  • Explicar la importancia de la comunicación Entender las diferentes formas en que se comunican las personas, incluso sin palabras y tu función al usar diferentes formas de comunicación.
  • Describir en detalle una amplia variedad de métodos que usan comunicación alternativa y aumentativa.
  • Definir cómo puedes usar tu rol para apoyar la buena comunicación.

Module Length: 150 Minutes







Supporting and Understanding Communication - Spanish Version

Apoyo y Comprensión de la Comunicación

About this module:

La comunicación es la habilidad humana más compleja. Es el medio a través del cual entendemos el mundo, nos expresamos individualmente, tomamos decisiones, desarrollamos relaciones y fortalecemos la confianza personal y el control de nuestras vidas. En este módulo, la renombrada especialista del habla y el lenguaje, Sue Thurman, nos da una completa y sencilla introducción.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones de una variedad de destacados profesionales y autogestores, incluidos Dave Hingsburger, Lynda Kahn, Kathie Snow, Jack Pearpoint, Simon Haywood, Brad Goldman, Steve Dymond y Margaret Cushen.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Definir la comunicación.

  • Describir las barreras personales, sociales y físicas de comunicación y el impacto potencial de estas barreras.
  • Explicar la importancia de la comunicación Entender las diferentes formas en que se comunican las personas, incluso sin palabras y tu función al usar diferentes formas de comunicación.
  • Describir en detalle una amplia variedad de métodos que usan comunicación alternativa y aumentativa.
  • Definir cómo puedes usar tu rol para apoyar la buena comunicación.

Module Length: 150 Minutes

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The NADSP Code of Ethics

About this module:

This module will introduce you to the Code of Ethics developed by the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals (NADSP) to guide you through the ethical dilemmas you face daily and encourage the highest professional ideals. You are urged to learn the code and to consider ways that these ethical statements can be incorporated into daily practice. This code is not the handbook of the profession, but rather a roadmap to assist in staying the course of securing freedom, justice, and equality for all.

This module features presentations from Beth Mount, Lynda Kahn, Dave Hingsburger, Sam Sly, Bernard Carabello, Gary Kent, Simon Duffy, Joseph Macbeth, David Hasbury and John Raffaele.


On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Use the Code of Ethics developed by the National Alliance of Direct Support Professionals to explain the purpose of the following concepts and how they refer to your role:

  • Person-centered support
  • Promoting physical and emotional well-being
  • Integrity and responsibility
  • Confidentiality
  • Respect
  • Justice, fairness and equity
  • Relationships
  • Self determination
  • Advocacy

Module Length: 110 Minutes







The NADSP Code of Ethics

About this module:

This module will introduce you to the Code of Ethics developed by the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals (NADSP) to guide you through the ethical dilemmas you face daily and encourage the highest professional ideals. You are urged to learn the code and to consider ways that these ethical statements can be incorporated into daily practice. This code is not the handbook of the profession, but rather a roadmap to assist in staying the course of securing freedom, justice, and equality for all.

This module features presentations from Beth Mount, Lynda Kahn, Dave Hingsburger, Sam Sly, Bernard Carabello, Gary Kent, Simon Duffy, Joseph Macbeth, David Hasbury and John Raffaele.


On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Use the Code of Ethics developed by the National Alliance of Direct Support Professionals to explain the purpose of the following concepts and how they refer to your role:

  • Person-centered support
  • Promoting physical and emotional well-being
  • Integrity and responsibility
  • Confidentiality
  • Respect
  • Justice, fairness and equity
  • Relationships
  • Self determination
  • Advocacy

Module Length: 110 Minutes

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The NADSP Code of Ethics - Spanish Version

El Código de Ética de la NADSP

About this module:

Este módulo te presentará el Código de Ética elaborado por la Alianza Nacional de Profesionales de Apoyo Directo (NADSP) para guiarte en los dilemas éticos a los que te enfrentas a diario y fomentar los más altos ideales profesionales. Se te insta a que aprendas el código y a que consideres las formas en que estas declaraciones éticas pueden incorporarse a la práctica diaria. Este código no es el manual de la profesión, sino una hoja de ruta que te ayudará a mantener el rumbo para garantizar la libertad, la justicia y la igualdad para todos.

This module features presentations from Beth Mount, Lynda Kahn, Dave Hingsburger, Sam Sly, Bernard Carabello, Gary Kent, Simon Duffy, Joseph Macbeth, David Hasbury and John Raffaele.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Utilizar el Código de Ética elaborado por la Alianza Nacional de Profesionales de Apoyo Directo para explicar la finalidad de los siguientes conceptos y cómo se refieren a tu función:

  • Apoyo centrado en la persona
  • Promover el bienestar físico y emocional
  • Integridad y responsabilidad
  • Confidencialidad
  • Respeto
  • Justicia, imparcialidad y equidad
  • Relaciones
  • Autodeterminación
  • Defensa

Module Length: 110 Minutes







The NADSP Code of Ethics - Spanish Version

El Código de Ética de la NADSP

About this module:

Este módulo te presentará el Código de Ética elaborado por la Alianza Nacional de Profesionales de Apoyo Directo (NADSP) para guiarte en los dilemas éticos a los que te enfrentas a diario y fomentar los más altos ideales profesionales. Se te insta a que aprendas el código y a que consideres las formas en que estas declaraciones éticas pueden incorporarse a la práctica diaria. Este código no es el manual de la profesión, sino una hoja de ruta que te ayudará a mantener el rumbo para garantizar la libertad, la justicia y la igualdad para todos.

This module features presentations from Beth Mount, Lynda Kahn, Dave Hingsburger, Sam Sly, Bernard Carabello, Gary Kent, Simon Duffy, Joseph Macbeth, David Hasbury and John Raffaele.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Utilizar el Código de Ética elaborado por la Alianza Nacional de Profesionales de Apoyo Directo para explicar la finalidad de los siguientes conceptos y cómo se refieren a tu función:

  • Apoyo centrado en la persona
  • Promover el bienestar físico y emocional
  • Integridad y responsabilidad
  • Confidencialidad
  • Respeto
  • Justicia, imparcialidad y equidad
  • Relaciones
  • Autodeterminación
  • Defensa

Module Length: 110 Minutes

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Trauma-Informed Care

About this module:

Repeated exposure to abuse, social exclusion and rejection has had a devastating effect on the people we support. Trauma affects the way brain's develop and function and leaves a lasting impression. This module will help you to understand the biology of trauma. This module will help you to be able to recognize and most importantly support and heal the trauma that people have experienced.

This module includes video presentations from Karyn Harvey and David Pitonyak.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Identify and be sensitive to the trauma that many people have experienced.

  • Describe the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Understand and support the key ingredients to healing.
  • Implement practices that support the power of positivity and the five levels of happiness.

Module Length: 90 Minutes







Trauma-Informed Care

About this module:

Repeated exposure to abuse, social exclusion and rejection has had a devastating effect on the people we support. Trauma affects the way brain's develop and function and leaves a lasting impression. This module will help you to understand the biology of trauma. This module will help you to be able to recognize and most importantly support and heal the trauma that people have experienced.

This module includes video presentations from Karyn Harvey and David Pitonyak.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Identify and be sensitive to the trauma that many people have experienced.

  • Describe the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Understand and support the key ingredients to healing.
  • Implement practices that support the power of positivity and the five levels of happiness.

Module Length: 90 Minutes

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Trauma-Informed Care - Spanish Version

Atención del trauma conocido

About this module:

La repetidas experiencias de abuso, exclusión social y rechazo han tenido un efecto devastador en la vida de las personas que apoyamos. El trauma afecta el desarrollo y la función del cerebro y deja secuelas duraderas. Este módulo te ayudará a entender la biología del trauma. Este módulo te ayudará a reconocer y sobre todo a apoyar y sanar el trauma que vivieron las personas.

Este módulo fue escrito por Karyn Harvey y tiene sus presentaciones.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Identificar los traumas que muchas personas han vivido y sensibilizarte.

  • Describir los síntomas del trastorno del estrés postraumático.
  • Entender y fomentar los elementos claves para la curación.
  • Implementar prácticas que apoyen el poder del optimismo y los cinco niveles de la felicidad.

Module Length: 90 Minutes







Trauma-Informed Care - Spanish Version

Atención del trauma conocido

About this module:

La repetidas experiencias de abuso, exclusión social y rechazo han tenido un efecto devastador en la vida de las personas que apoyamos. El trauma afecta el desarrollo y la función del cerebro y deja secuelas duraderas. Este módulo te ayudará a entender la biología del trauma. Este módulo te ayudará a reconocer y sobre todo a apoyar y sanar el trauma que vivieron las personas.

Este módulo fue escrito por Karyn Harvey y tiene sus presentaciones.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Identificar los traumas que muchas personas han vivido y sensibilizarte.

  • Describir los síntomas del trastorno del estrés postraumático.
  • Entender y fomentar los elementos claves para la curación.
  • Implementar prácticas que apoyen el poder del optimismo y los cinco niveles de la felicidad.

Module Length: 90 Minutes

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Understanding and Promoting Rights - Long Version

About this module:

This module presents a clear and matter-of-fact approach to the rights of the people we support. Beyond describing and defining rights, this module gives the user first hand knowledge and expertise on how to maintain and promote the rights of the person they support.

This module includes video presentations from Dave Hingsburger, Simon Duffy, Gary Kent, Roger Crown, Steve Dymond, Sam Sly, Doreen Kelly, Fredda Rosen, Margaret Cushen, Bernard Carabello, and Beth Mount.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Define what rights are, and understand the difference between legal and moral rights.

  • Describe the disability rights movement.
  • Describe human rights as developed by the United Nations.
  • Explain how to support the rights of the people you support, including those with multiple and profound disabilities.
  • Explain how rights interact with responsibilities, decision-making, risk, power, and control.
  • Detail how, why, and in what circumstances rights may be limited or taken away.
  • Define the different types of advocacy.
  • Describe how you can help people to advocate for themselves, and how you can advocate for them when they cannot.
  • Explain how to help people make choices.
  • Describe the benefits and role of person-centered planning.

Module Length: 210 Minutes







Understanding and Promoting Rights - Long Version

About this module:

This module presents a clear and matter-of-fact approach to the rights of the people we support. Beyond describing and defining rights, this module gives the user first hand knowledge and expertise on how to maintain and promote the rights of the person they support.

This module includes video presentations from Dave Hingsburger, Simon Duffy, Gary Kent, Roger Crown, Steve Dymond, Sam Sly, Doreen Kelly, Fredda Rosen, Margaret Cushen, Bernard Carabello, and Beth Mount.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Define what rights are, and understand the difference between legal and moral rights.

  • Describe the disability rights movement.
  • Describe human rights as developed by the United Nations.
  • Explain how to support the rights of the people you support, including those with multiple and profound disabilities.
  • Explain how rights interact with responsibilities, decision-making, risk, power, and control.
  • Detail how, why, and in what circumstances rights may be limited or taken away.
  • Define the different types of advocacy.
  • Describe how you can help people to advocate for themselves, and how you can advocate for them when they cannot.
  • Explain how to help people make choices.
  • Describe the benefits and role of person-centered planning.

Module Length: 210 Minutes

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Understanding and Promoting Rights - Long Version - Spanish Version

Comprensión y Promoción de los Derechos

About this module:

Este módulo presenta un enfoque claro y práctico sobre los derechos de las personas que apoyamos. Además de describir y definir los derechos, este módulo brinda al usuario conocimiento de primera mano y experiencia sobre cómo conservar y promover los derechos de las personas que apoyan.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones en video de Dave Hingsburger, Simon Duffy, Gary Kent, Roger Crown, Steve Dymond, Sam Sly, Doreen Kelly, Fredda Rosen, Margaret Cushen, Bernard Carabello y Beth Mount.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Definir qué son los derechos y entender la diferencia entre los derechos legales y morales.

  • Describir el movimiento por los derechos de las personas con discapacidad.
  • Describir los derechos humanos desarrollados por las Naciones Unidas.
  • Explicar cómo apoyar los derechos de las personas que asistes, incluyendo aquellos con discapacidades múltiples y profundas.
  • Explicar cómo interactúan los derechos con las responsabilidades, la toma de decisiones, el riesgo, el poder y el control.
  • Detallar cómo, por qué y en qué circunstancias los derechos pueden ser limitados o retirados.
  • Definir los diferentes tipos de defensa.
  • Describir cómo puedes ayudar a las personas a abogar por sí mismas y cómo puedes abogar por ellas cuando no pueden hacerlo.
  • Explicar cómo ayudar a las personas a tomar decisiones.
  • Describir los beneficios y el papel de la planificación centrada en la persona.

Module Length: 210 Minutes







Understanding and Promoting Rights - Long Version - Spanish Version

Comprensión y Promoción de los Derechos

About this module:

Este módulo presenta un enfoque claro y práctico sobre los derechos de las personas que apoyamos. Además de describir y definir los derechos, este módulo brinda al usuario conocimiento de primera mano y experiencia sobre cómo conservar y promover los derechos de las personas que apoyan.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones en video de Dave Hingsburger, Simon Duffy, Gary Kent, Roger Crown, Steve Dymond, Sam Sly, Doreen Kelly, Fredda Rosen, Margaret Cushen, Bernard Carabello y Beth Mount.

Una vez que hayas finalizado con éxito este módulo, podrás:

  • Definir qué son los derechos y entender la diferencia entre los derechos legales y morales.

  • Describir el movimiento por los derechos de las personas con discapacidad.
  • Describir los derechos humanos desarrollados por las Naciones Unidas.
  • Explicar cómo apoyar los derechos de las personas que asistes, incluyendo aquellos con discapacidades múltiples y profundas.
  • Explicar cómo interactúan los derechos con las responsabilidades, la toma de decisiones, el riesgo, el poder y el control.
  • Detallar cómo, por qué y en qué circunstancias los derechos pueden ser limitados o retirados.
  • Definir los diferentes tipos de defensa.
  • Describir cómo puedes ayudar a las personas a abogar por sí mismas y cómo puedes abogar por ellas cuando no pueden hacerlo.
  • Explicar cómo ayudar a las personas a tomar decisiones.
  • Describir los beneficios y el papel de la planificación centrada en la persona.

Module Length: 210 Minutes

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Understanding and Promoting Rights - Short Version

About this module:

This module presents a clear and matter-of-fact approach to the rights of the people we support. Beyond describing and defining rights, this module gives the user first hand knowledge and expertise on how to maintain and promote the rights of the person they support.

This module includes video presentations from Dave Hingsburger, Simon Duffy, Gary Kent, and Margaret Cushen.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Define what rights are and understand the different types of rights.

  • Detail how, why, and in what circumstances rights may be limited or taken away.
  • Explain how rights interact with responsibilities, decision-making, risk, power, and control.
  • Explain how to support, promote and help people advocate for their rights.

Module Length: 100 Minutes







Understanding and Promoting Rights - Short Version

About this module:

This module presents a clear and matter-of-fact approach to the rights of the people we support. Beyond describing and defining rights, this module gives the user first hand knowledge and expertise on how to maintain and promote the rights of the person they support.

This module includes video presentations from Dave Hingsburger, Simon Duffy, Gary Kent, and Margaret Cushen.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Define what rights are and understand the different types of rights.

  • Detail how, why, and in what circumstances rights may be limited or taken away.
  • Explain how rights interact with responsibilities, decision-making, risk, power, and control.
  • Explain how to support, promote and help people advocate for their rights.

Module Length: 100 Minutes

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Valued Social Roles

About this module:

This module is written by Marc Tumeinski from the Social Role Valorization (SRV) Implementation project. Marc uses his intimate knowledge of SRV to help support professionals to reflect on both the barriers to the "Good Things of Life" and how valued social roles may help the people we support to have greater access to these good things.

This module includes video presentations from Marc Tumeinski, Gary Kent, Beth Mount, Steve Dymond, Jack Pearpoint, and Simon Duffy.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe related elements of social devaluation: negative perception followed by negative treatment.

  • Describe a shared practice of human service involving vision, attitudes, skills and actions.
  • Understand and articulate a shared practice for supporting the people you support.
  • Describe the "good things in life" and valued social roles with examples, and also explain how they are linked.
  • Describe devalued roles as wounds, how these occur, and what the consequences of these wounds may be.
  • Understand and articulate skills and attitudes which support our vision including: stepping into the shoes of the people you support, serving one person at a time, and holding high, positive expectations for the people you support and for ourselves.
  • Describe how rejection, distancing, and communication can be potential barriers to applying this vision.
  • Explain how you can be a better listener.
  • Explain how person-centered planning can help to raise possibilities and expectations.
  • Understand the importance of, and how to enhance image and competency, and how to avoid the associated challenges that may include life wasting, lost opportunities, and society's own perception.

Module Length: 150 Minutes







Valued Social Roles

About this module:

This module is written by Marc Tumeinski from the Social Role Valorization (SRV) Implementation project. Marc uses his intimate knowledge of SRV to help support professionals to reflect on both the barriers to the "Good Things of Life" and how valued social roles may help the people we support to have greater access to these good things.

This module includes video presentations from Marc Tumeinski, Gary Kent, Beth Mount, Steve Dymond, Jack Pearpoint, and Simon Duffy.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe related elements of social devaluation: negative perception followed by negative treatment.

  • Describe a shared practice of human service involving vision, attitudes, skills and actions.
  • Understand and articulate a shared practice for supporting the people you support.
  • Describe the "good things in life" and valued social roles with examples, and also explain how they are linked.
  • Describe devalued roles as wounds, how these occur, and what the consequences of these wounds may be.
  • Understand and articulate skills and attitudes which support our vision including: stepping into the shoes of the people you support, serving one person at a time, and holding high, positive expectations for the people you support and for ourselves.
  • Describe how rejection, distancing, and communication can be potential barriers to applying this vision.
  • Explain how you can be a better listener.
  • Explain how person-centered planning can help to raise possibilities and expectations.
  • Understand the importance of, and how to enhance image and competency, and how to avoid the associated challenges that may include life wasting, lost opportunities, and society's own perception.

Module Length: 150 Minutes

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Valued Social Roles - Spanish Version

Roles sociales valorados

About this module:

Este módulo está escrito por Marc Tumeinski, del proyecto de Implementación de la Valorización de los Roles Sociales (VRS, o SRV por sus siglas en inglés). Marc utiliza su profundo conocimiento de la VRS para ayudar a los profesionales de apoyo a reflexionar tanto sobre las barreras a las "Cosas buenas de la vida" como acerca de cómo los roles sociales valorados pueden ayudar a las personas a las que apoyamos a tener un mayor acceso a estas cosas buenas.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones en video de Marc Tumeinski, Gary Kent, Beth Mount, Steve Dymond, Jack Pearpoint y Simon Duffy.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Describir los elementos relacionados con la devaluación social: percepción negativa seguida de trato negativo.

  • Describir una práctica compartida de servicio humano que implique visión, actitudes, habilidades y acciones.
  • Comprender y articular una práctica compartida que permita a las personas a las que apoyas tener un mayor acceso a las "cosas buenas de la vida".
  • Describir las "cosas buenas de la vida" y los roles sociales valorados asociados con ejemplos, y explicar también cómo están relacionados.
  • Describir los roles devaluados como heridas, cómo se producen y cuáles pueden ser sus consecuencias.
  • Comprender y articular habilidades y actitudes que apoyen nuestra visión, entre ellas: ponerse en el lugar de las personas a las que apoyas, servir a una persona cada vez, mantener altas expectativas positivas para las personas a las que apoyas y para nosotros mismos.
  • Describir cómo el rechazo, el distanciamiento y la comunicación pueden ser barreras potenciales para aplicar esta visión.
  • Explicar cómo puedes ser mejor oyente.
  • Explicar cómo la planificación centrada en la persona puede ayudar a aumentar las posibilidades y las expectativas.
  • Comprender la importancia y la forma de mejorar la imagen y la competencia, y cómo evitar los retos asociados que pueden incluir el desperdicio de vidas, la pérdida de oportunidades y la propia percepción de la sociedad.

Module Length: 150 Minutes







Valued Social Roles - Spanish Version

Roles sociales valorados

About this module:

Este módulo está escrito por Marc Tumeinski, del proyecto de Implementación de la Valorización de los Roles Sociales (VRS, o SRV por sus siglas en inglés). Marc utiliza su profundo conocimiento de la VRS para ayudar a los profesionales de apoyo a reflexionar tanto sobre las barreras a las "Cosas buenas de la vida" como acerca de cómo los roles sociales valorados pueden ayudar a las personas a las que apoyamos a tener un mayor acceso a estas cosas buenas.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones en video de Marc Tumeinski, Gary Kent, Beth Mount, Steve Dymond, Jack Pearpoint y Simon Duffy.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Describir los elementos relacionados con la devaluación social: percepción negativa seguida de trato negativo.

  • Describir una práctica compartida de servicio humano que implique visión, actitudes, habilidades y acciones.
  • Comprender y articular una práctica compartida que permita a las personas a las que apoyas tener un mayor acceso a las "cosas buenas de la vida".
  • Describir las "cosas buenas de la vida" y los roles sociales valorados asociados con ejemplos, y explicar también cómo están relacionados.
  • Describir los roles devaluados como heridas, cómo se producen y cuáles pueden ser sus consecuencias.
  • Comprender y articular habilidades y actitudes que apoyen nuestra visión, entre ellas: ponerse en el lugar de las personas a las que apoyas, servir a una persona cada vez, mantener altas expectativas positivas para las personas a las que apoyas y para nosotros mismos.
  • Describir cómo el rechazo, el distanciamiento y la comunicación pueden ser barreras potenciales para aplicar esta visión.
  • Explicar cómo puedes ser mejor oyente.
  • Explicar cómo la planificación centrada en la persona puede ayudar a aumentar las posibilidades y las expectativas.
  • Comprender la importancia y la forma de mejorar la imagen y la competencia, y cómo evitar los retos asociados que pueden incluir el desperdicio de vidas, la pérdida de oportunidades y la propia percepción de la sociedad.

Module Length: 150 Minutes

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We Work Together

About this module:

Written by the great John Raffaele, this module uses 12 wonderful short films to tell 12 memorable stories.

By completing this module, you will learn how to conduct and collaborate with informal and formal assessments and how you can be a bigger and better part of your organization.

This module features presentations from a range of leading professionals and self-advocates, including John Raffaele, Joseph Macbeth, Simon Duffy, and Peter Leidy.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand how you can conduct and collaborate with both informal and formal assessment practices.

  • Explain how assessments can be used to respond to the needs, desires, and interests of the people you support.
  • Describe how to translate assessment findings and most effectively put them into action.
  • Understand how you can contribute and participate on many different levels within your organization.
  • Discuss the mission and practices of the organization that employs you.

Module Length: 90 Minutes







We Work Together

About this module:

Written by the great John Raffaele, this module uses 12 wonderful short films to tell 12 memorable stories.

By completing this module, you will learn how to conduct and collaborate with informal and formal assessments and how you can be a bigger and better part of your organization.

This module features presentations from a range of leading professionals and self-advocates, including John Raffaele, Joseph Macbeth, Simon Duffy, and Peter Leidy.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand how you can conduct and collaborate with both informal and formal assessment practices.

  • Explain how assessments can be used to respond to the needs, desires, and interests of the people you support.
  • Describe how to translate assessment findings and most effectively put them into action.
  • Understand how you can contribute and participate on many different levels within your organization.
  • Discuss the mission and practices of the organization that employs you.

Module Length: 90 Minutes

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We Work Together - Spanish Version

Trabajamos juntos

About this module:

Escrito por el gran John Raffaele, este módulo utiliza 12 maravillosos cortometrajes para contar 12 historias memorables. Al completar este módulo, aprenderás a realizar evaluaciones informales y formales y a colaborar con ellas, y cómo puedes ser una parte mayor y mejor de tu organización.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones de una serie de destacados profesionales y autodefensores, como John Raffaele, Joseph Macbeth, Simon Duffy y Peter Leidy.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Comprender cómo puedes realizar y colaborar con prácticas de evaluación formales e informales.

  • Explicar cómo se pueden utilizar las evaluaciones para responder a las necesidades, deseos e intereses de las personas a las que apoyas.
  • Describir cómo traducir los hallazgos de la evaluación y ponerlos en práctica de la manera más efectiva.
  • Comprender cómo puedes contribuir y participar en muchos niveles diferentes dentro de tu organización.
  • Hablar sobre la misión y las prácticas de la organización para la que trabajas.

Module Length: 90 Minutes







We Work Together - Spanish Version

Trabajamos juntos

About this module:

Escrito por el gran John Raffaele, este módulo utiliza 12 maravillosos cortometrajes para contar 12 historias memorables. Al completar este módulo, aprenderás a realizar evaluaciones informales y formales y a colaborar con ellas, y cómo puedes ser una parte mayor y mejor de tu organización.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones de una serie de destacados profesionales y autodefensores, como John Raffaele, Joseph Macbeth, Simon Duffy y Peter Leidy.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Comprender cómo puedes realizar y colaborar con prácticas de evaluación formales e informales.

  • Explicar cómo se pueden utilizar las evaluaciones para responder a las necesidades, deseos e intereses de las personas a las que apoyas.
  • Describir cómo traducir los hallazgos de la evaluación y ponerlos en práctica de la manera más efectiva.
  • Comprender cómo puedes contribuir y participar en muchos niveles diferentes dentro de tu organización.
  • Hablar sobre la misión y las prácticas de la organización para la que trabajas.

Module Length: 90 Minutes

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Working on the Inside

About this module:

In this module, Kate Fulton explores how we can move beyond fancy paperwork and checklists. Through her extensive work with people and families Kate has developed an intimate understanding of the qualities, skills and attitudes that build personal resilience, compassion and capacity. Users will learn about the importance of being present, intentions, beliefs, being positive, seeing possibility, and understanding the impact of their role.

This module features presentations from a range of leading professionals and self-advocates, including Kate Fulton, Gary Kent, Kathie Snow, Marc Tumeinski, and Beth Mount.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe how to be present in the relationships you have with the people and families you support.

  • Understand your intentions and explore the intentions of the people you support.
  • Explain how your beliefs shape what you see, how you behave, and the outcomes and quality of experiences.
  • Define the benefits and appropriate application of a positive approach.
  • Understand how to help people challenge what is possible.
  • Describe the impact of your role.

Module Length: 98 Minutes







Working on the Inside

About this module:

In this module, Kate Fulton explores how we can move beyond fancy paperwork and checklists. Through her extensive work with people and families Kate has developed an intimate understanding of the qualities, skills and attitudes that build personal resilience, compassion and capacity. Users will learn about the importance of being present, intentions, beliefs, being positive, seeing possibility, and understanding the impact of their role.

This module features presentations from a range of leading professionals and self-advocates, including Kate Fulton, Gary Kent, Kathie Snow, Marc Tumeinski, and Beth Mount.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe how to be present in the relationships you have with the people and families you support.

  • Understand your intentions and explore the intentions of the people you support.
  • Explain how your beliefs shape what you see, how you behave, and the outcomes and quality of experiences.
  • Define the benefits and appropriate application of a positive approach.
  • Understand how to help people challenge what is possible.
  • Describe the impact of your role.

Module Length: 98 Minutes

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Working on the Inside - Spanish Version

Trabajar en el interior

About this module:

En este módulo, Kate Fulton explora cómo podemos ir más allá del papeleo y las listas de control. A través de su extenso trabajo con personas y familias, Kate ha desarrollado un profundo conocimiento de las cualidades, habilidades y actitudes que fomentan la resiliencia, la compasión y la capacidad personales. Los usuarios aprenderán sobre la importancia de estar presentes, las intenciones, las creencias, ser positivos, ver posibilidades y comprender el impacto de su papel.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones de una serie de destacados profesionales y autodefensores, como Kate Fulton, Gary Kent, Kathie Snow, Marc Tumeinski y Beth Mount.

Al finalizar con éxito este módulo, serás capaz de:

  • Describir cómo estar presente en las relaciones que mantienes con las personas y familias a las que apoyas.

  • Comprender tus intenciones y explorar las intenciones de las personas a las que apoyas.
  • Explicar cómo tus creencias conforman lo que ves, cómo te comportas y los resultados y la calidad de las experiencias.
  • Definir los beneficios y la aplicación adecuada de un enfoque positivo.
  • Comprender cómo ayudar a las personas a desafiar lo que es posible.
  • Describir el impacto de tu función.

Module Length: 98 Minutes







Working on the Inside - Spanish Version

Trabajar en el interior

About this module:

En este módulo, Kate Fulton explora cómo podemos ir más allá del papeleo y las listas de control. A través de su extenso trabajo con personas y familias, Kate ha desarrollado un profundo conocimiento de las cualidades, habilidades y actitudes que fomentan la resiliencia, la compasión y la capacidad personales. Los usuarios aprenderán sobre la importancia de estar presentes, las intenciones, las creencias, ser positivos, ver posibilidades y comprender el impacto de su papel.

Este módulo incluye presentaciones de una serie de destacados profesionales y autodefensores, como Kate Fulton, Gary Kent, Kathie Snow, Marc Tumeinski y Beth Mount.

Al finalizar con éxito este módulo, serás capaz de:

  • Describir cómo estar presente en las relaciones que mantienes con las personas y familias a las que apoyas.

  • Comprender tus intenciones y explorar las intenciones de las personas a las que apoyas.
  • Explicar cómo tus creencias conforman lo que ves, cómo te comportas y los resultados y la calidad de las experiencias.
  • Definir los beneficios y la aplicación adecuada de un enfoque positivo.
  • Comprender cómo ayudar a las personas a desafiar lo que es posible.
  • Describir el impacto de tu función.

Module Length: 98 Minutes

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Mini Learning MODULES

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Side by Side Modules

Side by Side Modules have been created so that the people who receive support and the people who provide support can learn together.

Click the 'View All' button below to review the entire list of Side by Side modules available.

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Audio Learning MODULES

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