Dementia Strategies

Welcome to our latest module “Dementia Strategies!”

Dementia causes people to lose skills and abilities they once had.  What people are not losing, however, are their feelings and emotions.  So let’s think about how we can make this part of people’s life enjoyable and stress free.  This module is packed full of easy to use and practical strategies that will help you be able to better support people with dementia.

This module features presentations from Diane Kerr and scenario-based excerpts provided by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

– Respond to the reality of the person with dementia with a calm and reassuring approach.

– Understand the benefits of and know how to best support the development of the individual’s life story.

– Describe how to most effectively communicate with someone who has dementia.

– Apply a wide range of practical strategies that will support the environment of a person with dementia.

This new module offers a presentation of practical and easy to apply approaches. Watch the trailer below or learn more here.



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